Play Time

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I began slowly ripping off Ben's nails one by one "this little piggy interrupted someone and this little piggy didn't want to repent, while this little piggy pissed his pants" I chuckled deviously before pouring salt water on the open flesh of his fingers. Ben flinched in pain before slowly opening his eyes. I didn't notice he was awake until he started screaming his head off, "p-please.." he sobbed while pissing himself once more "p-p-please" I laughed mockingly before grabbing him by the hair and shuddering at his expression, "ahh yes that's the look I was hoping for, now tell me Benny will you repent?" "repent for what you psychopath!" he spat in my face making me chuckle, my blood boiled but not because of his actions, but because of what I planned to do next "OK" I grabbed a hatchet "you know I was going to go easy on you Benny, because I like you but you won't cooperate with pains my heart deeply," tears began to form in my eyes "Kill him!" "Kill for me" "I know I know" responded to the voices. Bringing the machete above my head I brought it down with swiftness right on to Ben pointer finger, cutting it clean off. Ben screamed and wailed to the point of passing out 'we can't have that' I thought to myself while grabbing a syringe filled with adrenaline and stabbing Ben with it. Ben instantly woke up and looked around with a frighten look on his face, I turned and chuckled lightly at his reaction "you think this is funny, you monster!?" I stopped chuckling and turned to face him he jumped when he locked eyes with me, 'monster? hm...' I thought while scratching my head with the handle of the machete " hey is a monster related to not being normal?" I questioned while sitting in front of him criss-cross styled, he looked at me with fear and disgust "does this have something to do with what you said in class? d-does that mean you actually killed those people!!?" I laughed and rolled on the ground but didn't answer him, he knew the answer I know he did just like I knew he was slowly slipping out of the rope but I didn't care. "Hey Benny answer me" "h-how am I supposed to do that?" "well you called me a monster...what's a monster?" "a monster...a monster well you know" "no I don't know that's why I'm asking," I stared Ben in the eyes while slowly standing up and walking to the stairs "think about it, why don't you?" I said while slowly walking up the stairs. Before I could open the door of the basement I could hear Ben struggling to undo the rope, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before leaving the basement, the voices screamed and hissed at me but I ignored them, he couldn't die before I got my answer. I slid down the basement door and put the hood of my sweat jacket over my head and listened to my surroundings. My phone went off and I saw a 20 message from Lucia, my best friend 

"Hey I got in to a fight with my parents, could I stay at your place for the weekend"


"Deyah? are you there?" 

I pinched the bridge of my nose and replied immediately.

"Sure, this weekend? ...No problem but my parents will be out of town, for doctor stuff," 

I waited silently for her reply "Ok" was all I got, I looked at my dead parents sitting on the sofa and got up, 'guess I better clean this up' I thought before dragging one of the bodies to the bathroom. The body was heavy but it was falling apart in pieces and leaving a trail of dark red goop and maggots, the smell was horrendous but it didn't bother me it was something you get used to after a few days. They needed to pay for what they did to me, for w-what they...did 'what did they do?' my mind went blank at the question and I was left in a daze, I looked down at the corpse that was in my arms and gagged before letting the corpse go. The corpse hit the floor with a harsh thud and I began vomiting violently. After vomiting  I got up, trudged to my room and passed out on my bedroom floor. A few hours later I woke up to my alarm blaring and my head pounding, I looked at my phone and saw the time and groaned before picking my body up off of the wooden floor and walking toward the bathroom. When I got to the bathroom I looked into the mirror and groaned again before grabbing my toothbrush and turning on the hot water, I began brushing my teeth but stopped when I heard a thud from downstairs, I heard two more thuds before I decided to go check it out. When I reached the end of the hallway I looked at my father who was on the floor practically in pieces and I sighed before listening to where the thuds were coming from 'Ben!' I gasped before chuckling and walking to the basement door. "Oh Benny!" I called from behind the door, before opening the door " oh what a champ," I said to Ben who was on the third stair from the bottom, I began walking down the stairs towards Ben who was starting to cry. "sh sh sh don't cry" I whispered while bending down to wipe his tears away " I know you want to go home but I can't let you," he rejected my finger and turned away from me "still angry I see," I chuckled lightly before dragging him back down the stairs and tossing him back to the middle of the basement. "mm" Ben screamed and I took the cloth out of his mouth "please please let me go I swear I won't tell anyone what happened here I swear," "Did you find an answer?" "a-answer? for..." I sighed in disappointment before grabbing the chains from the corners of the basement "PLEASE! I beg you just let me go-" I stuffed the cloth back in his mouth and started chaining him to a pipe "you've really disappointed me Ben, I assumed you had an answer that's why you where on the stairs but you didn't, I guess I'll have to finish yo-" my phone rang and I looked at the caller ID before answering it, "Deyah! where are you?"  Lucia screamed "I'm still getting ready I'll be there in 20 minutes max," "20 minutes! no you should get here now...we're getting a new student!" she squealed in excitement "mmmm mmm" Ben started screaming but was silenced by my foot in his chest "what was that sound?" Lucia asked "Oh it's just a bug...hold on for one second," I muted myself before landing a few more blows on Ben. Ben laid still while coughing violently "Ok I'm back," I panted while walking up the stairs and out of the basement door. "well, I'll see you at school," Lucia choked out awkwardly before hanging up the phone. I looked at the corpses and sighed once more before grabbing my keys from the hook and walking out the door. 

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