001. prettier than pain

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The cool breeze had collided with Juliette's soft complexion. She had been walking down the crowded pavement sidewalks throughout the evening hours, hoping to get some things done.

Despite living with her brother in a shared apartment, they had both agreed to meet each other at the office, Juliette explaining how she needed to make a few stops along the way. One of which being a coffee one. Mostly for the long night that was rapidly approaching.

The young woman entered a small cafe, ordered her drinks, and set off once again. Now with two piping hot drinks in her grasp. The faint buzz of her phone in her pocket had diverted her attention, making her grab it and answer the person calling her.

"Hey Han." Juliette spoke into her phone as she answered her good friend.

"Hi Jules. So I heard that you and Silas were setting up shop today, and I thought that maybe I could help you guys out on a case.. sounds pretty interesting." Hannah said, cutting straight to the point.

Juliette agreed, being intrigued by Hannah's initial words.

"A woman, our age, found in her apartment alongside her dead coworker. They found a bloodied knife in her hand when they arrived. Seems pretty apparent that she did it but they said she was in a state of shock and denial when they took her in." She continued, explaining all the information that she had received.

"You never know, maybe she really is innocent." Juliette concluded.

"Thank you Hannah, Silas and I will look into it. I have no idea what I would do without you." The brunette breathed, determined to find out what really happened to the woman.

"No prob, darling, really." Hannah responded, ending the discussion once and for all.

By the time that Juliette had gotten off the phone, she had been standing at the doorstep of a large building, dreading the long flight of stairs she would have to walk up just to see Silas. But she got there nonetheless.

Once she she was on their floor, she walked up to the entrance, reveling in the familiar creek it made. She was met with the sight of Silas sitting at his desk seeming more concentrated than normal.

Juliette wondered towards his already open door, knocking on it anyways.

"I brought coffee and a case." Juliette vocalized softly with a welcoming smile.

Silas peered up from his work, his eyes lighting up like that of a child's on Christmas morning.

"Did I hear the word case? As in we have a case?" He repeated hopefully.

"We do indeed, my dearest brother. Courtesy of Hannah." Juliette confirmed to him, gesturing to follow her, to which he did.

As they exited the space and locked up, Juliette handed Silas his order.

"I'd love to tell you here but we gotta get there as fast as we can." She added onto her previous statement.

Quickly appearing outside, Juliette waved over a taxi in the busy streets, letting Silas get in first. After they had both been comfortably seated, Juliette started her incredulous rant of what they would be dealing with.

Soon enough they pulled up to the police department that the woman was being held. They swiftly threw their empty containers into a nearby trash, striding into the facility. Juliette led the way through the doors, smoothing down her pencil skirt to try and look more presentable.

"How can I help you two?" The young receptionist spoke.

"We're here to consult with our client. Karen Page I believe." Juliette answered with a professional smile.

"Ah yes, right here. Let me get some officers to escort you." The blonde replied sweetly.

She had walked away for only a moment, returning with two officers and a case file including all that they would need to know about Miss Page, which Juliette had handed to Silas to look over.

The two followed the men down the hall and to a seemingly already occupied interrogation room. They left the twins in the hallway. Juliette had heard only a few words from the two neatly dressed men inside.

All eyes in the room shifted to the Sterling siblings as they walked in.

"Well, that's not entirely true." Juliette interrupted what the brown haired man had been saying. Something about how they were Karen's lawyers.

"Un-cuff her and give us the room please." Matt had spoke to the detective. He simply nodded and did as he asked, having no idea what the fuck was going on.

"We know what happened tonight. But we also know that you didn't do this." Silas began, placing the file down onto the cold metal table. Karen simply looked up at him with teary red eyes. She didn't know who to believe, although Silas's inviting green eyes seemed to calm her nerves.

"I'm Silas Sterling, and this my sister Juliette Sterling." He announced, looking over to Matt and Foggy for their additional introductions.

"My name is Matt Murdock and this is my associate Foggy Nelson ." Matt replied, feeling Juliette's gaze on him.

"How do you know about anything." Karen asked a question of her own.

"We have friends in high places." Juliette stated.

"And we know the company that you work for. They're a shady bunch." Silas completed Juliette's thought.

"We're able to help if you'd be willing to let us, Miss Page." Silas admitted to the young woman.

"Yeah, uh sure. If you guys can get me out of this then I'm all for it." The petite woman complied to their offer with a shaky voice.

Knowing her final decision, Matt and Foggy stood up to leave. Up until Juliette placed her hand on Matt's chest, beckoning him not too.

"No, please stay." She kindly pleaded, to which the two partners listened.

Their conversations went on. Silas learned more about her job, how things were ran there, and even some of her doubts about recent business plans. It turns out that they may have been dealing with risky money. All of which spiked Silas's and Juliette's interests. As well as Matt's and Foggy's while they listened on the sidelines.

"I don't have any money." She concluded, hoping that they wouldn't be turned away by that.

"Oh that's quite alright. We're well off enough to do this for you.. free of charge." Juliette said reassuringly, making herself a part of the conversation once more as she stood against the wall by Matt and Foggy.

"Well if we're done here then I would like to go back home." Her voice sounded like she was practically begging.

"I'm so sorry, but we can't let you do that. It's too dangerous to go back to a place in that condition." Silas spoke sadly, telling her the full and honest truth.

"You can stay with us. I'll let you take my room." Juliette provided to her.

Silas simply looked at her like she had lost her mind. Open mouthed and wide eyed. Knowing all to well that their couch was anything but comfortable

"I can always get a hotel room." She simply shrugged it off.

That's when Foggy blurted out his next words.

"You can stay with Matt."

Hearing his sudden offer, Matt elbowed Foggy in the ribs.

"What? She's really pretty and i'm just trying to help you out as a friend." Foggy said, making a small smile run along Juliette's red stained lips.

"Don't mind him.. but of course, you can stay with me for as long as you'd like."

Without another thought in her mind, Juliette agreed. After all, Matthew Murdock was a good looking man. It wouldn't be hard to stay with him at all.

"So it's settled. Now we can all be on our merry way." Foggy interrupted the two's thoughts regarding each other.

It was going to be a long night.

They all filtered out of the room one by one. Silas had said goodbye to Juliette, but before he went, she had managed to whisper something in his ear.

"Don't do anything with her while I'm gone. I saw the way you looked at her, and I know that you think she's pretty, even like this." Juliette said, making Silas role his eyes in a playful way. Although he ultimately agreed.

"Don't get me started on you and Matt. I can feel the sexual tension from here." Silas laughed, throwing a witty remark right back at her. This made her stick out her tongue as she walked away.

"Love ya, you dork!" She yelled back as a final goodbye for the next few days.

"Don't forget that I'm older than you!" Silas shouted in response, hearing her faint giggles as her figure got smaller and smaller.

Juliette was able to meet up with Matt outside, ready for him to lead the way back to his humble abode. He had mentioned that it was supposedly only a few blocks away. Walking distance. However, the rain didn't make the trip any less annoying.

Once they finally entered his loft of a building, Juliette was pleasantly surprised. It was nice, especially for a man who couldn't see.

She looked down at her now see through white shirt and drenched skirt.

"Would you maybe have a shirt that I could borrow?" Juliette asked him.

"Yeah, let me go get you one." Matt answered leaving for a minute to go retrieve her one.

She had walked up to the large window illuminated by one of the biggest screens she had ever seen. She found it calming, like nothing else.

"Can I ask something?" Juliette wondered out loud.

"How did I become blind?" Matt guessed.

"How did you become a lawyer?" She corrected him with a small laugh.

"Well, it was just a dream that Foggy and I had. Doing it together for the right reason. And as for the blind part, I wasn't always like this." He revealed to her as he walked out of his open bedroom to hand her the dry button down shirt.

She swiftly put it on, letting it replace her own discarded clothes.

"So then how did it happen?" Juliette had asked, genuinely curious of his answer.

"Car accident. Some things got easier, and some got harder. Like combing my hair."

She walked towards him where he had resided in the kitchen. He stood still, feeling her body warmth. Juliette reached up, on her tiptoes, and ran her gentle hands through his hair.

To his dismay, he loved her touch. The way that she brought a sort of life into him after so long of seeming gray.

She removed her hands, walking over to the couch and sitting down.

"By the feel of it, you're doing a great job Mister Murdock." She countered. Her remark making him lightly chuckle.

That night they spent hours talking and laughing. Just getting to know each other. And despite her pleas to sleep on the couch, he had managed to get her in his bed by the end of the night. 

𝑨𝒖𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒚 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒔 !

First chapter whoop whoop! So basically I hate this sm. I did not write Julie the way that I wanted to and I just hate everything about this, but please do let me know what you guys think! And spoiler, they did not *ahem* sleep with each other- anyways, here it is for you all <3 and because LOTUSLANDS said she would spam the shit outta this..

( 𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗻𝗼𝗳𝗳 𝗴𝗶𝗳 𝗯𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝗺𝗮𝘇𝗶𝗻𝗴 dorkiest_nerd )

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