What Did You Say? // Draco Malfoy

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Here is a little Draco Malfoy imagine! I hope you enjoy!
Words: 671
Title: "What Did You Say?"
Characters: Draco Malfoy and reader.


Being a Gryffindor, you really shouldn't have felt the way you did about a Slytherin. You knew it. But you couldn't help it. Every time you thought you could handle not thinking about him, you saw him walking through the hallways or across the classroom. And your heart did a little flip and then you couldn't stop thinking about him again.
His name was Draco Malfoy.
You knew he didn't like Gryffindors, but still it didn't matter. Not to your confused brain.
It was on a day that you felt your mind go particularly fuzzy, that it happened. The entire day had been going badly. You arrived late to Potions (of which, you received a detention with Snape) and then you tripped twice, over your own feet.

You were in the library, desperately scanning books to try and find a way to study before your next Charms class. It was possibly your worst subject, next to Herbology.
When you turned around, you found yourself juggling the book you had been holding. And then it was on the floor and you were cursing under your breath.
The person who had appeared next to you?
Draco Malfoy.

You could almost feel his smirk as you moved to grab the book. Luckily, it had stayed on the correct page so you breathed a sigh of relief. The one good thing that had happened to you that day.
"What did you need?" You ask the boy in front of you.
He raised an eyebrow. "What do I need? A book. That's why I'm in the library."
Your cheeks start to become warm and you laugh nervously. "Uh, yeah. That's... that's obvious."
"Yeah, it is." Draco moved away and picked through the books until he found the one he needed.

"Transfiguration?" You hummed.
Draco glanced at you and then at the book you were holding. "Charms?"
"Yeah." You paused. "I'm good at Transfiguration. Do you need any help?"
He stopped to calculate you and your expertise in Transfiguration. After a few moments, he shrugged and lead you to a seat.
"How good are you?" Draco asked. "At Transfiguration?"
You tucked hair behind one of your ears. "I'm alright. I guess."

He leaned forward and you found yourself staring into his eyes, and getting lost. Your mind went fuzzy and you felt yourself slip into "dreamland" and then something slipped out of your mouth. For a moment, you had no idea what had happened and then you came to the realization and panic threatened to sweep you off your feet.
"What did you say?" Draco drew away and arched his eyebrows.
You feel your mouth open and close, like a fish. Words don't seem to be capable of coming out of your mouth and the prospect of explaining it seemed impossible.

"Hello?" Draco waved a hand in front of your face. "Are you alright? You look ill."
You shake yourself back to reality and force yourself to at least attempt to explain. "I'm okay. I just- I'll... Okay, so I know I shouldn't feel this way and I know you probably don't feel the same way about me... But I really like you and I admire your strength... you know, mentally, and I think you're a pretty decent guy and I-"

Draco's mouth almost hits the floor and his eyes are so wide that you think they might pop out of his head. "What are you talking about?"
"I'm trying to say that I... that I love you." You mumble.
"You think that's what you said when you went all weird?" Draco laughs. "Oh, wow. You said something about Animagus or something like that. I think you said, 'Becoming an Animagus is very difficult to get right.' I have no idea what's going on in your head."

And the day keeps getting worse.
Now, you're certain that your face has gone a vibrant red.
"I'm so sorry." You wave your hands in panic. "Forget I said anything."
"No, it's alright." Draco grins. "I want to know what in the world goes on in your mind."
You feel a tiny smile start to form. "I wouldn't mind that."
"What did you say?"
"Nothing at all."


Thanks for reading!
It's not my greatest piece but oh well!
I hope you liked it. Please vote and follow :)
Nat x

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