"Annddd... Let the game begin!!"

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The children were having the time of their lives, they just had returned from Hogsmeade.

"Wanna do something else?" asked Lucy her head rested against Victoire's shoulder. Louis groaned.

"Do you...erm... maybe wanna play Quidditch?" asked Fred who was lying on top of George.

"Sure!" exclaimed the children

Around an hour later the pitch had been made, even including a small stand for the announcers and the audience. Harry and Ron ran to get their broomsticks, the rest had to conjure some rather low quality broomsticks, but broomsticks nonetheless despite the whining and cursing.

"Okay, Okay!" Harry shouted over the chaos making everyone go quiet. He held a large, leather box which was squirming slightly over his grasp.

"Teams!" Lorcan, Lysander, George and Fred shouted earning a glare from Rose

"Yeah, teams..." muttered Harry, "Who wants to be the team captains?!" he added, almost all hands rose, but then finally Harry chose James and Dominique. Soon the teams, had been made

Team #1

Dominique- Captain/ Chaser

Ginny- Chaser

Lily- Chaser

Eleanor- Seeker

Fred- Beater

Lorcan- Beater

Rose- Keeper

Team #2

James- Captain/ Chaser

George- Beater

Lysander- Beater

Ron- Keeper

Harry- Seeker

Roxanne- Chaser

Fred II- Chaser

Louis and Molly were the announcers. Victoire and Teddy decided to stay back this time. While, the others were busy cheering for the players from the stands.

Once all the players were up in the air, Charlie blew the whistle while, Fleur released the balls.

"Annddd... Let the game begin!!"

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