"I can't! I have three fucking boys on top of me!"

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Everyone's heads whipped toward the hallway. Fred, George and Ginny froze in mid-leap. Sirius took out his wand and peered in the hallway. Arthur, Bill and Remus following suit.

 There was a moment of silence. Then-

"Scorpius, get off me!"

"It's not my fault Hugo's sitting on my elbow!"

"Albus, you're sitting on me."

"I thought you'd enjoy that!"

"That's my girlfriend!"

"I'm not your girlfriend!"


"Sorry Rose- I can't move because of Teddy..." 

"Well, I don't want to move further back into Hugo!"

"God! That sounded so wrong!"

"Hugo! Move so Al can get up!"

"I can't Molly's trapped my legs."

The people watching from the kitchen were too stunned to even speak.

"You move Ellie!"

"I can't! I have three fucking boys on top of me!"

"Guys, please move. I-I'm dying!" emerged a new voice from the pile.

"No one, cares James!" chorused the pile.

"Rose, what do you eat for breakfast? Cocreate and bricks!"



"Why did you have to hit me there out of all places! Do you not want Eleanor to have kids?!"


"I'm not having your kids!"

"It's the only place, I could reach!"

"Rose lets not get too violent."

"Guys, we have an audience!"

The quarreling stopped as all the heads poked up from the pile.

"Who are you, and how did you get here?!" demanded Sirius.

"I can explain, if you get these idiots off me!" the girl with auburn hair said, Rose.

"We can't move Rose!" the pile snapped.

"I think I'm free!" a timid voice said. Lily pulled herself out of the pile, collapsing it, making everyone free.

 Eleanor's head yanked back violently within seconds James was behind her massaging her head and neck.

After a lot of cursing and cries of pain everyone stood up, looking at the group in the kitchen with looks of confusion and apprehension.

There was a few moments of silence, the groups eyeing each other. Until Rose said brightly, "Hello!"

"Who are you, and how did you get here?!" demanded Bill his wand pointed directly at the group of teenagers."

It's a long story..." sighed the Harry-replica, Albus.

"No, it's not! It's all James' fault!" snapped Lily shrilly.

"No! It is not!" said the James-replica, glaring at his friends and cousins, "Why is everything my fault! Fred was on it too!" he shouted.

You should not have been tearing around the house in the first place!" a beautiful boy with blonde hair said, Louis.

"Shut up!" the girl who looked most mature of them all shouted, Victoire. They stopped glaring at each other.

 "Are you death-eaters?" asked Remus loudly.

"Seriously, are you that daft, if we were death eaters, why would we quarrel." a short girl with red hair said annoyed, Molly.

"Who are you then?" asked Arthur.

"Uh-"the boy with blue hair began, he then turned to Eleanor so, did the others.

"This is going to be hard to explain..."

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