Mister Afton?!

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Chapter Three: Mister Afton?!

Third Person PoV

SpringTrap was in a chair in his office-that was also an animatronics repair room-while Ersa still slept on the table with the blanket still around her, clinging to it slightly. SpringTrap had a wrench in hand as a toolbox was next to him as he worked on his arm.

Mal suddenly appeared next to the rotting bunny making him sigh. "What do you want Mal?" SpringTrap asked him, though stressed of the idea another possessed animatronic in the pizzeria. "So I talked to the new girl," SpringTrap broke the wrench he had in half at that, "If you did anything you shouldn't-" "Woah woah woah!" Mal said cutting SpringTrap off as he waved his hands in front of himself.

"All I did was explain the wounds of her spirit form, introduced myself and also showed my spirit form before we talked about random things as I then left to let her dream. I didn't traumatize her Afton!" Mal told the dead murderer, SpringTrap only gave Mal a side glance as he grabbed a spare wrench from the toolbox next to him that was the same size of the previous one he broke, "Given your injuries of your spirit form, I highly doubt that Mal." SpringTrap shot at him, going back to work on his arm.

"Not my fault my dad did that to make sure I was dead." Mal mumbled as he crossed his arms over his chest while bringing his SpringBonnie plush out again in his arms.

SpringTrap sighed as he relaxed his shoulders at the anomaly glitch, "Sorry kid, I'm just stressed at all this." SpringTrap told him, rubbed his eyelids. "Yeah, as I heard of how and why she was Springlocked. What the hell kind of guy kills an ex just because they dumped them for being a horrible boyfriend?" Mal asked incrediusly, his plush falling in his lap as he waved his arms around.

"Some sick bastard who should be ether in a mental asylum or burning in hell." SpringTrap said as he put down his wrench and grabbed a .22 meter head size socket wrench. "Oh don't act like you should be burning in hell Afton."

SpringTrap growled as he looked up seeing the sick man who kept himself, the other animatronics including the nightmares in the horror attraction for years since they were found. It was a strange thing that he still had a job as he did for Fazbear Entertainment to people who knew his secrets.

He had raven black hair that was styled in a combover, dark brown eyes people often mistaken as black from how dark they were, tan skin and wore a clean black suit with a white undershirt, a silver wrist watch, pristine black dress shoes which how clean he is attire is made him a sore thumb in the horror attraction despite his height being six feet tall.

"Not as much as you should Henderson." SpringTrap growled as he put his socket wrench away and closed the open panel in his arm, standing up to take a protective stance near Ersa's sleeping form. But the man was already near her and inspecting her.

"What a beautiful woman, only eyesore really is that replica of her burn scar for an animatronic to look like herself." The man said as he caressed the side of Ersa's animatronic faceplate. Which caused her systems to give a power on noise as she shot her eyes open at the sudden touch.

Ersa gave a startled scream as she fell off the table, which SpringTrap caught her to prevent her springlocks from going off again and helped her stand on her feet as she hid behind SpringTrap, though still being a little wobbly on her legs trying to adjust to the new body of the spirit possession still.

"Ah Miss Romare, it's a pleasure to meet you. Ryder has told me so much about you." Henderson said, a grin reaching his face. If Ersa was still alive her heart would've stopped at the mention of her ex, the same one who killed her. And the idea that this man knew him, made Ersa terrified.

SpringTrap growled as he kept an arm between Ersa and Henderson. Ersa was easily hidden by SpringTrap's form which towered over her new body. "Surprising your choosing to hide behind a murderer, who killed sixteen kids and six adults Miss Romare." Henderson said, a fake hurt tone in his voice.

Ersa looked up at SpringTrap who looked ashamed at the idea of her knowing he was murderer, "But you do have to accept the fact your now dead, surrounded by possessed animatronics and now an attraction to this horror attraction." Henderson said as his grin grew more, Ersa didn't want to hear anymore, it was all to much to process for her.

Suddenly everything was silent making her grip SpringTrap in worry which gained his attention from Henderson to the woman, "I-I can't hear anything, w-what's going on?" Ersa asked, unable to even hear herself. "I suggest you and the other's help her adjust Afton, Au revoir!"(Goodbye) Henderson said making SpringTrap look at him with growl coming from his voice box as the man left the room to leave the pizzeria.

SpringTrap looked at Mal who stared off where Henderson once was, his eyes giving a purple glow to them as he clutched his SpringBonnie plush in his arms. "Mal help her sit down." SpringTrap told the yellow and purple bunny, who nodded and began to do so.

SpringTrap grabbed a white board and dry erase marker as he squatted down in front of Ersa, writing down on one side of the white board. Mal gained Ersa's attention when SpringTrap showed the white board to her which read "Do you remember what you did before your hearing turned off?" it read making the woman slightly confused, as he began to write on the otherside a bit.

"I-I remember not wanting to hear anymore of what he was saying and I suddenly stopped being able to hear." Ersa explained to him, making SpringTrap sigh as he muttered an 'of course' while showing her the otherside of the whiteboard.

"Try to think of hearing everything again." It read making her confused but do so nonetheless if it meant helping her hear again. She heard a sudden sharp static noise making her jump as she looked around before looking back at SpringTrap, "Can you hear now?" He asked, and Ersa nodded, "Y-Yeah, yeah I can." She mumbled, pulling her knees to her chest, cringing slightly of the pain from her springlocks.

SpringTrap sighed as he put away the whiteboard and dry erase marker then sat next to her on the floor, Mal disappearing away to give the two space. "Are you, actually a murderer?" Ersa asked him quietly, as if hesitant to ask him. SpringTrap sighed again at that as he closed his eyes, "Knew you were going to ask that," He muttered as he ran his hand through the two bunny ears on his head.

"I'll try to explain it as I can to help you understand but also keep it short and make sure you don't get overwhelmed of information." He told her as he looked away, seeing Ersa slowly nod at the corner of his right eye. "I'm another dimension of your universes William Afton, and the one thing we all have in common is that I killed kids and stuffed most of them into animatronic suits which their spirits possessed." He began to explain, Ersa's eyes widening in horror as he did so but she stayed silent to let him explain.

"I mainly killed kids because I couldn't get a hold of the truth my two younger, Christopher and Elizabeth were killed. Chris was killed by having his frontal lobe bit off by an animatronic called FredBear when my eldest Micheal went to far on a prank, while Elizabeth went to close to a defaulty animatronic I made for her when I told her not to, the animatronic Circus Baby killed her and then my Ex-wife died in a car crash after she found out I killed kids after our youngest two death's and I tried to save her by having her soul possess Ballora." SpringTrap continued to explain, pulling his left knee to his chest and letting his right hand rest against his right leg, closing his eyes as the memories hit him.

"Almost every time I tried to accept the truth they were dead I snapped and killed a kid by using an old SpringBonnie suit to help me be hidden from witnesses," he continued, his body shaking in the memories that hit him. "Seven kids of the sixteen I killed managed to chase me into this faulty and old springlock suit," SpringTrap said as he motioned to his person, "as I was trying to help free their souls to help them move on while my son Micheal went to free his sister and mother's own souls. And the springlocks failed and killed me and a slow and painful death like yours." He explained, his right hand balling into a fist as the memories and ghost pains continued to hit him.

"I know they got their revenge by killing me, but I still want to help them move on to the afterlife as a way to make it up to them but it's hard when I'm like this! A rotting corpse inside a broken down and rusting springlock suit." SpringTrap said, his face contouring into a snarl as his fist was tight if he was still human it would be white.

Ersa looked at him as he explained, before,being careful of her own springlocks, rested her hand on his that was balled up against leg. SpringTrap shot his eyes open as they had a purple swirl and glow in them as he saw Ersa's hand holding his then looked at her, though it was hard of her current control of her faceplate movement she had, the dead man could tell she was pitying him and held sincerity to him.

Ersa took a breath before she spoke, "At the least you hold your regrets for what you did to them all, and want to help them move on, not many killers are like that." Ersa began, holding his hand in between the two of her own. "But that shows you want to make it up to them and regret your actions from your grief." Ersa continued before looking back up at SpringTrap as she locked her brown eyes with his still glowing purple one's. "And I appreciate your trying your best to do so." She admitted, trying and successfully moving her faceplates to smile softly at him despite the pain it caused her from the springlocks.

SpringTrap was silent as his eyes began to loose their purple in them as he looked at Ersa, he felt his anger and frustration at himself disappear entirely. He blinked his eyes as his eyes returned to their black sclara and colors with glowing white pupils and smiled back at Ersa, greatfull to hear her words.

He then sighed as he blinked and stood up on his feet, "I think it's time, for you to be properly introduced to the others here." He announced, looking back at Ersa as she stared up at him and held his right hand out to her. Ersa nodded slowly, "O-Okay." She said as she took SpringTrap's hand in her's and the dead man helped her to her feet again with ease, but still making sure she was steady on her feet.


Chapter Three: Mister Afton?!

A/N: Ik this background of SpringTrap/Mister Afton doesn't entirely match up to Fazbear's Fright RP, but it's a fanfic it's whatever at this point hoes especially since Ersa is possessing an animatronic in this

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