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The first chapter!
Gore and strong language coming up! Hiro is sixteen... just wanted to let you know.

'The Virus has spread over half of the globe, and we have not yet discovered a cure. We must take extreme measures and be very careful. We also do not know what will happen if one is fully infected. The government advises you to wear the masks you have been provided when going out, which you shouldn't be doing, and know the symptoms of the virus, which include: red eyes and uncontrollable coughing. And last, always carry a knife with you. If you see an Infected, kill it immediately and dispose of the body. And school is not postponed.'

"What is this bullshit," your dad mumbled, sipping his mug of black coffee. You stared at him as he placed the mug on your kitchen table, preparing for his speech. "There's a fucking deadly disease called Virus spreading all around the globe and all they give us are these stupid masks," he spat, gesturing angrily towards the white mask some police have handed out a few days ago. He laughed mockingly, " 'And school is not postponed'. What do they think kids are? Immortal?"

You swirled Cheerios around in the milk with your spoon, not feeling cheery at all. "Maybe they want us to learn things to prepare us...?" You quietly suggested, trying not to get on your dad's bad side, though he already is on his bad side. He's been like this since he learned about the deadly virus, and kept saying foul words with each chance he could.

Your dad scoffed, rolled his eyes, and sipped from his coffee again. "Yeah right."

The digital clock on the peach-colored walls showed that it was Saturday, 10:59 A.M, which meant it was time to leave for your extra classes at a school called 'San Fransokyo Institute of Technology' or 'S.F.I.T' for short. You see, you weren't normal: you were smarter than kids your age, but not smart enough to skip a grade or two. Who could possibly do that?

Standing up and pushing away your bowl of soggy cereal, you grabbed your nearby pocket knife and bent down to shove it in your right/left boot (depending on what hand you use to write). You fixed your heavy book-filled backpack on your shoulders and headed for the door. You pulled out the white mask from the pocket of your black hoodie and placed it on your mouth, tying it securely behind your head.

"Bye dad," you said as you opened the door with a set of keys, voice muffled. Your dad, his eyes focused on the T.V, merely grunted and set his coffee mug down.

"Good fucking bye."

You stared at him then walked out, shutting the door behind you.


You quietly rode through the sidewalk on your bicycle, heading to the institute while observing the city around you. Everyone had bags of food in their hands and was walking slightly faster, wearing expressions of panic. Though most of their faces were covered by the masks, you could see it in their eyes. Some of the buildings had their windows and doors boarded up, clearly preparing for the danger that was about to come.

The streets were deserted from cars. A long way away, lots of them had been abandoned or had stopped working. Even the tram stopped working. Passing by an alleyway, you saw a herd of people, noisily drinking away their problems. You shook your head sadly.

After a few more turns, you finally reached the institute's building. Many students were still roaming around, wearing the same masks. You parked your bike beside the building and got off, removing your (f/c) helmet to hang it on the handles. You searched through your backpack for the lock and tied your bike at the locks, along with the others.

Pulling your ponytail tighter, you breathed out through your nose and went up the steps to find your professor, Professor Ray, or P. Ray. Each time you went here, you always saw him wandering around or joking with other students, even though there was a huge crisis going on, never being in his respective room, and that's why you did not know where his room was. But it was still fun to have him as a teacher.

Everyone around was taller than you by a foot, and that made it harder for you to spot him. You stood on your toes and did a 360 degree turn, yet you still couldn't find him. Planting your feet back on the ground, you sighed in defeat.

Someone tapped your shoulder.

You spun around and saw a skinny boy with fluffy black hair and chocolate-brown eyes that were slightly squinted, meaning he was smiling under the mask. He was also wearing beige cargo pants, a green shirt, and a blue hoodie.

"Hi, I haven't seen you here before and...are you lost?" The guy who looked like he was your age asked. You reckoned that he was just here for extra lessons like you, but you noticed that he was wearing an S.F.I.T sweater.

Deciding to ask him about that later, you shook your head. "No. Actually, I'm looking for Professor Ray...for my extra classes..." You stood on your toes then looked around once more, and once again, you did not see him. You faced the guy, "Have you seen him anywhere?"

"Oh, P. Ray?" He said, and you nodded eagerly. "I haven't seem him around-" your shoulders slumped. "-he never left his room."

Your eyes brightened. Maybe he could take you to his room, since he knew P. Ray and all.

As if he read your mind, he asked, "Want me to take you there?"

You nodded and smiled, though he couldn't see it. "That would be great." You reached out your hand for him to shake and said, "I'm (y/n) (l/n), by the way."

The guy looked shocked for a split of a second, then slapped his forehead a few times before shaking your hand. "Oops. Sorry, forgot. I'm Hiro Hamada."

That name seemed familiar. "Nice to meet you, Hiro."

"C'mon," Hiro said, flicking his head towards somewhere, then took off, with you following behind him. It was hard to catch up: he moved so fast and the other students were blocking your way. You remembered about Hiro's sweater, and planned to ask him to slow him down a bit.

"Uh, Hiro?" You called out to your new friend, who was a few feet away from you.

Hiro stopped in his tracks and turned around to face you. "Yeah?"

You took this opportunity to walk as close as you can without being too weird, then pointed at his sweater, making him look down on it. "Do you take extra classes too, or...?"

He chuckled, and as he did this, your felt your cheeks sligtly turnpink. No, (y/n), you can't be falling for a guy you just met! "Actually, I go here," he told you, and resumed walking, thankfully, not as fast as before.

"You do?" You ask in disbelief as you jogged up next to him. He must be joking. "You're like, fifteen!"

"I'm sixteen. And a genius," Hiro said in a cocky manner and grinned at you, who looked the same way when he tells people that: shocked and probably bewildered. With a tad of jealousy. But you weren't feeling jealous at all; you felt shocked and amazed.

You and Hiro rounded a corner and faced a semi-dark hall with less students. You've never been here before, and, in your opinion, it looked eerie, like some place from a paranormal-themed movie. Both of you kept walking until you reached a door at the end of the hall, which must be P. Ray's room. Inside was unusually silent for a professor who was on the chatterbox side.

"Here we are," Hiro said, gesturing to the door.

You thanked him and reached out for the knob, but hesitated. You turned to Hiro, who was still standing there, watching you curiously. "Don't you think it's a bit too quiet?"

He raised an eyebrow. You stepped back and he placed his ear on the door and listened. After a few seconds, he pulled away with an unreadable expression on his face.

"You're right."

You gulped nervously, eyeing the door. "What if he's infected?" You whispered, taking tiny steps away from it. Hiro stayed rooted on his spotted shrugged. "Maybe he's asleep," he suggested, and you gave him a look

"Let's check then," he said, then reached for the knob.

"Wait," you interfered, pulling out the small knife from your boot to hand it to him. "Just in case." Hiro looked at it plainly, then turned the knob with his free hand. You let out a small gasp.

The room was dark, and the curtains were closed. Hiro glanced at you before walking inside, holding the knife shakily with two outstretched arms.

"Oi! Close the door will ye?" A voice said from Hiro side.

You and Hiro yelped; you jumped at least three feet in the air and Hiro dropped the knife.

Professor Ray, or most preferably P. Ray, stood next to Hiro, mask-less, wearing only his robes, his greying hair looking messy and certainly not looking infected with Virus. Hiro gave you a look and you glared at him.

You placed a hand on your heart, which felt like it could burst out of your chest any second. "We're sorry. We thought you were infected," you apologized, walking to Hiro's side.

Hiro bent down to pick up the dropped knife, then coughed. "Correction: she thought you were infected." You jabbed him in the side with your elbow.

P. Ray scoffed. "What's with this infected nonsense," he said, then pointed at his body. "Does this macho body look infected to you?"

"Sorry, sir," you apologized again. You then remembered the reason why you visited his room, and asked, "May we start the lessons now, professor?"

P. Ray nodded then turned around. "Just a seco-" He barely got to finish his sentence when he started coughing uncontrollably. P. Ray dropped to his knees coughed even more.

"Professor!" You and Hiro shouted at the same time, running to his side. P. Ray waved the both of you off and stood up with much difficulty, wiping his mouth with the sleeves of his robes. "I'm fine," he lied, forcing the two of you a smile before walking to the door. "I just need to go to the clinic, is all."

You both exchanged uneasy looks, but followed him out of the room and to the clinic a few doors away nonetheless. Hiro handed you back the knife. "Later, please do the honors," he whispered to you, and you had to ponder over what he said.

P. Ray burst through the double doors of the clinic, catching the nurse off-guard. "Hey-o, May-o!" He greeted nurse May then sat on one of the chairs in front of a mahogany dress. This clinic looks less-intimidating than the clinic in your school: it had maroon walls and had built-in drawers.

Nurse May was a tall and beautiful woman with red hair and green eyes, more beautiful than your pimply nurse. Her sigh was almost inaudible as she sat at the desk, looking at P. Ray. "What's the matter?"

"P. Ray kept coughing," Hiro said, recalling the events.

P. Ray opened his mouth to speak, but coughed for a few good seconds again. After the coughs subsided, he gave a shaky thumbs-up at nurse May, who was drumming her long fingers on the table.

"See what I mean?"

Nurse May nodded at Hiro, then turned her attention back to P. Ray, who looked like he was trying to stop his coughs from escaping his thin mouth. "I see."

Suddenly, P. Ray let out a loud shout in pain then crumpled to the floor. You shrieked as nurse May stood from her chair and kneeled next to P. Ray. His skin started to peel off from different places and his eyes started to drip...blood? You sidled closer to Hiro and unconsciously grabbed his hand. Nurse May slowly got up as P. Ray stopped shouting and fell to the bloody floor with a loud thump!

Nurse May sighed and just stood there, watching him. Then, P. Ray's hand shot up and grabbed nurse May's arm. She screamed as the body brought her head close and bit off a chunk off her shoulder. Blood sprayed everywhere as the corpse kept biting off chunks of flesh from nurse May.

One thing was in your head: Zombie.

Hiro took a step back and you whimpered as nurse May fell to the floor in a bloody mess. The once-P. Ray lunched on May's intestine, liver, and kidney for a few seconds before stopping: Nurse May was stirring, and blood was dripping from her closed eyes which shot open, revealing not green, but pure white with some blood stains.

7 seconds.

She, or it, pulled the mask off and sat up and immediately saw you and Hiro.

Hiro muttered an, "Oh no," then pushed you out the door. The door slammed against the wall, and the sound attracted the attention of zombie P. Ray and students outside.



Yay! 2,000+ words! I can't believe I wrote something so long ;-;
Anyways, on a scale of crap to Nutella, what do you guys think? (most of you are girls but I'm still calling you that)
More coming in the near future, whether you like it or not >:3

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