Heartaching Reveal

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"Bloom,we have received the greatest honor of all time" Hovernyan was on his knees,his paws trembled with the envelope in them.

I was so confused,early this morning,a golden envelope with a weird symbol deal appeared on my desk. I couldn't read it because it was in a strange language,so I showed it to Hovernyan. When his eyes saw it,he grabbed it shaking while doing so. Ok,what is going on?

"What is it?" I asked, scared that it contain a warning,or one of those creepy stalker letters.

"We have been summoned to talk with the King of all yo kai,his royal highness,Lord Enma" He seemed very shocked,but I was clueless with a lot of questions.

"The one who sent you to find me and have me this necklace?" I asked ,for some reason,though I only heard names,I felt like knew him

"Yes! You must have peeked his interests to want to be seen now. We must meet with him immediately!" Hovernyan straightened his cape, then dusted himself off,so his fur could be as presentable as possible for our meeting with his royal highness.

"Ok. Let me get ready. Should I wear casual or go all fancy?" I was nervous ,my first meeting with the King of all yo kai,so I want to make a really good impression

"Causal,he prefers to be treated as a friend rather then royalty. Though,please be respectful because he is still a king" Hove told me,using the mirror on my desk to ensure he looked perfect

"Alright,I'll go get ready. Try not be too lonely while I'm gone" I grabbed my fresh clothes,then journeyed to the bathroom,wondering one thing. How is the King name so familiar? What is the connection?

After I finished getting ready,I went downstairs,to my surprise,Grandma was there.

"Grandma?" I went to her, wondering why she was home so early,and why her happy grin was replaced with a solemn grin

"Bloom,sweetie,I need to tell you something. Something that you must know...." Her silent created a very ominous mood to the room.

I could see it in her eyes that this conversation would be possible hard on both of us. I was ready to listen to all she had to say,all  I hope for that it was anything but bad news.

"Bloom,you aren't my granddaughter,I took you in when Lord Enma dropped you off,he asked me to raise you. You are the adopted daughter of Lord Enma"Her words were serious and each were full of researching sorrow,it was as if my world was crumbling before me.

" W-what?! " I stood abruptly,wanting to forget what I heard,but in my heart that truth will remain

"I'm so sorry! I wanted to tell you for so long,but I feared that you wouldn't be able to take the painful truth... When he asked me to raise you,I was nervous that I wanted to say no,but seeing your cute baby face made me say yes" she tried to calm me down,so soothe my mind if the shocking reveal,but all I could feel in that moment was betrayal.

All I knew was a lie. A dirty,smelly,good for nothing lie. I never felt like this before,this are emotion of anger boiling inside. My own grandma,no a stranger backstabbing me with a concealed truth I should have known.

"Why?! Why?!! How could you hide this truth from me?! I have always been honest with you and yet you couldn't do the same?!" I used my rage to burn up any nervousness I felt ,all I cared about was getting answers,answers I deserved to know!

The women remained silent,maybe she refused to provide me answers,or she has no more words to speak.

I couldn't take it anymore,if she wouldn't give me my answers then one person could. The ruler of all yo kai,the one who wished to speak with me and Hovernyan,Lord Enma. My anger died down,I need to cook down,mainly because being angry at her would not make this any better.

"I'm going to meet with the king" I tell her,avoiding any eye contact,making my way to my room.

Hovernyan waiting for me,he heard everything,judging by his face,he also wanted answers.

"Let's go" We both headed for the yo kai world with the help of a yokai named Mirapo.

SHOCKING REVEAL!!! What will happen when more mysteries are revealed to put heroes?

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