Chapter 5: Alter Ego

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"MANISH, WATCH OUT!" I screamed, as I turned my motorcycle a little bit. I should've known that this ride was probably the one that would've catapulted me straight into both a coffin and into heaven. Sure, we were going at a slow pace, but I knew that riding on a motorcycle was still as dangerous as riding in a car with no seat belt on.

Finally, Manish made a sharp turn, and then the cycle hit the curb. Like a punch, we were knocked off of the seat, and onto the sidewalk. The warm cement hit my skin and side of my body like a swift kick, as I rolled over to see how Manish was doing. "Sunny, are you okay?" I asked, as I stood up. I dusted off all the rocks and dirt from my shirt, and took a look at Manish's arms and hands.

Surely enough, there was a large scrape on his arm, right above his elbow. "I'm fine, don't worry, Jaya," he assured. I eyed the scrape on his arm, and slightly winced because it must've started stinging when I started to dust his hands off.

I raised an eyebrow, and said, "That scrape doesn't say that. I have a first aid kit. That looks nasty." I took his elbow and tried to blow on it a little bit to relieve the possible burning that could have existed.

Manish gave me a grateful smile, and just grabbed my hands. "I'm okay. Let's get a bandaid from your house. The last thing that I need is for this to get nastier than my love life,." he exclaimed, as we walked closer to my house's gate.

I turned around, with a raised eyebrow, and said, "Aw, that means your wound's going to become really bleak? It's because you haven't dated me yet. I'm still an open option!" I wiggled my eyebrows, in a joking manner, to which Manish just gave me a slight smile.

"In that case, kiss me, Ashwini!" he shouted, with his arms spread out. He moved closer to get into the embrace, but I pushed him away a little bit. He attempted to pull me into a loose hug, and the next thing you know, I was screaming, and we fell back into the grass next to my house. Manish's arm was on my stomach, and my foot was resting on his ankle.

Giggling, we both got up, and dusted off the grass and extra dirt from our clothes. "Well, that wasn't as bad as the motorcycle ride. That was probably the most dangerous ride we have ever taken," I exclaimed, as I pushed my hair out of my face.

"That's what she said," Manish muttered under his breath, while trying to conceal a very obvious smirk. I hit him gently on the side of his arm, as a chuckle escaped his lips, and we went inside to clean up the wound that was on his elbow.

"Manish, how are you doing?" my mom asked him in Hindi, as I brought the disinfectant over to the table.

Manish gave my mom a smile, and said, "Very good, Aunty. How about you?" I dabbed some of the disinfectant on the cotton balls, and proceeded to apply it on his wound. He squeezed his eyes, from the pain of the disinfectant, but we both knew that he had been through so much worse.

"I'm doing okay, thanks for asking. How's Mom and Dad?" my mom inquired, as she brought out a bowl to pour some crackers into it.

I placed a bandaid on the wound, and he just said, "Oh, they're fine. Nothing too bad is happening. I'm just preparing to move to Seattle in a few weeks." He turned back to me quickly, thanked me, and then diverted his attention back to my mom.

I leaned in to see what my mom was going to sass me about today, and she just said, "Oh yeah. Ashwini told me about this. Are you nervous?"

Manish, without hesitating, nodded his head vigorously. "Absolutely. I don't want to leave my family and friends, and plus it's a whole new world. Seattle is very different from here. It's not going to be easy to adjust to it."

I let out a silent sigh, and just looked at the wall briefly. It's not going to be easy to adjust to life without my best friend, I thought to myself, as Manish and my mom happily chatted away.


"My only question is, how is Irfan not ripping HIS hair out when it comes to the reception? Isn't he kind of the one who's supposed to do the planning, and your parents kind of take care of a good amount of the money?" I asked Jen over the phone, as I walked to the mailbox to check the mail.

"My parents are taking care of all of that. Tunisian parents always take care of their kids' matters, so Irfan's just chilling, with his wife, trying to give my parents grandkids."

I scrunched my face up in disgust, as I turned the key in the lock. The last thing that I needed today, or ever, was the image of Irfan's intimate life ingrained into my mind. Of course, I left it up to Jen to burn that image in my mind, like someone tattooing an image on their arm or forehead. "I mean this in the nicest way possible. Kindly shut up. My mom would fry me on the tawa if she found out I was making jokes that are dirtier than Ananth's room."

I heard Jen scoff on the other end of the line, like she thought I was an amateur. "You're such an amateur. We both know that my parents wouldn't even care. They think Irfan and I are more than old enough to do so. However, if it was Hiba or Mahmood, then they'd have a different reaction."

I nodded my head. That was true. I started to take the many envelopes and magazines out of the mailbox, when suddenly, I saw a familiar mane of dark hair catch the corner of my eye. The sharp nose sitting on her arrogant face was also a dead giveaway of what was awaiting me.

"A plus. La pute est ici." (I'll talk to you later. The bitch is here.)

I could feel Jen gulp on the other end of the line, and she said, "D'accord. A plus, et bonne chance." (Okay. See you later, and good luck.) I thanked her, obviously in French, and hung up. I turned to face the raging bitch, whose eyes were nothing short of dangerous and evil.

Without another moment of hesitation, she said, "I saw you today having a little joyride with my brother. It's too bad that you'll never have those kinds of rides in the bedroom." Disgust swirled in the pits of my stomach. I was so mistaken about Jen making the majority of the dirty jokes. Because if Jen's mind is Ananth's bedroom, then Isha's is a landfill.

Without skipping another beat, I said, "My joyride lasted longer than your relationship with Karan. It's not my fault that he left you because you opened your mouth more than your legs. If your cactus nose hadn't deflated his balloon like self esteem, then he would probably, somehow, be able to still tolerate you. I don't know how. He must have a strong emotional health then."

Isha rolled her eyes at my sass, as I closed the mailbox. All she did was sneer at me, and said, "Not getting the point, Ashwini. My point is, stay the hell away from my brother. I don't need him hanging around with a dumb and awful piece of trash like you."

Her words were like hot water on a piece of glass. It didn't really change anything, or destroy anything around it. I leaned against the mailbox, in awe. I was really amazed at the fact that Isha thought that she could control Manish and I's friendship with just a few words.

I hated how she thought she could walk over her older brother like he was a piece of hardwood. I hated who she thought she was, and I knew that I had to put her in her place. "Cactus Nose, unless your name is Google, stop acting like you know everything. You walk over your brother like he's the sidewalk, just begging to be taken advantage of. If you think that you can control our friendship like that, then you are so wrong. So, go bother somebody else. I'm the last person that has the energy to deal with your bullshit right now."

Isha raised an eyebrow at me, with the anger inside of her eyes intensifying. I saw her fist clench tightly. "You have no say in my brother's life, Ashwini. I'm his little sister. I know exactly what's best for him. And I know that you're anything but good for him. So stop annoying me by being his friend."

I couldn't help but laugh to myself. Isha is seriously the most delusional person I've ever encountered. I made it Saran wrap clear that she had no say in her brother's friendships. It seems like my little speech bounced off of her thick skull and right back on the ground. "Do you have an off switch somewhere? Because you never know when to take a hint. So honestly, if you can't can it, then I will be more than happy to shove that fat mouth of yours with cotton. Go feed your shit to the sewers. They'll tolerate it a lot better. In the meantime, start letting your brother make his own decisions. It amazes Jen and I when we see how much patience Manish has for you."

I started to walk away, but then I felt Isha's witch-like hand grab my wrist. In a reflex, I twisted my hand out and grabbed hers even tighter than she grabbed mine. She, of course, looked like she was just surprised, but she just looked a little bit scared as well.

I got in a little bit closer, and said, "Don't you dare. You may stomp all over your brother, but don't try it with me." I released her wrist, and walked back to my house to drop off the mail. Isha's threats rang in my head like someone was hitting a gong really hard.

I had a gut feeling that Isha's threats were futile, but honestly, I was questioning myself at this moment. I knew how serious she was about Manish, but I didn't know how serious it could get.

When it came to Manish, she would do anything she could in order for him, in her eyes, to remain his amazing self. But, a little part inside of me knew what time it was.

It was time to prepare myself.

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