chapter 12

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Third person's POV

A few days passed, Rishab got busy in the new profession as a choreographer. Slowly he started dedicating most of his time in rehearsals. Looking at the change in Rishab, Tony felt so happy. He realised that he made a good decision by sending Rishab's dance videos to the director. Tony noticed so much change in Rishab. He didn't look depressed like before and also he stopped drinking after started working. Tony used to handle the dance institute with the help of other junior choreographers for the students. He wanted Rishab to concentrate on building his career. As he knew very well that Tony used to dream of becoming a popular choreographer in the country. He wished his best friend to achieve his dream in professional life as he didn't get happiness in his personal life. 

On the contrary, Ishita could not concentrate on her work. She was feeling restless about meeting someone. As she was already experiencing the struggle between her mind and her heart, she felt it was a new complication in her life. She doesn't understand with whom to share her feelings. She used to have two close friends, Juhi and Shravan. But after the betrayal of Sharvan, she didn't contact anyone as she lost trust in friendship.

Finally she decided to make a call to her mom. So that she could get some peace of mind talking with her.

She spoke with her mother for sometime. She felt that her mother's voice was gloomy over the call. She thought of getting peace after making the call yet she felt more restless after ending the call.


Ishita POV:

 As I was not in the right mind for a few days, I didn't talk with Manasi even though she was staying with me in the same flat. But tonight, I decided to spend some time with her as I felt it was wrong. I returned to my flat early for her thinking she might be alone. But Manasi was not at home.

I decided to prepare her favourite dishes for dinner and went to the kitchen. And finally I prepared her favourite sambhar and potato curry with papad for dinner. When I was arranging the table, I heard the doorbell. I quickly opened the door and found Manasi standing at the door. She looked so tired.

" Go and freshen up. We will have dinner together…." I informed her.

" I am not feeling hungry. Sorry. You have it  …" she replied, entering inside.

" At Least taste a little. I prepared it for you …" I pleaded. She looked at me and gave a small smile.

" Okay then. I will change my dress and join you …" saying she walked to the guest room.

Then I went to the dining room and sat on the chair, waiting for her. Just then, my phone rang. As it was my dad, I attended the call immediately, keeping it in speaker mode.

" Hi princess… How was your day? " He greeted me.

" Good…" I replied.

" Had your dinner? " He inquired.

" Supposed to start…" I answered. Just then, Manasi walked to me and sat in the next chair.

While talking, I served the food for both of us. We started having our dinner while I was talking with my dad.

" Princess …. Are you free tomorrow evening as it is the weekend? " My dad asked out of blue.

" Yeah… I am free" I replied.

" Well then. I will tell him to meet you tomorrow evening…" my dad informed me.

" Don't forget to call him after meeting him. I want to know your decision so that we can go further…." He said.

Manasi stopped eating and stared at my face. I could see disappointment and pain in her eyes.

" I will text you the location and his name. Bye princess.." he informed and ended the call.  All of a sudden, he stood up from the chair with her plate and walked to the kitchen. I felt so embarrassed. I didn't feel like eating. I left the food on the plate and walked to the kitchen. 

I found Manasi washing her hands. I stood silently beside her as I didn't know what to talk about.

" I am tired and sleepy. Good night…." She greeted me and walked to the guest room. I felt like crying as she never used to ignore me. 

After debating with myself, I walked slowly to the guest room to talk with her. I noticed she shut the door from inside.  I raised my hand to knock and it was in the air, I heard a whimpering voice from inside. I dropped my idea to talk with Maanasi, feeling it was not a good idea at this moment. I turned away to leave the place with a heavy heart controlling her emotion. 

Just then I heard Maanasi words.

" She is my sister in law, my family now. How can she marry someone and leave us? How could she do this to us?"

" I thought of finding Rishu Anna and wanted to….  " 

While talking she cried in the middle as if she was talking over the call. 

As soon as I heard words, I could not control myself. I shut my mouth with the palm so that she could not hear my cry. I quickly ran to my room and laid on the bed on my stomach. 

" How could I forget the family who loves me like my maternal family? Am I becoming such a selfish person ? " I cried.

" Why did you leave me like this Rishab? Just to escape from the punishment from all of us. You left everyone like a coward. Do you know how my state is? " I mumbled, whimpering.

Until late night, I turned and tossed in the bed thinking of the future. Then gradually I drifted into sleep. 


The next morning, I woke up a little later than usual. I came out of my room and found Maanasi was talking with the maid in the kitchen. I noticed that she had her bath and got ready in a pleated polyester olive green dress.

" Good morning, Ishu …" she greeted with a small smile.

" Good morning…" I greeted her.

" Are you going anywhere early in the morning? " I inquired, looking at her attire.

" Yeah… I am going to meet my friend. I think … I will be late tonight…" she said, handing me a cup of coffee. 

" Thanks …." I said, staring at her face and found her eyes which were swollen and slightly red.

" All the best… for your date…" she said with a small smile but happiness didn't reach her eyes. 

I nodded my head quietly. The next moment, she left the kitchen. Then I too followed her to stop her so that she could start after having breakfast. I found her taking a handbag in her hand and was supposed to go out.

" Manu … Wait for fifteen minutes. I will prepare breakfast in fifteen minutes …" I said.

" Sorry. I booked Uber and the car is waiting down. Bye…." She replied and walked out of the flat in a hurry. 

I stared at her disappearing figure and sighed sadly. Just then, I  heard the ringing sound of her song from her bedroom. I went to her room thinking who might be calling in the morning.

I found the call was from my father.

" Good morning my princess. " he greeted. 

" Attend the video call…." He informed me and ended the voice call. A few seconds later, my dad made a video call. Then I noticed mom and dad in the video call. 

" Good morning ... .mom " I greeted her.

" Are you going to the person tonight that your father said? " My mom questioned  me anxiously.

" Hmmm …. Amma. I am going to meet him this evening…" I replied.

" Is your dad forcing you to go and meet him? " Amma inquired.

" Is anyone forcing me or am I going to meet someone so that I forget Rishab's memories? " I thought to myself.

" Ishu. …. I want to know " my mom questioned in a serious tone as I was silent.

" I am going to meet him with my will. No one forced me. " I answered as I don't want my mom and my dad to argue because of me.

" So… you forget about …Rishab? " she asked me.

Just then I heard my dad yelling at my mom, " Why are you reminding him now! Don't you want my daughter to be happy? "

"  I want my daughter's happiness, that's why I was asking her. I don't want her to make a decision in haste…" She said, looking at me.

" Please ….Amma… please don't argue because of me. I want to make decisions for myself this time. Please …" I pleaded.

" Ishu…. Whatever your decision is, we will support you. But don't make a decision that you regret later … " my mom said.

" Ishu… if you don't like the person whom you are going to meet that will be okay. Remember, I love you so much and  I will never force you to do such things which make you sad,  " dad said.

I nodded my head with a small smile.

" Okay then, I need to talk with your dad , bye…" Amma said and disconnected the video call.

Hi readers

I know... it's been two months I wrote update. Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Let me know your opinion by voting and posting comments on this chapter.

In the next chapter, Ishu and Rishab are going to face each other. What do you think of Ishita's reaction on seeing Rishab??

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