Chapter 16

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Rishab PoV

As soon as I heard about Maanasi's incident, I was terrified. I wanted to reach the hospital as early as possible. I ran out hurriedly and rode my bike to the location which Tony shared with me. 

All the way to the hospital, I prayed to God to save Maanu. And once I entered the hospital, I ran to the help desk as I was so scared. I found a woman doing her work at the reception. I inquired about the details of the patient named, Maanasi. The person sitting over the place checked for a few minutes.

" May I know who you are to the patient? " She asked, looking at my face.

" I am her brother, Rishab. Please tell me, where is she? " I requested as I was worried like hell.

" Sir… I think she was taken to the operation theatre. You can know her condition if you go to the fourth floor …" she replied. 

I rushed towards the stairs as I was so anxious that I could not wait for the elevator. By the time I reached the fourth floor, my whole body was covered with sweat due to fear and anxiety. I looked around for Tony but I could not find him. Then I noticed a nurse at the nurse station on the floor. I walked there and asked her, " I am Maanasi's brother. How is her condition?"

" She is in operation theatre. Please wait…" she replied.

" Why was she taken to the operation theatre? Is her condition serious?" I asked the nurse.

" Don't panic. Her head injury is not so deep but her right arm was broken in the accident. So the doctor was doing surgery to her right arm." She explained.

As soon as I came to know Maanu was out of danger, I took a small breath. Just then, I found Tony coming in my direction. I noticed half of his shirt was covered with blood.

Taking a long strides, I held both his arms tightly. 

" Where did you go! Huh? Why did you leave my sister alone? Can't you stay here until I come to this place? " I shouted.

" Rish… I didn't leave her. As there was heavy blood loss in the accident. I went to meet a person on the second floor to arrange a blood donor for Maanu. It's an emergency…" he replied gloomily.

Looking at his expression, I sensed something was wrong. 

" What happened! " I asked, gripping his arms tighter.

" As AB negative is a rare group, it takes time…" he replied.

" That means …. I came at the right time. I am having a blood group, AB negative. Let's go ...." I said.

" Thank God…." He mumbled. Both of us walked to the nurse station and informed her the same.

" Before donating the blood, there will be few medical tests for the safety of the patient. So you need to follow…" the nurse informed me. And I immediately agreed with her as I don't want anything to happen to Maanu.

" Stay with her, I will go alone. Someone should be in this place for an emergency" I informed Tony. Then I went to the pathology department to give my blood sample for the medical tests. 


I waited outside patiently after giving my blood sample for the test results. Nearly after twenty minutes the lab helper informed me, " Your blood sample is suitable. Be ready to donate blood…."

Immediately, I went to the fourth floor to inform Tony the same. But When I reached there, I found Ishita and Preetham standing beside Tony from some distance.

" Rishab…." Preetham called my name as he sensed my presence. Instantly, Ishita turned to my direction and was glaring at me. 

Then I realised my mistake of not informing her about Maanasi's condition. In the meanwhile, she came to me with a serious expression and slapped hard on my face. 

" What kind of a person, you are…? " She shouted at me. I could see fire in her eyes. 

" Ishita…."

Calling her name Tony came to us. 

 " Why did you slap him? Already he was so worried about Maanu…" Tony intervened.

She glared at him and then again looked at me as if she was trying to burn with the fire through her eyes. 

" I have never seen such a person like you…." Yelling, she slapped me again.

" Ishita …calm down… what is going on here? " This time Preetham interfered.

" He knew what he did…." She said in a serious tone.

" What do you mean? " Preetham asked her.

" We were in the same restaurant when he got a call but he didn't inform about her condition. Doesn't he have the common sense to inform me about Maanasi's condition…" she replied, looking at me.

" Calm….down… Ishita. You used to not like this during college days. What happened to you? " Preetham questioned her.

Just then, a nurse came to us and called my name , " Mr. Rishab…"

" Please ...come with me to donate blood for the patient …" she informed me. I followed the nurse quietly as I  could show my face to Ishita. I felt ashamed as it was my mistake for not informing her about Maanu even though she was with me. 

Ishita POV

By the time I ran out of the restaurant I could not find him. But I sensed that something was definitely wrong as I noticed his facial expression after talking over the call.

When I was looking around, I found Mr. Rohit came to me.

" Yeah… Why did you leave from there all of a sudden? " He questioned me. 

" Is everything fine! " He added.

As I was already anxious, I didn't know what to answer. 

" I remembered some work which I need to do urgently. I need to go…" I lied and walked away from him. I didn't mind what he would think of me as I had no interest in me. 

When I was exiting the restaurant I thought to make a call to Maanasi and wanted to confirm how she is and where she is. 

After a long ring, I heard a male voice instead of her voice. As soon as I realised it was not Maanasi, I felt so worried. Before I could question who the person was, he called my name.

" Ishita…  it's me…Tony…."

" Maanasi… met with an accident and was admitted to the hospital. Please come fast…" he informed me in a cracked tone.  For a few seconds, my mind became numb.

Then I recollected Maanasi words, " she is my sister in law. How could she be ready to marry someone? " 

As her words were ringing in my mind, I ran to my car while tears were rolling over my cheeks. I quickly got in the car and ignited the engine. When I was reversing my car, I found Preetham blocking my way.

Slowly he walked to my side and spoke, " Is everything alright? Do you need any help? " 

As I knew about Preetham's nature, I don't want to tell lies to him. 

" My friend met with an accident. I am going there…" I told him.

" Okay…. I will come with you then. I cannot allow you to drive by yourself in this state…" saying he opened the door on the driver side. I nodded my head and quietly got down the car. 

" But ...please ... .try to drive as quickly as possible .." I pleaded.  He agreed to me by nodding his head then both of us started in the car to the hospital.


Once we reached the hospital , I went to the fourth floor and found Tony standing near the nurse station.

" How is Maanasi? " I inquired, running in his direction.

" She is in operation theatre…" he replied in a weak tone. Whereas Preetham was looking at us suspiciously.

" Do you know each other? " He asked, looking at me and Tony. Tony remained silent whereas I don't have a proper answer.

Before I gave him a reply, Preetham asked me another question, " It means … you also knew Rishab…huh?" 

" Maanasi …is …Rishab's sister…" Tony answered.

" That means … you knew Rishab as he is your friend's brother. Now… I understand why he left the restaurant hurriedly after getting a call ...." Preetham spoke.

" By the way, where is he? " He questioned Tony. I looked at Tony for the answer. Just then, I found Rishab coming towards us. 

As I found him in front of my eyes, my anger was out of control. I am very aware of the fact that we have many issues to be settled. But it doesn't mean he could not inform me about the Maanasi accident that too when he got a call in front of me.

This time, I lost my patience with what he had done. My anger reached its peaks and went to him. I yelled at me and slapped him very hard against his face. 

Until Preetham and Tony intervened, I forgot that I was in the hospital. In the meanwhile, the nurse took Rishab with her as he needed to donate blood for Maanasi.


When we were waiting in the lobby of the hospital, the doctor came out of the OT. Tony and I went to the doctor to know about her condition.

" The patient is out of danger. " he informed us.

"She had seven stitches in her arm due to the fracture. And due to blood loss, she might be conscious by tomorrow evening …" he added.

The heaviness in my heart somehow reduced with the doctor's information. But I had many questions running through my mind. Then I noticed Tony leaning his head back on the wall in a sitting position. I found almost his shirt was covered with blood.

I wanted to know when the accident happened and where they both met…

Just then….my mobile rang…. I took it out from my handbag to know who it might be. I was shocked to see Abhi Uncle calling me. I noticed the time is 11pm.

With trembling hands, I attended the call. 

" Yeah … Ishu dear… I and Aunty are at your apartment building. Will you come to the main entrance? " Abhi Uncle said.

I was shocked to know about it 

" Uncle …what are you talking about? You and Aunty are here and that too at this time? " I asked him to confirm his words.

" Yeah… Actually …. We wanted to surprise Maanasi on her birthday. So I made a call to you instead of her…." He said. I could sense excitement in his voice. But I did not know how to tell him about Maanasi's accident.

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