Chapter 22

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Rishab POV

I stood up from the chair as soon as I noticed Tony's presence. I thought he would be back around 9 in the morning. Then I looked for mom and Ishita. 

In the meanwhile, he came to me and asked, " How is Maanasi's condition? "

" Still we are waiting for her to awake…" I replied. Just then, Dad opened his eyes and noticed us.

" I dropped them safely…." Tony informed dad.

" You might have taken some rest instead of coming to the hospital. I and Rishab are here to take care…" dad said, looking at Tony.

" I know. But I could not get sleep thinking of Maanasi' s incident ...." Tony replied.

" Hmmm…. I can understand as you witnessed the accident. And also you are the one who admitted her to the hospital…" I said as I knew about him.

He nodded his head silently.

" Thanks for saving my princess. I owe you for my lifetime…" my dad said, holding Tony's both hands.

" It's my responsibility, Uncle…" he replied.

I felt a bit relieved as my father was talking with Tony casually, not showing anger on him even though he is my best friend.

A few minutes later, I asked  him,  "Is Mom alright? "

He looked at my dad hesitantly and said, " By the time we reached Ishita's apartment, Aunty had fainted."

As soon as dad heard Tony's words, he held his arms tightly and asked, " How is she now? Why didn't you inform us? "

" Uncle …. Please don't panic. Doctor came to the apartment for the check up. Her blood pressure was low. Nothing to be worried about. She needs rest, that's why I came here so that Ishita would be with Aunty…" Tony informed him.

I watched the sadness on my dad's face. I realised how much he loves my mom. 

" Dad … if you want to go and visit mom. I will be here …" I told my father.

" But what about my princess…" my father retorted.

" Don't worry about Maanu. I will take care of her. Present mom needs you. Please go and be with her…." I convinced him. 

 Then I looked at Tony and said, " Go with dad…"

" Rishu …. Jhanu Aunty wants to see her family together. Hope you know what you have to do …" Tony said, looking at my face.

" Doesn't he know that Ishita doesn't like my presence. What happened to him? " I thought in my mind.

" Your friend's maturity level is low. If he had made the right decision then we might not be in this condition…" my father commented sarcastically.

I remembered the promise which was made to my father.

" You need to give a word. You will never become an obstacle to Ishita's happiness in future. And you will never hurt your mom's heart…"

" I will go with dad. Take care of Maansi until we are back…" I said as I don't want to make dad angry. But inside, I am so scared to face Ishita.

" We will be back before Maanasi gets conscious. If there is any problem, just make a call without delay…" my dad informed him.

He quietly nodded his head agreeing to my father's words. 

The next moment, dad walked away from us in a hurry. 

" Rish… I will not support you if you make the wrong decision. Especially after seeing Jhanu Aunty's condition last night…" Tony said sternly. 

He placed his hand on my shoulder and looked straight into my face.

" Remember…God will give a chance to rectify their mistake for only a few people. And I don't want my friend to regret all his life…" he added. 

" Don't worry, I won't disappoint you this time…" saying I gave a side hug 

" Happy to know…" he mumbled.

All of a sudden, I remembered dad would be waiting for me. 

" Okay then …. Take care of Manaasi…bye .." I bid bye to Tony and went to dad.

Manasi POV

I could feel pain all over my body and it was so difficult to move. Slowly I opened my eyelids and looked around the place. I noticed pink curtains, white walls and some machines in the room. 

It took me a few minutes to understand that I was admitted in the hospital as I met with an accident. Just then I heard a female voice, " the patient is awake. Need to inform her relatives…"


A few minutes later, I noticed Tony entered the room and walked to me. He sat on the chair next to the bed and held my left hand. I remembered our discussion yesterday and also some person talking about his sister's love for him. Thinking of it, I felt so much pain. 

" I was waiting for his answer, whereas he moved on with his life…" I thought in his mind. 

" You scared me… Maanu…" he said.

" Why? Is your  friendship ruined with my brother? " I asked him.

Then I found tears in his eyes as he was close to me.

He held my hand tightly and said, " Don't talk like that, Maanu.  I am so sorry. If I made a call to Rishab then you might not have an accident…"

" At Least you informed my Anna now. Where is he? " I asked him.

" He was here all night. One hour back, he went to Ishita's place along with your father. I will call him now…" he told me.

" My dad was here ? " I asked him with surprise. 

" Hmm… your mom and your dad were here to surprise you on your birthday. But …" he stopped in between.

Suddenly, I felt my throat dry and it was difficult to speak. Just then, the nurse and the doctor came for my check up. 

" Who are you to the patient? " the doctor inquired Tony. Instantly he released my hand from his grip and stared at me.

Meanwhile, the nurse replied, " her boyfriend. He has been here since yesterday…"

With her words, our eyes met silently. And to my surprise, he didn't deny the nurse's words.This time, I sensed many hidden emotions in his eyes. I wanted to talk with him . I want to know my place in his heart.

I came back to my senses when I heard the doctor's voice. 

" Mister…. As she underwent surgery, she needs a complete rest and her right hand must not be stressed…." The doctor said,after reading the medical reports and examining my blood pressure. 

" Sure …. I will take care of her…" Tony assured the doctor.

" I will come to visit again in the evening. But if you feel more pain, just inform the nurse," The doctor told me and walked out of the room. And the nurse followed him, leaving us alone.

" Maanu, I am sorry. I would have called Rishab when you asked me. If I had called him, this accident would never have happened. I am the reason for your suffering…." He said with guilt.

" Anyways. I am glad to know that Rishab Anna is with us…" I said.

" But I was the reason that you are on the bed instead of celebrating your birthday…." He said, kneeling at the bed.

" Stop blaming yourself. It was my mistake to cross the road without noticing the vehicle…" I reasoned as I don't want him to think like that.

In the meanwhile, he made a call to Rishab and informed him about my consciousness. All of sudden, I felt a sharp pain in my right arm and screamed in pain. 

" Maanu …. What happened! It hurts more! " he inquired anxiously.

As the pain was unbearable, I started crying. He held my left hand tightly and shouted, " Nurse…please come fast. She could not bear the pain…"

Instantly, the nurse came in and noticed me crying. 

" Sir… I think… The anaesthesia effect subsided and now she is feeling pain. I will inject her with a pain killer." The nurse said, taking a syringe from the table beside the bed.

As I noticed the sharp syringe needle, I was so scared. I held his hand tightly and shook my hand.

" Don't be scared, Manu…. If you don't take injections, How can the pain subside? " he said to calm me. But he doesn't know how much I have been scared of injections since my childhood.

" Sir … please…. Hold her hips tightly. I need to inject the pain killer…" the nurse said, turning me on my side.

He stared at me as if he was taking my permission with his eyes to touch me. I felt so uncomfortable because of my state.

" Sir … please…. Come fast. I need to look after the other patients…" the nurse said.

" Oh my god! My situation is so embarrassing…."  I thought in my mind.

" Manu… " calling my name, he extended his arm towards my waist. Then he closed his eyes and held my waist firmly as if he read my mind. Just then, I felt the nurse inject the sharp needle into my body. I let out a sharp cry in fear.

" I think your girlfriend is so sensitive…" the nurse muttered and left the room.

" Maanu…. are you okay now? " he asked anxiously, wiping tears on my cheeks.

I looked at him with tearful eyes and asked him, " Are you taking care of me because I am your best friend's sister? Or you have some feelings for me?"

" Maanu… It's not the right time to talk. Sleep now …." He replied.

" That means… What I heard at the academy was true. Some girl entered your life! Isn't it? " I questioned him as I lost my patience.

" Maanu… Once your health has recovered. We can talk…" he replied.

" There is nothing to talk about. I was a fool to trust your word and waited for your reply all these months…." I cried and turned away from him.

" Manu… stop crying. I can't see your tears. You misunderstood the conversation at the academy. She is nothing to me. In fact, I like you so much…" he explained to me.

Immediately, I turned my face and looked at him. He leaned closer, holding my left hand and pecked my forehead. 

" Happy birthday…. Maanu…" he greeted, looking into my eyes.

" I wish, next year… you should celebrate your birthday with your family and all your loved ones…." He added.

Even though my body was in pain, his words made me feel strong and calm. I felt as if I was dreaming.  I stretched my left hand and touched his face to confirm it was real but not a beautiful dream.

" I want you to be my family …." I said.

Just then, we heard the squeaky sound of the door and turned our heads towards it. Instantly, Tony left my hand and stood up from the bed with a shocked expression on his face.

Hi readers

Hope you like this chapter. And don't forget to support me through your valuable votes and precious comments.

Can you guess who is the person opened the door?


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