Everybody knows

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Warning: This story is set during the First Wizarding War, so be prepared for something a little nerve-wracking. Mention of Death.

Everybody knows that the war is over. People avoid the streets, stay home. Kids aren't allowed to leave the house alone anymore. Shops are closing, Friends just disappear.

Everybody knows that the war is over. Everybody knows that the good guys lost.

Voldemort had won, he had infiltrated the Ministry, shut down his greatest defiers. Even Dumbledore was limited to protect his students at Hogwarts. That's how everyone knew it was over. This powerful wizard, Order of Merlin First Class, the only one Voldemort had ever feared. He didn't fight. He had given up, he had no chance. And if he hadn't then who had?

Families were in constant fear for each other, afraid they'd be one less the next time they came home.

"Mommy, why is it banging on the door?" Her daughter's little voice woke her up. She was shaking her arm, her teddybear pressed against her chest. Andromeda got up quickly and dressed in dark. She had never let go of her wand so that wasn't the problem.

"Nymphadora, I want you to take your little brother and hide in the cupboard. Be completely quiet, we're not expecting any visitors. And if the door opens and there's someone you don't know, run! Just run, don't wait for me. And take care of your brother, will you?"

The frightened little girl nodded and hurried to get her brother. Her mother slowly approached the door, tense, like every time. Not just was Voldemort in control and everyone needed to fear Death Eaters, she was a blood traitor. She had been sought ever since she had neglected the rules of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black.

If they had found her now. She didn't even want to imagine. In what trouble she would have brought her husband. And her kids. They were innocent, they didn't choose to be born as the children of a muggle and a pureblood.

She now stood in front of the door, her wand pointed at the middle of the wooden plank. She whispered a spell and the door turned transparent. Only for her of course. But what she saw was no relief. Three Death Eaters stood just a few steps away from her. She could see the bloodlust in their eyes through the tiny slits in their masks.

All the colour left her face and she couldn't stop a little sound of surprise and fear to leave her lips. Supporting herself on the wall, she went into the tiny kitchen. A few noodles and her childrens' favourite sauce was still standing on the cooker. They had just waited for Ted. That was when another realization struck her. They had to get this done fast or her husband would be home. He wouldn't be able to defend himself, he was no wizard.

A little whimper slipped out of her mouth but she told herself to be strong. She pushed her back through and concentrated on what was important. Getting her children and her husband out of this alive.

She heard the door creak and knew the Death Eaters were there now. She clenched her extended handbag and left, wanting to lead the vicious wizards away from the three most important people in her life.

She climbed out of the window and down the ladder. During her getaway Andromeda could see her neighbour. The woman was young, younger than her. She had three kids but the father hadn't shown ever since the third was born. The brunette glanced out of the window and when she looked at Andromeda running for her life, a sense of guilt was to see in her eyes.

Andromeda didn't want to believe it but the only thing making sense would be her neighbour to rat them out. She had been safe and sound, there was no way they had found them without help. She got angry, so angry because everyone she loved was now in danger. And it was that woman's fault. Because she couldn't handle to keep her mouth shut. Andromeda would have remained silent for everyone in the village, all of them. No matter the torture, she would have stayed quiet, because she knew that they all had horrible fates to face if found. They and their loved ones. And she didn't want another family to fall apart.

However, she could not change the choices that woman had made and exhaled to keep her wit. She would not let her emotions cloud her logic, that's what she needed most now. Quickly, she ran down the street, already hearing the Death Eaters behind her.

She hid behind a garbage bin and revised every spell she could need now. She had been in duels, she could fight but she had never wanted to. Unfortunately, they didn't give her a choice. She called every defensive spell she had ever learned to mind. But then she realized. She was trying to fight three Death Eaters, they were not just outnumbering her, they had so much more experience.

Andromeda exhaled one last time and then jumped to her feet. Using the surprise moment, she was able to shock one of the men following her. Their masks were not hiding their faces anymore and she could see every emotion on them. She had just fired her first spell when two others already missed her head just by inches. Andromeda fired another one but her opponent ducked. So did she and was luckily missed by another offensive volley. However, when she was to stun another one of them, the third's spell hit her.

It was Crucio, she realized it right away. Every muscle in her body burned in pain and she bent her body in agony. The Death Eater did not give away for multiple minutes though and at some point, the pain was too much for her. She had tried to stay conscious, how else would she be able to defend her family, but she just couldn't. She broke down and the woman finally released her from the Unforgivable curse.

That moment was seen by two disbelieving children who hid in the cupboard. The older one, a little girl with flaming red hair, told her brother to stay back and climbed outside. She had a wand clenched in her little hand, the wand of a Death Eater her mother had beat a week ago on the streets.

With her tiny legs, she hurried down the street as fast as she could. When she reached the place of fight, a tear fell down her cheeks. Her mother had always been a warrior for her, stronger than anyone. And now she lay there, in the dust. She got furious the wand emitted sparks all by himself. She ran to the body and took her mother's hand. The woman did everything to stay conscious to talk to her child.

"Nymphadora, go. Go, leave! This is too dangerous for you. Run and hide, now!"

"I won't, mother. She hurt you. I love you and that's why who hurts you has to pay," the little girl said seriously.

"Everybody knows that you love me, baby. Everybody knows that you really do. But that doesn't mean you have to fight for me. It's a losing battle anyway. All you can do is run and hide. Please." And her conscious faded again.

The Death Eater noticed the little girl now and a sly grin appeared on her face.

"Well, who do we have here? - Is that your mommy? Is she?" She made fun of her, and Nymphadora knew that. She pointed the sparkling wand at the woman and waited for it to do something. But it didn't. The little girl didn't understand, if the adults did that, lightings and what not came out of the top. She shook the wand multiple times but it didn't help.

A little fear came up in her now. But she didn't have to be afraid. Because the Death Eater had something way more cruel in mind. The sly grin increased and she pulled out her wand again.

"You know what, little girl? You should be punished for trying to hurt me. But I'm going to be generous. I will not hurt a hair on your head. But punishment must be. AVADA KEDAVRA!" The curly-haired woman screamed and a green burst of lightning cut through the air. And hit the chest of the only person everybody had wanted to stay out of the fight. The little boy in the cupboard broke down from the window he had seen everything through. His tiny heart stopped beating immediately.


Hey guys!

So, I know this is a more serious One-Shot which is why I'd love to hear about your thoughts and reactions to it. 

Btw, we don't know a lot about the Tonks' family's time during the First Wizarding War so this is all made up. And while the theory of this could be true, a brother that died during a Death Eater attack is very unlikely.

Btw, this story was inspired by the song 'Everybody knows' which is so, so great.

Yeah, feedback is, as always, very welcome. :)

If you liked the writing or idea, please consider giving a vote or leaving a comment, it would make me very happy. :D


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