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Who are you? -> Blooming star 🤭

Taehyung's POV

When my morning alarm begins to resound from my phone to wake me up, I turn it off by habit, my gaze not straying away from my laptop currently settled on the table as I finish some edits.

As it often happens, I opened my eyes a few hours earlier than my alarm despite my going to bed later last night, so I decided to get some work done before enjoying my day off by going to my favorite coffee shop.

With a finger pushing my glasses up my nose, I go over the task sheet one last time to make sure that the logo I've been working on for a week now fits the request.

The owner of a pretty big corporation came to me two weeks ago to rework on their logo's image, their wish being to make it into something that would attract the young generation's attention more easily, they wanted to be remembered by sticking out of the lot, by ending an era of blending in with the others.

I didn't hesitate to accept the job since it fits right in with the things that I like to do. I immediately offered to go with more vibrant colours as it's the most important factor to consider when hoping to grab everyone's gaze and they agreed right away, which was a relief in itself.

People don't always realize the impact of colours on the subconscious. Colours can be linked to so many things in the span of a second, so many emotions that will either be soothed or worsened, angered or cheered up.

Colours can affect personalities, moods, ambiances, memories, and I love playing with that tool of power, it makes me feel in control, a tool that speaks no words, and yet will say so much.

The colours you dress yourself with, the colours you surround yourself with, they all speak in your stead, without you even being aware of it and for those who know this silent language well, it makes reading others a lot easier.

I push my laptop aside once satisfied with the final result, my thoughts making my mind drift to that girl, who I haven't been able to forget even though I haven't seen her for a couple of days. There's something about her that makes her different from others and it's making me curious.

And Jimin... that explosive man is quite the character, but it's also fascinating. I am not known to express myself in such a loud manner, yet he does it without even worrying about the impact it can have on the people around him. I wish I lacked that much self-awareness sometimes.

Not to forget Seokjin, the shop owner who always treats me with respect, always with a smile and a pleasant voice, no matter how distant I may seem, a facade that I can't help but wear whenever I'm with people who I'm not particularly close with.

They're a trio of people that makes me curious, and it makes me wonder about what would happen if I were to try to open up with them. Showing my vulnerability to others sometimes comes with trouble, trouble I would rather avoid, but for a reason that I can't understand at the moment, I get the feeling that they would be worth it.

With a smile on my lips, I leave behind my work to reach the entrance where I grab a light coat and my shoes from the closet, something that I can easily remove when the weather becomes warmer throughout the day.

Autumn is undoubtedly coming our way, something that makes me happy because I love witnessing as the trees change in colours, as the leaves become a carpet of red beneath my feet before hiding under a layer of snow. The transition never fails to fill my mind with inspiration, never fails to make my world look as if I'm staring at it with pink glasses - mom always says that I'm too easy to please, but is that a bad thing?

Once ready to head out, I grab my bag before stepping into the fresh morning air, then lock the door behind me to begin my walk towards the coffee shop a couple of blocks away from here.

Is Y/N working today? I like watching her work, it feels good when I get to see the exact moment when she beams in pride, usually when Seokjin praises her for a work well done.

The shop's owner can be fun to observe as well, especially when he's in a good mood. There's something special about his laughter that never fails to make me happier, so much so that sometimes, I catch myself wanting to laugh along, something that would be weird since I'm never part of the conversations.

As I walk down the street, I take in the people also braving the new cold to head to their destinations, my eyes taking in the way they dress themselves, and I never seem to get over the way some people choose the weirdest colour combinations. They could do with a little lesson.

My gaze wanders like that, buildings, people, sky, flowers, animals, and then a shout catches my attention. Turning my head to find out where it's coming from, I notice a bakery from where a young man is being dragged by a woman who seems to be in her mid-forties.

"Mom! Why are you like that?! I want to see noona, I told her that I would meet with her here, you can't stop me!" he exclaims with desperation, his feet trying to dig into the cement while she takes him to a car parked nearby.

"Why would she come to see you when she refused to stay in contact with you in the first place? You really believe that she wants to see you personally? She must be in need of money and thinks that she can get it out of you, I don't want you to see her again, am I clear? Now get in the car, we're going back home" she retorts before opening the back door, and no matter how much he tries to resist, she manages to shove him inside the vehicle anyway before driving off with such a speed that the tires screech loudly in the newfound silence.

That must be one intense family quarrel... I wish that mother wouldn't have stopped her son, he seemed old enough to make his own decisions, it makes me glad that I don't have any problems with my family. I sigh with a shake of the head before walking past the bakery to head to my destination. A warm drink won't be too much this morning.

I soon reach the building after hurrying my pace to reach it faster and once inside, I rub my hands together to warm them up while making my way a little closer to the counter, which is where I find Seokjin talking with a man I've never seen here before.

They look... worried? It appears none of them have heard me enter despite the door's bells because they're still in deep conversation, the shop mostly empty and quiet if not for the calm background music.

"So she went to you then... that's good, I was really worried that she would stay alone and cry all day. Was she fine when you drove her back home? I felt so bad yesterday, there was nothing I could do and she looked so heartbroken, in so much pain" the stranger asks with concern all over his face, and I can't help but step a little closer at those words, did something happen to Y/N?

Seokjin sighs before rubbing the back of his neck with a hand.

"I think I managed to take her mind off the situation for a while at least, we watched movies and I offered her good food, which definitely cheered her up, but you know how things can be when you end up alone again. I messaged her this morning to see how she was doing, and she told me that she received a message from her youngest brother, who she's supposed to meet this morning at a bakery nearby. I can't help but worry, I hope it's going well, she should be there right about now".

I blink once, then twice, Seokjin's words echoing in my mind.

She was supposed to meet her brother... at a bakery nearby? The young man who was taken away by his mother? So the noona he wanted to meet was Y/N? My heart sinks as the puzzle pieces come together, I just witnessed something very sad then.

I close the distance between the counter and myself, and the two men turn their eyes to my form. It takes a little second for Seokjin to replace me, and his work face comes back on rather quickly, though it doesn't look as natural as usual, his smile looks a bit weak.

"Good morning, Taehyung. What can I get you?".

"Good morning. I'll have a hot chocolate, please, to go. I couldn't help but to overhear your conversation and... was this about Y/N?" I find the courage to ask them after giving my order, and the two of them share a glance before staring back at me, a little defensive.

"It's a... personal matter. I'm not sure she would like us to tell a stranger like this" the one who I don't know speaks first, and he's pretty handsome, I'll give him that. He's tall, well built and knows how to dress himself on top of everything. He seems kind.

I nod at his answer, one that was said to respect her privacy, which I can respect. He doesn't know me, and with Seokjin's uncertainty about my question, it's normal that he would want to protect her.

I'm tempted to let them know about what I saw on the way, but if they're so close, Y/N will let them know herself since she must be already there right now, and as he said, this doesn't really concern me either way. Y/N doesn't know me, and I do not know her.

"That's fine, sorry for asking" I settle the matter before stepping a little on the side after putting a few bills by the cash register to pay for my drink, and once Seokjin finishes making what I asked for, he hands it to me with a glance that looks a little torn, like he doesn't know what's the right thing to do and say right now.

"I'm sorry, Taehyung, it's just... a bit sensitive, I won't lie. There's a lot of things going on in her life and we're a bit overwhelmed by it all ourselves. I would greatly appreciate it if you could look out for her in the future, she could do with more kindness in her life" he eventually settles for, an answer that surprises me, I wasn't expecting that.

Is it because I took her side with that incident with Jimin? Maybe he saw that I can be somewhat trusted.

"Of course, she seems like a nice girl, I was thinking that being friends with her could be great so... maybe I'll set that in motion the next time we meet" I reveal, and his eyes widen momentarily before a more natural smile takes place on his face.

"Thank you... I'm sure she would love that".

With nothing more to say on the matter, I wish the two men a good day before taking my leave, and though I am tempted to walk back to the bakery to see if my guess was right after all, something tells me that now is a little too soon for that kind of nosiness.

She has these two looking out for her anyway, so I'm sure she'll be fine.

Your POV

I look at the time on my phone with a nervous foot tapping on the floor.

Sanha is late, something that usually never happens with him, he's the kind to get to the meeting point early because he hates being last.

Was it a prank? Was it all just a prank and he's in fact never going to come here? Did I believe someone who knew of the situation and decided to make fun of me?

I swallow the urge to cry, heart broken for the second time in such a short amount of time, but I still remain seated right where I am, to give him a chance to show up or to convince myself that it was really him, I'm not sure.

Something got in the way, it has to be that. He'll be here soon, Sanha isn't a liar, he would never lie to me, not my sweet baby brother.

I stare at my phone for a few more minutes before deciding to send him a message to the number I saved under his name, but when I send it only to see that it didn't reach through, when I realize that I have been blocked, again, all hope breaks into thousands of little shards.

I fight against the tears as my phone slips from my fingers before falling on the table with a loud thud, and the inhale I take in next is shaky, almost pitiful as I try to stay in control of myself.

I knew this could happen, I knew it could happen but I was so convinced that everything would be fixed that it hurts... a lot. I let myself hope and I shouldn't have done that. I was too eager, too excited, and now I lost him a second time.

Did mom catch him on the way to me? Is she why he couldn't be here this morning? Or did he maybe change his mind? Did he get scared that it would all be a lie and that I wouldn't show up?

Sanha is such a sweet young man, barely making his first steps into adulthood and already trying to look out for the family, always trying his best to help around. He was always the one to cuddle up to me the most, always the one to tell me how much he loves me at least once a day.

It must have been terrifying for him too, the fear of being disappointed so big that he changed his mind at the last minute.

I close my eyes and take a moment to calm my breathing, the tears blinked away as I try to control my emotions. If that's how his thought process went, then I can't blame him, I never could blame him. I can only hope that he will give me a second chance, that he will message me again one day.

But it's hard, so hard. He was so close, right here, on the tip of my fingers, and yet I couldn't see him.

A clear of a throat and I quickly wipe my cheeks in the hopes of catching every tears that sneaked past my defenses. "I'm sorry, I tried to resist bothering you but observing you from a distance made me feel worried... are you okay?".

The voice... it sounds strangely familiar as it speaks, and when I raise my head to see who this could be, when I find a stranger gazing at me with beautiful, concerned eyes, his face one of a very handsome man, I try to force on a smile, appreciative of his kindness, though it only ends up showing him just how pained my heart currently is when my eyes fill with tears again.

The man's smile is very soft as he stares at the empty seat in front of me for a second. "May I sit?".

His voice sounds so gentle, and again, so familiar. Where did I hear it before? I know that I heard it somewhere before, so why can't I remember? It definitely wasn't a situation where I could see him because his face is a new one to me, but his voice...

A little lost, I nod my head nonetheless, a habit perhaps, I'm not too good at saying no to others, but something about him makes me feel safe, comfortable, why is that?

He sits down with a soft hum, then lets his gentle gaze fall on me again. "Do you want to talk about it? I can be a good listener, if that's what you need".

I stare at him for a moment of silence, and then it clicks in my mind, could it be?

"Are you... is it possible that you might be Min Yoongi? The landlord?" I eventually find the courage to ask him, it's nothing more than a guess, granted, but his words... they are exactly the same as what my current landlord told me during our first call.

Surprise takes over his face and he tilts his head slightly as he tries to replace me in his memory, my voice...

"Are you... Y/N? The new tenant?" he asks me a question of his own, and when I nod my head with round eyes, his whole behaviour changes in an instant, going from kindness towards a stranger to the kind of kindness you show a family member, the way he leans over the table to slip one of my hands between his own warming my heart in a matter of seconds.

"Oh sweetheart, what were the odds of meeting you here? Does your current state have anything to do with your family? Did something happen?" he asks softly with furrowed brows, he does know my story after all so it's obvious that anything happening to me would go right in hand with the people who I grew up with.

To be asked that question directly by someone who's been such a big comfort to me when I had absolutely nothing, not even a roof over my head, makes the tears flow before I can stop them, and it's with a wobbling chin that I grab my phone with my free hand to show him the conversation I had with my brother.

There's an aura of safety that emanates from him, one that is filled with warmth and caring energy and as it wraps around me like a blanket pulled out of the drying machine, he takes my phone to read the messages, understanding flashing through his eyes before being replaced by hurt when he reaches the end.

Even though this is our first real meeting, our first real interaction outside of a phone call, I get to see the exact moment as his heart breaks for me, something that feels... unreal. Where does all this warmth come from? He's just like Seokjin and Namjoon, I never expected to be surrounded by such people just by leaving my mother's house.

"He didn't come, did he?" he murmurs his question, as if any louder than that would shatter me into pieces, and I shake my head slowly, gaze fixated on my phone that he slides back my way.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I know how much you want to see your siblings again, and judging from his messages... I truly believe that he wants that as well. I'm sure something got in the way that was above his control so don't give up, okay? Don't give up until you see him in person, until you get to hear from him about what happened today, no matter how long it takes to reach that point. You have the proof right here that he still loves you, that he wants you in his life, focus on that. One day, everything will go back to normal, I am sure".

He encases my hands within his hold once more with a gentle squeeze and I nod my head with a teary hiccup, it's just like during that phone call. He encouraged me then too, he saw my pain for what it was and told me what I needed to hear so that I would keep going, just like now.

"Thank you, Yoongi... you're right. I shouldn't give up just because something got in the way. I'm sure I'll have other occasions to meet with Sanha and the others, I'll be patient until that day. At least now, one of them knows that I want to see them again... maybe that'll convince Eunwoo to give me another chance" I utter softly, and he smiles softly before patting my hands.

"Exactly, you showed him that your door is wide open so all is not lost. Now, sweetheart, I hate to bring this to an end, but I really have to head to work now. Anytime you need to talk to someone, give me a call, alright? I might not always have time to head to you, but we can at least chat on the phone, I'll always answer for you" he promises with kind creased eyes, an offer that takes me slightly aback.

"Thank you... truly. I'm glad you were here, Yoongi, I think I would have left the shop feeling a lot more pitiful than I do right now" I thank him bashfully, and he stands up before ruffling my hair with a deep noise coming from his throat.

"Stay here for a little minute, okay? I'll be back" I hear him say before he's leaving my table to head to the counter, and I observe with a tilt of the head as he talks with the person working here before they get busy with whatever it is that he ordered.

It takes maybe... three minutes at most, and when he comes back with a cup and a little bag in his hands, I watch in confusion as he settles them in front of me.

"I got you a hot chocolate and a muffin, take your time eating it and keep yourself warm with the drink, the days are getting colder. I'll see you another time, sweetheart, take care of yourself in the meantime, I really have to go now. Call me if you need anything" he hurries the end a little before walking out with a wave of the hand and I follow him with my eyes until I can't see him anymore.

When I bring my gaze back to the food and the drink... a lump forms in my throat before I take a little sip of the hot liquid, sugary but also exactly what I need to cheer up some more this morning.

I'm really surrounded by so many good people now, it's like they're all being guided to me whenever I need someone by my side, why is that happening now? Did I get a new guardian angel? Is that possible? If so... I'd really like to thank them.

As Yoongi requested, I stay a big longer to eat the muffin - is it bad of me to think that Seokjin's muffins taste a thousand times better? - and once ready to leave, the hot chocolate barely touched yet because it's still a bit too hot for my tongue, I get in my mind to do one last thing before I get going too.

Grabbing my phone to Sanha's contact page again, I open our messages before sending him one last thing, my only hope being that if he ever unblocks me, he will be able to read it.

I'll be waiting for you, my little brother. No matter how long it takes, I will welcome you all with open arms. I love you.

Satisfied with it, I push my phone in my pocket before discarding my garbage in the trash, and with the hot chocolate cup in hand, I step out of the crowded building with a heart that is a bit more at peace than when when I woke up this morning and then begin to walk in a random direction, not really sure of where I want to go or what I want to do.

I could let Seokjin know about how it went, but knowing him and myself, he'll go all out in caring mode and then I'll burst into tears again, something that I'd rather avoid considering that Yoongi managed to put me into a mindset that I can handle right now. When I feel like I can handle facing the truth another time, I will let him know about what happened this morning.

As I proceed on the busy street, the cup held by my two hands to keep warm as the sun slowly works on warming up the ground, I notice not too far from where I am a little crowd of people who all have their phones out and pointing at something, a sight that pulls on my curiosity, is something happening there?

I head closer while trying to look over everyone's shoulders, and once I manage to push my way closer to the front so I can see something, my eyes finally fall on a... person covered in a complex pattern of paint, someone who remains completely immobile as they stay in a very fun looking character full of colours.

Fascinated by the sight greeting me, I let my eyes wander over every details of the paint, the fact that this person manages to stay still without even blinking like this something that I could never do, how is that even possible? Whoever they are, they're very talented, and the play of shadows and lights as the paint covers not only the skin but also the clothes and the hair is enough to have me want to learn more, how did they do that?

I'm not even aware that the crowd has dispersed a few minutes after my arrival as I smile to myself, the simple sight of this silent show enough to cheer me up, I wish I had that kind of talent for something, I don't even know what I'm good at doing.

A sudden movement makes me look up from the details I was observing on the shoes, and when I notice the pair of eyes fixated on me, I startle with a jump, my open cup of hot chocolate spilling its content over me in the process.

I hiss in pain before I can even register that the drink is not hot anymore, and that has the human statue of paint gasping before they move closer, the role playing over as they take in my current state with round eyes.

"Oh my gosh, oh I am SO sorry, are you okay? Did you burn yourself with your drink?!" the masculine voice exclaims immediately, hands hovering close but not touching as they try to assess my state with their eyes only, panic settled in the clear orbs that seem to be assuming the worst.

"Oh I'm fine, don't worry! It was getting cold so I didn't burn myself, I promise. It's my own fault for getting startled like this, I wasn't expecting you to be staring at me" I answer with a small laugh, this is quite embarrassing.

"Oh thank goodness... still, that can't be comfortable, I'm glad your coat was sparred at least. My studio isn't too far from here so if you don't mind, come with me. I'll give you something to wear, I can't have you get sick because of me, the air is still cold" the disguised person offers, pleading doe eyes staring at me with such an intensity that I can't find it in me to refuse.

I nod softly, which has relief flooding the pretty eyes, and then they're looking at another person that I hadn't realized was still here. "Do you think we got enough for the new video? Can I go and remove the paint?".

"Yup, we're good. I'll get back home and transfer the video on a USB card so get that paint off in the meantime, man, I bet you're sweating buckets under those clothes" the... helper states before smiling at me. "He's a good guy so don't worry about going with him, you can trust him".

Oh... the thought that going with a stranger might be unsafe honestly hadn't even crossed my mind, but I'm glad that he took the time to let me know anyway. I nod back in answer, a little lost by what's going on at the moment, and then the statue man's attention falls back on me with a smile that falters when he sees the state of my shirt.

"Alright, let's go, I'm sure it's already getting colder, it's right this way" he urges gently before leading the way at a pace that he adjusts for me so we can walk side by side without it being uncomfortable for my short legs, something that I appreciate.

"So... do you make videos, then? Is that why you paint yourself like this?" I eventually ask to fill the silence, my nerves getting all over the place because I don't know him, I don't know where I'm going, what would Seokjin say if he knew?

"Oh, right, yes. I like to make myself into different characters before going outside to surprise the people walking by. Sometimes I'll do some plays with friends while other times, it'll be more like what you saw today, me standing immobile with a little scare here and there. I didn't mean to scare you though, I just enjoyed seeing how you took in every details of my work instead of only seeing the result as a whole. Are you a painter?" he asks back after answering my question, and my eyes widen before I shake my head.

"N-no, I've never painted before, I wouldn't even know where to begin to reach what you achieved with this look".

He hums before smiling. "It takes practice, but I believe anyone can do it with the right knowledge. I'm Jungkook by the way, what's your name?".

"Y/N" I answer a little shyly, he's... easier to talk to than I first thought.

"Y/N, that's a nice name" he muses before pointing at a building near where we are. "We're here, could I ask you to please open the door for me? I have to admit that my arms are a little set in stone at the moment".

A small giggle flees me as he shows me that he can barely fold his arms because of the clothes, and after accepting the key he hands me, I unlock the door before pulling it open for him, after which he holds it open with his hip before motioning for me to get inside first.

The lights begin to turn on one after the other as we walk further inside, and when the final one lights up to reveal a large studio, one half filled with computers and a work table while the other is furnished with many mirrors, a photoshoot area as well as everything one would need to paint, I pause with round eyes, wow...

There's no point in doubting Jungkook anymore, this is definitely the place where all the magic happens, I can't believe that I'm allowed to set foot in here!

Jungkook walks past me with a smile and heads to a wardrobe filled with many different kinds of clothes. "It's great right? This place is like my second home, I spend most of my days in here, just working on new painting styles and practicing the looks I have in mind, it's a lot of fun" he explains as he searches through the section of shirts to find me something to wear.

"It's... amazing, I've never been in a place like this before, I think I would love spending time here too if I had the choice, you have so many things to do" I admit as I slowly join where he is just as he pulls a piece of clothing out with a pleased nod of the head.

"We can certainly talk more about that if you want, after I've had my much needed shower though. Here, you can wear that, the bathroom's right over there so you can go first, I'll get myself something to wear too in the meantime" he informs me before pointing in the direction of a closed door and I thank him, shirt over one arm before I get there quickly to change out of my wet shirt, it's really getting uncomfortable now.

After entering the large bathroom with a huge shower stained with a lot of old paint, I close the door behind me before quickly working on removing the coat Seokjin gave me as well as my top, and after using a paper towel to dry what I can of my bra, I put on the shirt Jungkook lent me before walking out to see him removing the painted clothes he was wearing.

His frame looks smaller now that he doesn't have the big coat on, but with the way his sweaty t-shirt sticks to his skin, I can easily tell that his smaller frame doesn't mean in any way that he's small.

I quickly look away before he notices me staring, it would be quite disrespectful from me considering that he's not even aware that I'm out of the bathroom yet, and I do clear my throat just to emphasize that I am now in the same room as him, which has him looking back at me the next second.

"Oh, you're back. Is the shirt comfortable? It looks good on you".

I scratch the back of my neck as a blush slowly crawls up my cheeks, feeling a little uneasy as I glance at him picking up the clothes he's to change into with a towel over his shoulder, it's a little weird to see him in a basic white shirt when the rest of his body is covered in paint.

"It is comfortable, thank you" I reply, unsure of what to do with myself now, do I just... leave? Do I wait? If I wait, what do I do? It's going to take him a while with all that paint.

"Do you mind waiting for a little while? I'd love to talk more with you once I'm clean, you know, get to know each other to make the most out of today's incident. Of course, if you're already busy or not interested, that's also fine, you're free to leave if you'd rather do that. You can keep the shirt too, I don't mind" he asks as he heads towards the bathroom, and I stare at him, once more taken aback, he wants... to get to know me?

I'm making so many new friends these days... it feels strange since that's not something I was allowed before, but I'm more than eager to welcome that change.

"That sounds good, I can wait. I'll just... sit here?" I utter while pointing at a chair, and he hums happily with a large smile that alters the look of the makeup on his face, I can't help but wonder what he looks like without all this paint.

"Awesome. Don't be shy and look around if you want, you can even try and paint something on your arm if you want, I have a sink behind that mirror so you can rinse it off when you're done. Make yourself at home, okay? I'll try to be fast, as much as the paint will allow me anyway" he states before entering the bathroom with one last wave, and as he closes the door behind him, I remain where I am for a long minute.

Well... okay. I guess I could try to paint on my arm since he gave me permission?

I'm probably going to be terrible at it since I've never done that before, but it might be more fun than I thought and anyway, it's better than sitting still without doing anything! I might not have another opportunity like this so I'd like to use it well.

I let my stained shirt dry on the back of the chair I saw and then settle my bag down on the seat along with my coat before making my way to the half of mirrors where I can see the painting tools on a shelf, it should be fine if I use those, right?

I get a few brushes and tubes of different colours before sitting in the middle of the space with everything spread in front of me, a cup of water near with a little pile of paper towels so that I can clean the brushes well, and after rolling up the sleeve, I take a moment to think about what I could paint.

There are so many possibilities and I have no idea what to do, but when my gaze falls on the white paint, I shrug before grabbing it first, I guess I'll just do whatever comes to mind, it's not like it has to be pretty, I'm just playing around while he washes off the paint.

And so I get started that way, colours mixing together as I feel it, and before I know it, I get completely immersed into the activity, something very therapeutic about putting an end to my thoughts to just... draw shapes on my skin, it makes every worries I carried along fall silent in my mind, it feels great.

I blend in the different shades of blue after mixing in some black and white, then start to sprinkle some pink and orange that I also blend in where it feels right, I switch from one colour to another, going as far as to create new ones that fit what I have in mind until I reach a result that I'm surprisingly proud of, the sun that peeks over the ocean of waves looking much better than I thought I could achieve for a first try.

Seokjin and Namjoon would probably like it, right? I suddenly feel like taking in picture the little art I just did so that I can send it to them, because despite knowing that it's not necessary with them, I feel that... deep need to impress them somehow, to show them that I too have things I can be good at, if only a little.

Getting out of my crooked position on the floor makes my body wince in pain, but once I'm standing on my two feet, I rush over to my bag, not seeing the body that was standing right behind me, which has me bumping right into it.

"Whoa there, easy" Jungkook's voice chirps as he steadies me by the shoulders before I go falling down, and I quickly look up with the mind to apologize, except that once I see his face without all the paint, I momentarily pause to stare at him in shock.

"Oh damn" I blurt out without a second thought, is this really the same person? The golden tone to his skin is now shining through, and with his still wet curly hair now falling freely around his face instead of being held back by all the paint, I can finally see that he is very handsome, his facial features soft and kind, though I also hesitate about adding hot into the lot because... wow.

His eyes crease at my blurted comment before he lets go of me. "I look different without all that paint, right?" he muses with amusement, one that increases when my blush takes over the whole of my face, there's no way I can cover up this slip up, I can't believe that's the first thing I said upon seeing him out of the shower!

"Y-yes, very different" I answer bashfully, I'm just glad that he's not making a big deal out of it, I did not get any warning before the grand reveal so... I feel like my reaction is quite justified, not that it was bad to begin with.

He chuckles before glancing down at my arm with curiosity. "Can I see? You looked so focused earlier that I didn't have the heart to distract you, I've been done with my shower for a little while but I couldn't wait to have a look at what you were working on" he admits, something that has me turning nervous in an instant, he does such an amazing work that mine must look very beginner...

Still, knowing that it's only thanks to him in the first place that I could do this, I raise my arm so he can hold it closer to his face, and we both stay quiet for a good minute as he takes in all that I've done with a seriousness that makes me fear the worst.

"Y/N, you told me earlier that you never painted before, right?".

I gulp slightly before nodding my head, he's so serious that it's almost starting to get scary, did I do something wrong?

His eyes meet mine, and I can see as the gears turn in his mind, so many things going on in those beautiful eyes of his as he tries to make sense of what he's seeing. "This... is very good, Y/N. In fact, it's... hard to believe that this is your first time painting anything, some people practice for years just to know how to apply the notions you used with the blending of colours".


I look down at my arm that Jungkook is still holding to find the ocean sight bright with colours that give a sort of realistic feel to it, what does he mean by that? Did I do something hard then?

"If you ask me, Jungkook, I highly doubt I could do that again, it probably was only luck working with me here" I try to lower the weight of his praise but he shakes his head before pointing at my little work of art.

"No, Y/N, this has nothing to do with luck, trust me... this might take you by surprise, but how would you feel about learning more about painting from me? I could do with an assistant to help me and I can tell that you'd be really good. You have talent, Y/N, natural talent and I would hate to let you go like this".


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