Chapter 4

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Violet stepped out of her house into the spring air. The sky was gray and raining, but she needed to get out of the house.

She decided to check out the new coffee shop just around the block. She walked quickly, blinking rain out of her eyes. 

Soon, she arrived at  the coffee shop. A sign above the door said Pumpkin's and showed a long-furred orange cat. Violet liked cats.

She pushed the door open and heard a bell chime.

The inside of the coffee shop was charming. The floor was tiled in orange and white, and the tables were dark orange with white chairs. Maybe it was a slow day today, because no other customers were there.


Violet glanced at the counter. Standing there was Jade.

"Hey!" she said. "I didn't know you worked here!"

"I didn't until last weekend," Jade laughed. "So...can I get you anything?"

"Um," Violet said, glancing at the menu. "Pumpkin spice latte?"

"On it," Jade replied.

Violet found herself watching her friend as she made the drink. Her blue-streaked hair seemed shorter. "Did you cut your hair?"

"Yep," Jade said, grinning. "My parents hate it, so it's perfect."

Violet laughed softly. Jade's shorter hair suited her. 

"Here you are," Jade said, offering a pumpkin spice latte to Violet with exaggerated ceremony.

"Thanks!" Violet said, reaching into her pocket for money. Jade took it and dropped it in the register.

"So, technically, I'm not supposed to leave this counter," Jade sighed. "But do you want to meet Pumpkin?"

"Who's Pumpkin?" Violet asked. Jade brightened.

"Stay right there!" she ordered, dashing off.

Violet watched her go, listening to the clap clap clap clap of her friend's lime-green sneakers on the tile. 

Don't be weird, she ordered herself. This stupid crush thing doesn't have to change anything.

Jade returned a moment later carrying something that. "Here he is!" she cried. She placed a tiny, orange kitten on the floor.

"Oh!" Violet exclaimed. She placed her latte on the counter and knelt down to meet the cat. He blinked large, sapphire-blue eyes at her and purred, rubbing her with his head. "He's adorable!"

Jade grinned down at her. "Right? He's kind of our mascot."

Pumpkin mewed and leaped onto Violet's shoulder. Jade giggled and reached over to stroke his head. In doing so, she accidentally brushed a piece of hair behind Violet's ear and Violet tensed briefly before forcing herself to relax.

"I should go," Violet said, glancing at the door. "Jessie freaks out if any of us are gone too long."

"Alright," Jade agreed, scooping Pumpkin into her arms. "See you at school tomorrow!"

"Bye!" Violet called, waving. She turned, closing the door behind her.

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