Chapter 2 Remember Me?

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My heart pounded fast in my chest as I plucked a little parcel and a letter from my mailbox, a letter that bore distinct cursive handwriting. Only one person I knew wrote in perfect calligraphy. I was too afraid to read the letter first so I opened the parcel instead and gasped—inside lay a single, fresh cherry blossom, its scent engulfing me in memories of my old home. What did it mean?

I tore open the letter, sitting down on the porch in case its contents made me buckle. And I read, emotions bubbling up inside of me as I did so.

Konnichiwa, my cherry blossom! How have you been? It has been ten years since we met, I am not even sure if you'll remember me... Who is he kidding, of course I remember him, down to his handwriting! And his endearing nickname for me...

I read on:

Anyway, I saw on the news that you're a big actress now! That's so amazing, Seina, it blew my mind. If we ever met face to face again, I'd feel like an ordinary mortal in your presence, lol. I always knew the world would come to see you shine like the star you are.

By the way, I watched the k-drama you were in—damn, your acting skills will put Hollywood to shame! That's where you are now, right? Must be a blast, talking in English and eating burgers every day. I bet you know Rodeo Drive like the back of your hand now. I hope you still think of home though. You always were the lamp that brightened up the streets of Hirohito.

And speaking of home, I was wondering if you were ever coming back to visit. I know it's been ages since we met but... you know, you were my best friend. And I miss you. My heart clenched here.

You remember the cherry blossom festival? We used to have so much fun at those, making paper lamps and binging on tempura shrimp and tofu pockets. I know it's not the big, glamorous event of the year like the award shows you attend but... if you ever consider visiting home, you should come. It's around the corner and it got me thinking of you, of our last time together. Remember that? The Kakureta tree. Same place, same time. I'll meet you there.

And Seina? I'll be waiting for the answer you promised.

Love, your treasure, Ren.

Good thing I was sitting, otherwise I'd have sunk to the ground. Ren remembers my promise.

"OH MY GOSH," I breathed, hyperventilating. Memories stirred in me before they came crashing down in my head. The promise Ren is referring to is the one I made on the last day before I moved away—the one I made after he asked me a life-changing question and gave me a very special gift.

Ten years ago...

"I win! I win!" I squealed in joy as Ren and I came to a stop under a cherry blossom tree at the end of the lake, shielded by the majestic Hiko hill. Ren and I were the only ones who knew about this tree and had made it our secret hideaway—we even built a little tent which we could come in and go as we pleased. We named the tree the Kakureta tree, meaning the hidden tree.

"No fair, you were more warmed up than me!" Ren laughed breathlessly, taking his seat beside me on the tree trunk.

"That's getting old, Ren, you always give that excuse whenever you lose at tag!" I laughed, patting his arm. He leaned back on the tree, blowing out his cheeks.

"Yeah, and maybe I'm getting too old for tag," he said ceremoniously. I snorted.

"You're only a year older than me!"

"Maybe, or maybe you're just unbeatable at tag," he said, tweaking my hair gently. I flutter his hand away, smirking.

"Maybe. So, I won. What's my prize?" Ren sat up and looked at me with intent eyes.

"I'll give you something very special if you promise me one thing."


"I'm gonna ask you a question. But I don't want you to answer me now. Promise me that someday, when you're all grown up, you'll come to give me the answer, no matter where you are or what you're doing." He suddenly sounded so solemn that I couldn't help but laugh.

"You're so dramatic, Ren!"

"You're leaving tomorrow, Seina." His eyes were saddened as he said that. "I might not get another chance to see you face to face for who knows how long. So, please. Promise me." He held out his pinky. I exhaled.

"Okay, I promise," I said, hooking my pinky with his. He looked satisfied.

"Okay then. Close your eyes." I thought he'd drop some trinket or treasure in my hand when I closed my eyes so I held out my hands. Instead, my soul did a double-take when I suddenly felt warm breath on my face and even warmer lips on my own—Ren just kissed me! I got my very first kiss there under the cherry blossom tree!

I was so startled my eyes sprang open but I didn't pull away. There we were, lips connected together while pink petals rained down on our heads. I was frozen in place. But I wasn't grossed out; on the contrary, I felt oddly warm and fuzzy inside. I'd always secretly liked Ren but thought he didn't feel the same way since he kept our relationship platonic. I was just happy to be his best friend. But now?

"Remember me, once in a while, when you become a famous actress and travel the world," Ren said softly when he finally withdrew his lips. "Now for my question. If you ever fall in love someday and think about getting married, would you consider it being with me?" Ren, oh Ren, what are you asking? If I could answer right away, I'd say yes! But he didn't let me, placing a finger on my lips when I opened my mouth to speak.

"Not now." He shook his head. "Someday." And I knew I'd have to wait for 'someday' whenever that was, to give him my always willing answer... yes.


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