Chapter 21: Together

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They sat down with wine in the living room, enjoying the sunset over the ocean.

"This was the best day, I had the best day," Clementine told John as she snuggled into him.

"Me, too, darling," John replied, stretching his long legs in front of him. He put an arm around her, turning his head and sniffing her hair extravagantly. "So, what do you feel like? Action? Disney? Horror?"

"I feel like fooling around for a while, then I feel like I want to have sex," Clementine informed him.


"Johnny? Did you hear me? I said I—"

"I heard you," John said with a chuckle. "Are you sure, though? It's not too soon?"

"I'm so fucking sure," Clementine answered, lifting her head so she could look at him. "I'm almost 22 years old, I think I've waited long enough, don't you?"

"I honestly don't know if I've ever known a 22 year old virgin," John teased.

"How old were you? Your first time."

"Me?" John became quiet, his fingers carding through her hair. "I was very young, maybe too young in retrospect. Though I suppose the regular rules don't apply to me, with the life I've led and all."

"Were you a virgin when you joined The Jacks?"

John nodded. "I was only 14. God, thought I knew everything. What an idiot I was."

"So what happened? Your first time?" Clementine prompted.

"Well, I was 14, like I said, and I lost my virginity to one of the back up singers touring with us," he said with a little shrug. "I thought I loved her, that I'd die without her. Found out later that she'd made a bet with some of the crew that she could nail all of us lads, and she did, too." He shrugged again. "It didn't mean anything, and I've had way more meaningful and better sex since."

"John, I'm so sorry," Clementine said contritely. "What a sad story."

"No, it's okay, I wasn't damaged by it in any way." He gave Clementine a shake. "My point, though, is that if you aren't sure whether to wait or not, it's probably better to wait."

"Do you not want to? Is that why all the 'wait until you're sure' talk?" Clementine asked earnestly, peering into his face in the light cast by the lamp.

"Fuck no!" John responded with a laugh. "I just want to make sure you don't regret anything tomorrow, that's all. I'm a bloke, we always want sex."

"Oh, good." Clementine leaned in and kissed him. She leaned back as a new thought struck her. "It's not going to remind you of my sister, is it? Because of last week's filming?"

"What? No, course not," John answered, continuing to laugh. "Though kissing her did remind me of you a little bit. It was good, helped me with the scene."

"Because I must admit, the thought that you've seen her naked and basically faked having sex with her for two whole days is a little off-putting."

"Well, it shouldn't be," John reassured her. He pulled her so they were lying down on the couch. "So can we dispense with the talking part and get to the 'fooling around' part, please?"

"Yes. I just—Johnny?"


"You won't laugh—at me—at my body, will you?" Clementine was suddenly very serious, and looked very unsure of herself.

"No, I will not," John said firmly. "I love your body when you've got clothes on, and I see no reason why I won't love it when you haven't, okay?"

Clementine nodded.

"Look, I'll go first," John said, sitting up briefly to pull his shirt over his head.

"Oh, brother," Clementine said, shaking her head. "You're gorgeous, John, you look like some kind of god." She ran her finger down his smooth, brown chest.

Her touch made him shiver. He kissed her, running his tongue along her lips, asking her to open up for him.

She did, with a happy moan, burying her fingers in his  hair.

He put his hands under her sweater, feeling her soft skin everywhere. He let his hands roam, finally touching the breasts that had been tormenting him all day, squeezing first one, then the other. They were warm and abundant, and he could feel her gasping into his mouth at the feel of his hands on them. He carefully lifted her sweater over her head, so she lay next to him in nothing but a pale blue bra and her pants.

So sexy.

He kissed her across her collarbone, nipping and licking as he went, grasping her torso and holding her against his body. He already had a raging hard on, and hoped Clementine meant what she said about the sex.

"Maybe we should adjourn to the bedroom?" John murmured against her neck. He sucked on the smooth skin there, raising a pink bloom on her tender flesh, making her gasp again at the sensation.

"Okay," she responded, trying to rise.

John surprised her by bending over and scooping her up, making her let out a squeak.

"No, John, I'm too heavy," she protested. "Put me down."

"Nonsense, you hardly weigh a thing," he replied. "I could carry two of you."

And they were already in the bedroom, and he was laying her carefully down on his large bed. He stood for a moment, just admiring her, the round curve of her hips, the way the fleshy part of her breasts were overflowing the cups. "You look amazing," he told her before lying down next to her and pulling her into his arms.

"So do you," Clementine said with a smile.

They kissed like this for a while, and eventually Clementine felt Johns hands on her back, at the closure for her bra.

This was really happening, then.

John turned her over and straddled her, opening her bra with a practiced flick of his fingers. He admired her back, the way it narrowed to her waist before flaring out to her hips, still clad in slacks. He bent forward and kissed her neck, lifting a sheaf of hair to expose a shoulder blade.

Then Clementine felt him turning her back over, felt his hands on the button of her pants. "Just going to take your trousers off, yeah?"

Clementine nodded, taking a deep, calming breath.

"No need to be nervous, we can stop any time you like," John assured her as he pulled first one leg, then the other off her.

"Bloody fucking Jesus, you're beautiful, Clementine O'Dell," John breathed as he took her in.

And Clementine could see and hear that he meant it, that he was serious.

"I love you, John," she told him, lunging up to hug him.

He hugged her back, large hands spread lovingly on her back. "I love you back, Clem, every gorgeous inch of you."

Clementine fumbled with the closure on his pants, but eventually figured it out, and even the sound of the zipper was so sexy. She could see his erection outlined under his boxer briefs, and when they lay back down together, she could feel it against her tummy, warm and firm.

John slid a hand into her undies and put his hand on her, and let out a rasping groan. "God, so wet," he murmured.

"Too much? Am I too wet?" Clementine worried out loud, because she felt very wet to herself, wetter than she'd ever been before.

"No such thing, darling," John assured her. "I'm going to take your knickers off, okay?"

Clementine nodded, again steeling herself to be seen completely naked for the first time in her life, and by Johnny Darling, no less.

He slid his thumbs under the elastic and slowly pulled them down, exposing her thatch of dark pubic hair and finally, her sex.

"I want to taste you," John said, his voice husky.

"You do?"

He nodded. "I told you, it's my favorite thing, and the best way to make sure you come, especially your first time."


"Open up your legs for me."

Clementine bit her lip and parted her legs, her head spinning with the unreality of the moment.

John grasped her by her thighs, settling himself between her legs. He could see how wet she was, he could smell her, and it was driving him crazy. He bent his head and nuzzled into her, his tongue darting out to lick into her.

Clementine gasped at the sensation.


"Taste amazing, Clem," he told her, bending down for another taste. He carefully inserted a finger, rubbing on her with his thumb.

Clementine bucked her hips completely off the bed, letting out a little shriek that made John smile.

He held her firmly and went back to his pleasurable work, using his mouth and hands to give Clementine an orgasm that she probably wouldn't have when they had sex.

"John, John, Johnny," Clementine gasped, writhing under his knowing touch. She tensed up, then relaxed, over and over, and John could feel her clenching on his fingers as her powerful climax moved through her. Even with John holding her down, she arched her back and lifted her hips, taking him with her as she fisted the sheets and drilled her head into the pillow.

"Job well done, soldier," Clementine murmured breathlessly when John finally crawled up to take her in his arms once more. She had a light sheen of fresh perspiration all over her body, making John want to kiss her skin all over.

"Thank you," he laughed, leaning in to kiss her.

"I'm exhausted, would you mind if we just went to sleep now?"

John just stared at her.

Clementine burst out laughing. "I'm joking, idiot, but you should see your face."

In response, John hit her briskly with a pillow.

He kissed her, palming a breast, pressing her into the bed. He peeled his briefs off, and Clementine got her first good look at a man's organ in the flesh.

It was long and slender, much like John himself, and when she grasped it, it was soft yet firm, and hot. There was a little pre-release on the very tip, and Clementine, fascinated, used her thumb to spread it around a little, making John groan.

"Okay, first this," John finally said, grabbing a condom out of the drawer. He opened it and handed it to Clementine, who carefully rolled it on.

"Did I do it right?" she asked, concerned.

John merely nodded and lay down again, kissing her hard. God, he wanted this, wanted her, so much.

Clementine could feel the tip of him against her opening, and wondered if it would hurt.

"You ready?" he asked, pulling his head back to look at her face. "Haven't changed your mind?"
She shook her head and smiled at him, melting his heart.

"Okay. Okay." He grasped himself and pressed forward.

Clementine drew away as the pressure turned to pain, unable to help herself.

John stopped right away and looked at her again, concerned.

"No, I'm fine, but maybe you should just do it fast."

"Like all in one go?"

Clementine nodded, wrapping her arms around John's back.

"Okay, if you're sure."

John drew back, gritting his teeth for control, and thrust forward.

Again, Clementine let out a shriek, only louder than before, right in John's ear, but when he tried to pull out, she pressed her hands against him, holding him inside her.

"You okay, darling?"

Clementine nodded, eyes closed.

John, with Clem's breasts and belly pressed against him, buried inside her to the hilt, was in heaven. "And now I move a little bit, okay?"

Again, Clem nodded. "I feel so close to you," she murmured, smiling tremulously.

"I know, love, I know, that's how I feel, as well," John responded as he slid in and out of her.

Clem moved her hips a little, rising to meet him at the apex of each movement.

"You're so tight, feel so good on me, gonna come soon, really hard," John muttered against her hair.

Clementine nodded, not sure what that entailed.

John's movements sped up as his breathing got faster, and then he let out a groan, and even through the condom Clementine could feel the heat coming out of him in spurts. He shuddered and collapsed on top of her, still spasming.

"Oh god, Clem, I think I just died," John gasped.

She laughed. "Isn't that what the French call it? Le petit mort? Something like that?"

"I don't know what they call it, but I call it pretty fanfuckingtastic," John replied, laughing. He kissed Clementine, burying his hands in her hair.

"I love you, John."

"Lucky for me you do," he responded. "So convenient when the person you love is a fantastic shag, don't you think?"

Clementine gasped. "You did not just say that!"

"I did, though, I really did," John replied, continuing to laugh. "Now, ready for the messy bit?"

"It gets messier than this?"

"Unfortunately, yes." He carefully pulled, out holding the condom on himself, then peeled it off and tossed it in the trash.

Clementine could feel a lot of wetness coming out of herself.

He lay down on the bed with a bounce and took Clementine in his arms. "And now that we have the preliminaries out of the way, what did you think? Is that something you'd like to do again?"

Clementine nodded, giggling. "Hopefully tonight."

"Course," he answered. "I'm young and virile, I'm good for it."


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