Chapter 25: The Midnight Sky

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When they left, it was with plans to get together again, maybe at John's, and have an epic Pictionary rematch. Clementine also had a date to get together with Bea and a couple of her friends to go over their jackets and select a few for her to refurbish.

"That was so much fun," John declared as they headed toward Hyacinth's house.

"The evening doesn't have to be over," Hy suggested, turning to smile at John in the semidarkness of the car. "I mean, I don't know about Clem, since she has class so early, but you could stop at my house for a bit, have a night cap? We don't have to be on set until noon tomorrow, right?"

But John had plans with Clementine. She was supposed to say goodnight to her sister and drive away, but instead of heading towards her house, she was going to go to Johnny's instead.

"I don't think so," he said, managing to sound regretful. "I'm pretty knackered, I think I'm going to call it a night."

"Oh, okay," Hy responded, her regret unfeigned. "Maybe another time?"

"Definitely," John answered, smiling back at her.

"Clemmy? What about you? You want to stop in for a bit?" Hyacinth turned to face her sister.

Clementine shook her head. "Like you said, early class. I need to get to bed."

"Okay. I guess I'm on my own, then," Hyacinth said with a light laugh.

"Sorry, Hy, you know I love you," Clementine answered, her guilt colossal.

"No, no, it's fine, I'll just watch a movie or something, don't feel bad," Hyacinth assured her sister. "We spend plenty of time together." She turned again to John. "You sure I can't convince you? There's a bottle of merlot with your name on it—" she let the sentence dangle.

"Honestly, I'm exhausted, I need sleep," Johnny said firmly, and Clementine wondered if he felt as bad as she did. Basically, they were saying that they preferred each other's company to hers, that they wanted to be together without her.

"Good night, ladies," Johnny called out as he drove away.

"I really thought tonight would be the night." Hyacinth's voice held disappointment.

"I hope it wasn't because I was here?" Clementine said, trying to sound sincere.

"No, sis, don't worry, it was plain as plain that you were going home," Hyacinth reassured her. "You sure you won't come in for a sec?"

Clementine shook her head. "I'd better not. We'll start talking, and it'll be the middle of the night before you know it."

"You're right, you're right," Hyacinth agreed. "Okay, then, see you in a few days?"

"Yes, see you, Hy." Clementine leaned in to kiss her sister.

Clementine got in her little car and pulled out of Hy's driveway, her thoughts already full of Johnny, of being with him. She put her sister resolutely out of her head.

She turned the radio up and rolled the windows down, letting the wind move through the car as she sang along with whatever song was playing.

Lying to her sister notwithstanding, she was young, in love, and on her way to her boyfriend's house.

She pulled in behind Johnny's car, which was still ticking as it cooled off. She couldn't have been more than ten minutes behind him the whole way.

Clementine looked up at the stars, which were more numerous here at the beach than they were in town. She stared up at them until she was dizzy, nearly falling down.

"Hey!" Johnny's voice was soft. "What are you doing out here, you beautiful nutter?"

Clementine looked around and focused on her boyfriend where he stood in the doorway.

"Oh, nothing, just admiring the stars," she answered, gesturing skyward. "There's no moon tonight, either, so you can really see them, you know?"

"Well at least come round to the back," John suggested. "There's a deck and all?"
"Good idea," Clementine agreed, walking over to where he waited.

He took her in his arms and kissed her, a good, long kiss, letting his hand steal into her hair as his other arm slid around her waist.

"Mm," he moaned happily into her mouth. "I've been wanting to do this all night."

"Me, too," Clementine murmured. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her front into him.

John pulled her into the house, closing the door with his foot. "I just opened a bottle of wine," he told her as he led her toward the kitchen.

Clementine sighed.

"No, none of that," John admonished, giving her waist a squeeze. "Clementine, please put your sister out of your head. There's nothing we can do—"

"But there is!" Clementine interrupted, louder than she intended.

John, who was pouring her wine, stopped to stare at her. "What? What, then? What do you suggest we do?" He handed her the wine, and Clementine drank nearly the entire glass down, hardly noticing the taste. He poured her another and they walked out onto his deck. There was a slight breeze, and the sound of the gentle surf could barely be heard.

"I don't know," she finally admitted. "When I'm alone, I think about it constantly, I worry, but when I'm with you it's like I become someone else, you know?" She leaned into his hard body, fitting herself to him. "All I can think about is you, being with you."

John set his glass down and put his arms around her. "I do know, Clem," he reassured her. "I feel the same way." He rubbed her back. "When we're together, it's the most marvelous thing. I never want to be apart." He kissed her, gently at first, then with more animation as his ardor grew. "Jesus, Clem, the way you make me feel—" he slid his hand up her front to cup her breast.

"John, Johnny," Clementine breathed between kisses. She kissed him back, hard, tilting her head and pressing into him.

He turned to lead her into the bedroom, but she resisted.

"Let's stay out here," she breathed, pressing her hips into his front for emphasis.

And the deck railing was just wide enough and high enough to accommodate Clementine as she sat on it and spread her legs to John.

He felt her warmth against him and was completely lost in her. He didn't even remember taking his clothes off, or hers, for that matter; the next thing he knew he was pressing into her as she dug her fingers into his back and gasped his name.

Feeling her breath in his ear as she said his name galvanized him, pulling the strength from his legs as he buried himself as deeply in her as he could.

"Clementine, god, Clem—" He grasped her hair and slowly, steadily pulled it backwards, exposing the graceful column of her throat. John bent his head to suck fiercely on it, knowing it would leave a mark, but unable to care.

He reached between them with the hand that wasn't buried in her hair, rubbing her to a quick, explosive release. He felt her thighs tighten around his hips as she came, as she arched her back and leaned slightly away from him, looking magnificent.

He followed soon after, unable to hear anything but his own bellows breathing, feeling the night breeze whicking away the light sheen of perspiration on his back.

He stayed on his feet with effort, remaining joined with Clementine as she seemed to melt into him, her body softening against his.

"Wowza," she murmured, smiling in the near complete darkness.

"Agreed," he replied, kissing her soft and swollen mouth.

He helped her down from the railing and they retrieved their clothes before heading inside.

"I didn't even get to look at the stars," Clementine mused with a laugh as John closed the door.

"They'll still be there tomorrow," he reassured her. "Now, let's get to bed, you have an early class tomorrow, don't you?"

"Can we sleep like this?" Clementine asked, turning to face him in the cool darkness of his bedroom.

"What, with no clothes on? Sure," John responded with a chuckle. "Sounds like fun."

And as they were settling down in each other's arms, he spoke quietly. "You've really changed, you know?"

"How?" Clementine's voice was already blurry with sleep.

"I just can't imagine the shy girl I met a few months ago wanting to shag on the deck or sleep with me absolutely starkers, that's all."

"So I've changed in a good way, then? A fun way?"

John pulled her close and kissed her temple. "Definitely. Good night, darling."


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