Chapter 32: More Fallout

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Clementine had set all her social media to private as soon as she could, but not before she read plenty of comments from strangers about her, John, and their sex life.

Did you see the bush on her? Ever heard of a Brazilian, sis?

She's fat and ugly, why would Johnny be with her?

I thought he was seeing her sister, Hyacinth?

Thicc girls are in these days, Johnny's just jumping on the bandwagon.

What I wouldn't give to have Johnny Darling go down on me

It's just publicity, though for what I can't figure out. He doesn't like her, how could he?

Clem hadn't looked at her Twitter or Instagram since. Her Facebook, which was mainly family and friends, was still okay, and she'd even posted a few photos of her and John from the boat there. The comments were benign and supportive, for the most part.

Going to class was a kind of torture for Clementine. Even the fact that Kim was next to her didn't really help. As soon as she entered her first class, she saw and heard the effect her presence had. People turned to look, some with sympathy, some smirking, and the whole room got quiet for a beat while they took her in.

She took her seat, and Kim reached over and took her hand in a show of solidarity. "You're going to be fine," she whispered as she leaned over.

And Clem was grateful, too, that not once had Kimmy said "I told you so," though she must surely have been thinking it.

Clementine realized after she'd taken out her laptop and supplies for class that people had already stopped looking at her, and things seemed pretty much normal. This feeling intensified when the professor came in and started lecturing as though nothing was amiss.

Maybe things would be okay.

Midmorning she got a text from Anastasia, saying she had a few more orders for jackets from friends of hers. She made no mention of the videos or photographs at all.

"So, what are your plans for the afternoon?" Kim asked her after class.

"I have to get going on those jackets," Clem told her. She explained about getting more orders.

"Wow, you're going to be swimming in money," Kim said admiringly as they walked to their next class.

Clem could tell that people were staring at her in the halls more than usual, but it wasn't so bad. For the most part, everyone was just carrying on as though this terrible thing hadn't happened to her. She couldn't help wondering, though, how many of the people they were passing had seen the pictures and video. She felt like she was walking around naked.

But she also felt like most people weren't noticing.

Kim spoke, reading her thoughts. "See? Everyone's too busy living life to care what you did over the weekend."

They sat in her next class, and again, the momentary silence, followed by the rising of noise levels to normal. Clementine even forgot about her situation for a little while, chatting with Kim about the jackets and how fun it was to be creative in that way.

"I'm proud of you," Kim told her, echoing Johnny's words. "You're really stepping out of your sister's shadow, in a big way. I always knew you could."
"Thanks, Kimmy."

After class, she headed home to get to work on the jackets, hoping that the yarn she needed had arrived.

It had, and she spent a happy afternoon on the floor in the sun room, smelling her clementine bush and cutting the jackets into squares so she could stitch them back together in pleasing patterns.

The only dark spot came when she thought of Hy and what she was doing. She wondered how things were going with her and Johnny as well, but he hadn't texted her or anything, so hopefully that was a good sign.

The door opened and closed, and Clem heard her mother call out, "I'm home, you here, Clemmy?"

"In here," she responded. "You're home early."

Jill shrugged. "It was slow, and I wanted to see how you were doing, so I popped home. Something smells good."

Clementine shrugged. "I just thawed some leftover stew I found in the freezer, I hope that's fine for dinner?"

"Sounds good." Her mother looked around at all the fabric and yarn. "This is turning into quite the cottage industry for you, isn't it?"

Clementine nodded. "It's almost getting to where I don't have time to keep up with the orders. If anyone else asks for one, I'm going to have to either tell them no, or make them wait until summer or something."

"Seems like you're graduating just in time, hm?"

"I guess so. I was worried about getting a job as a journalism major, but maybe I'll make enough just doing this," Clem said hopefully.

"You can do anything you set your mind to," Jill told her daughter, ruffling her hair affectionately. "And if it makes you feel any better, I listened to the radio all the way to work and all the way home, and I didn't hear anything about your weekend."

"Thanks, Mom."

"Let me change my clothes, and maybe I can help you a little with the cutting and stuff."

Her mother turned back just before she left the sun room. "You know, we never really talked about you and Johnny, separate from what happened. But I want you to know that I like him, and I'm happy you're with him. He seems very nice, and quite smitten with you."

Clem smiled at her mother. "Yeah, I like him, too. If I could work things out with Hy, life would be pretty good."

"I know, baby girl, I know. Hy will come around, once she sees how happy you are, I think."

"I hope so. You know, she hasn't texted me once today, which is pretty weird."

"Well, given the circumstances, it's not surprising, is it? Give her some time."
Clem nodded and her mother once again turned to go.

Her notifications pinged with an incoming email, so she picked up her phone. She could read the first line.

You're so fucken hot, baby, I can cum just looking at your tits.

She deleted the email without opening it.

How had the person gotten her email?

Next she got a text:
I'll eat you out any time you want, you dirty whore.

This was followed by:
Why can't you leave Johnny alone?? He doesn't love you, you're just glomming on to him for fame or something, it's pathetic.


Her phone pinged with an incoming text before she could silence it, and she picked it up, sighing with exasperation.

It was from John.

How's it going, darling? Everything okay?

With tears streaming down her face, Clementine told him about her social media, emails, and texts.

Not a problem, love, I'll have my people change your numbers straight away. And I'm sorry for all this, truly I am.

Clementine didn't blame John for any of it, but she knew it would be pointless to tell him so.

Never mind about me, she wrote back. How are things with you?

Definitely frosty. In fact, your sister just stormed off the set, saying she was too upset to work.

Oh no. God, John, I'm so sorry!

Now it's my turn to say it's not your fault, darling.

Clementine went to bed that night feeling turbulent and unsettled. All of her texts and calls to her sister had gone unanswered. Only working on the jackets gave her some peace of mind, something to do to occupy her hands. They were coming together beautifully, and she was really getting creative with the stitches she used to join them together.

She tossed and turned as she tried to find sleep, or let sleep find her, wanting desperately to talk to Hy. Surely she was at home? How long could she keep avoiding her own sister?

Her phone pinged with a text, and she lunged for it.

How you holding up, kiddo?

It was from Alan.

Clementine sighed.

I'm okay, just feeling naked, vulnerable and hated, you know, all the usual stuff.

Aww, you know I love you, right? No matter what? Even though you took off for this fun in the sun weekend without even telling me lol?

He continued.

Well, I've become very popular over here at UCLA, if it makes any difference. Somehow word got out that you and I are 'good friends,' and now everyone wants to know me. Pretty cool, huh?

Pretty disgusting, I think you mean, Clem replied. I'm sorry you're getting dragged into this.

Are you kidding? This is the most exciting thing to happen to me in years! Decades, maybe!

Clementine laughed as she looked at her phone. Leave it to Alan to find some humor in this holy mess.

I have to try to get some sleep, she wrote.

Yeah, I know, me too. Just wanted to try to cheer you up a little first.

Mission accomplished, friend.

Clem put her phone down and resolutely closed her eyes.

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