Chapter 7: Brunch

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Clementine wondered as she handed her keys to the valet at the Bel-Air if he'd ever parked a ten year old Toyota Corolla before. She patted at her blouse, smoothing it down over her front and wishing that she didn't have the tummy that she had. She looked slightly pregnant, for crying out loud, even though of course she wasn't.

She gave her name to the host and was led to an out of the way booth where they couldn't be seen by the rest of the restaurant. It was a beautiful space, with an ornate fountain in the middle, and lots of natural light.

She saw John's face light up with his world-famous smile when he saw her, and he rose to hug and kiss her, on both cheeks. He was wearing jeans and a pale blue polo shirt that really brought out his skin tones and looked absolutely outstanding on him.

"So glad you could make it on such short notice," he said, gesturing for her to slide into the booth first.

"Thanks for the invitation," Clementine answered, smiling back. "This place is beautiful."

"Oh, you've never been here?"

Clementine shook her head. "I mean, I've heard of it, but no, I've never eaten here. Hy probably has, though." She continued to look around, taking in everything, from the huge trees growing near the middle of the room to the low clink of Hollywood's powerful making deals about who knew what over champagne and brunch.

John looked at her in appreciation. "Your eyes are absolutely lovely, you know? The color of those chocolate creams that come in the big red boxes? And round and huge like them as well."

Clementine could feel herself melting off her chair. "That's nicer than what Billy Snyder said about them in fifth grade," she finally joked.

"Oh? And what did Billy Snyder say about your gorgeous eyes, might I ask?" John's eyes were merry.

"Dirt. He said my eyes and hair were the color of dirt." Clementine made a wry face as she spoke.

"What? No, what a horrid little boy," John said, laughing. "Chocolate creams, I promise."

Clementine could feel herself blushing. How was she supposed to answer such compliments? She didn't know how to be gracious.

"Well, your eyes are nice, too," was what she finally came up with.

"Yeah? They've been described by many, many people—how would you describe them?" He put his head on his fist and regarded Clementine seriously.

"Well, your eyes are the color of cream sherry, I'd say."

"That's nice!" John seemed pleased. "I've gotten 'gold,' 'light brown,' and even 'orange' a couple of times, so I'll take 'cream sherry.'"

Clem let out a surreptitious sigh of relief at having cleared this hurdle.

Their coffee arrived, and they perused the menu as they drank.

"Wow, I don't know what to get, everything looks so good!" Clem said as she turned page after page.

"This place actually has a nice chef's choice brunch sampler if you can't decide on anything," John told her. "I think that's what I'm going to get, actually."

"Ooh, me too," Clem said immediately. " A little bit of everything, sounds great."

John smiled at her again. "You're so easy to please, it's a refreshing change."

"A refreshing change from what?"

"From some girls I've taken to brunch, I suppose," John responded. "Between the ones who are watching their weight and won't eat anything that contains actual calories to the ones who are on some weird diet and can't eat anything with flour or whatever, it could just put a fellow off going out to eat altogether."

"Oh, well, yeah, that's not me," Clementine joked. "I love food, and I'll try anything. I figure, if someone, somewhere in the world eats it, it's food, and it's just a matter of getting used to it."

"Really? That sounds like a challenge to me. My father's family comes from the Igbo culture in Nigeria, we'll have to get you some of my personal favorites and see how you do." Johnny seemed no end of pleased at the prospect.

The waiter arrived and John ordered the brunch sampler for both of them, quickly, as though he didn't want to be interrupted.

"So," he continued, once the server was gone, "what's the strangest thing you've ever eaten?"

"Well, I spent a year in Japan as an exchange student, so I've eaten some pretty funky Japanese food," Clementine countered.


"Shirako," Clementine responded with a grin.

"What's that?"

"Codfish sperm sac."

"What?" John's eyes had grown so big they looked in danger of falling out of their sockets.

Clementine only nodded. "It's definitely an acquired taste, and not commonly eaten, even in Japan, but I've had it."

"You beat me cold," John announced with a laugh. "And I can't wait to have Nigerian food with you."

Clementine felt a frisson of anticipation at his words. All of this talk really sounded like he wanted to see her more often.

Their first course arrived then, salmon hollandaise on toast points, and their conversation ebbed as the couple ate their food.

"Wow, this is so good," Clementine murmured as she ate.

John smiled. "Yeah, it's perfect when you don't know what you want."

Their next course, tiny pancakes with fresh lingonberry syrup, was just as delicious as the salmon had been.

"I'm afraid to eat all of it," Clementine confided, leaning across the table to talk.


"What if I get full and can't eat something?" Clementine asked seriously. "I want to make sure I have enough room to at least taste everything."

John threw his head back and laughed. "Like I said, so refreshing to be with a girl who actually wants to eat everything placed before her.

"And I wouldn't worry about getting full," he added. "There's not a lot left."

Clementine wondered if it was unattractive of her to have such a huge appetite. But then again, it was obvious she wasn't a skinny, waif-y model looking person.

Their next course was a clear broth with mushrooms in it, thankfully small.

"I wonder how long they have to simmer it to concentrate the flavors like this?" she asked rhetorically.

"No fucking clue, funny girl," John responded, pausing to look down into his small bowl of soup.

They finally reached the end of the meal, and Clementine was relieved to find she was pleasantly full, no more.

"More coffee?" John asked, gesturing toward her cup. "Or tea, perhaps?"

"Do you have time?" Clementine asked doubtfully. "I thought you were crazy busy."

"But taking time with things I enjoy puts me in a better mood for the other things in my life," John explained, pulling out his phone. "I can't be happy in my work if I don't have a little time for pleasure, right?"

So having lunch with her was "pleasure?" Clementine nearly purred.

"I only have homework waiting for me, so yeah, let's get some tea or something," she agreed, nodding.

John ordered a pot of Earl Grey and poured out when it arrived at their table.

"So what are you reading right now?" John asked as they sipped their tea.

"I'm reading Murakami Haruki's latest, a collection of short stories."

"In Japanese?" John's voice was incredulous.

"God no, my Japanese isn't good enough," Clementine told him. "Besides, Murakami writes in English most of the time, with the exception of some essays. Then he translates them into Japanese. That's what gives his books the feel they have, of simplicity. You read him?"

John nodded. "I assumed I was reading translations," he admitted.

"Nope." Clementine took another sip of her tea. "Anyway, the short story collection is really good, you should read it if you're a fan."

"Okay, I will."

Their brunch ended all too soon, and Clementine was sad that the time had flown so quickly. She wondered when she'd see him again?

"Wow, time really flies when you're having fun," John said, looking at his watch. He seemed genuinely sorry that their time together was over. "When can we get together again?"

Was he serious?

"Well, I have class most days, and you're filming your movie, so it'll be tough," Clementine said, giving him an out.

"Aren't you free on Thursdays?" John asked as he laid his credit card down on the table. "I thought you said you didn't have class on Thursdays."

Had she told him that?

"That's right, I don't have anything on Thursdays this semester," Clementine said.

"Okay, so why don't we get together Wednesday night after I'm finished? Although I don't know what time that will be. You don't mind? Not knowing until the last minute?" John sounded anxious, which Clementine found rather touching. "You'll wait?"

"Sure. Thursdays are usually my big homework day, so it's not a big deal if I'm out late the night before," Clementine responded with a nod.

"Splendid." John looked relieved. "We should probably leave separately, if you don't mind. You never know when someone's going to take your photograph, and believe me, that's not something you want."

"Okay." They rose, and John stepped into give her a huge hug, followed by the European double cheek kiss again.

"This was such fun," he said. "I'm so glad you came."

"Me too," Clementine told him with a smile.

"See you Wednesday."

Clem nodded and waved as she walked away.

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