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School day...

I woke up that morning with a headache because I had cried myself to sleep. The secret was out. I trusted Jake. I told him. I got what I deserved for disobeying mom. I'm gonna die.

I didn't tell my mom about the incident. I couldn't. She'd kill me and it may put us in more danger. It'll be better if just Jake and I knew about this.

After dressing up, I took cornflakes for breakfast and left my mom s good morning note.

Entering St Elmore's was scarier than my first time. The bubby hallways were unusually calm and filled with less people. I got few stares and sneers but I pushed it, it was usual. They're probably jealous cause of Jake and I.

I went to my locker to get the books I need for my first class, but when I got there, I couldn't believe what I saw. If it was any other thing written there I won't bug, but someone wrote "SECRETS" with red ink on my locker. I didn't know if I was to cry or demand who did it, so I ran away and left my books there.

I called in sick and went to the nurse's office to stay. Something was wrong. Did Jake tell me off? He wouldn't dare. If he sent me out of his house, why can't he tell me off? He told me he loved me, he wouldn-

Bang! Someone opened the door to the office.

"Jake," I said, smiling, "I had the feeling you'd come back to talk to me. I-"

"That's the girl you want. Seize her!"

I looked behind the boy I almost liked and I saw three big men behind him. I didn't know who they were but they obviously looked dangerous.

"What's going on Jake?" I asked sitting up. The men were coming closer, like they were trying to cover up in case I tried to escape.

"Look, Blue you'll have to go with them. Just a day, and they knew a Hathaway was with me. I'm really sorry."

"What?" I couldn't concentrate on his words as I tried to look for an opening.

"The Camerons sent some men here. They've surrounded the school."

"You've got to be kidding me!" I screamed as I found my escape route and bumped Jake by the door. He didn't budge but I made sure to push him out of my way.

I had a feeling this day would come, when they would find me in Elmore's​, since it was popular, so I followed the route I had planned for my escape the day I set foot into the school.

There were three doors leading to the roof, luckily it was a flat roof. I was running away from almost a hundred armed men. This wasn't my first time, but damn, every single time makes it harder.

A man had spotted me. He was standing near the second door to the roof top. Shit. That's the safest route. I hid behind the wall as he came to take a better look out. He held his gun forward to kill anyone in site. Now, I wondered if any student would come out, but I remembered that they were probably oblivious to all these things happening to me and they were learning.

But karma sure is a bitch. Stephen came out, holding a hall pass in his hands when he spotted me. Unknown to him, the guy was watching him. As the guy came closer, I kicked forward, making the gun to drop from his hands.

He tried to punch me but I dodged. I've been training all my life. He tried to give me and uppercut but I dodged it and gave him a low blow on the head. He was on the floor instantly.

I looked over at Stephen and the hall pass was on the floor.

"Blue? What's going on?"

"Get back inside!" I tried to whisper-scream.

I picked the gun and headed towards​the door. Stephen was beside me in minutes.

"What the hell are you doing there. You're gonna be in trouble."

"Are you in trouble?"

"This is not the time to chit chat Steve. It's life or death here."

"Will you tell me what's going on?"

I was about to make my escape. I had made a safe landing for myself. The roof wasn't so high, so I had windows to swing on and a soft mattress waiting for me on the floor.

"It's not your business Stephen! If you follow me you and your family will be in trouble!"

"If you're in trouble, I don't mind following you! I thought you'd know that by now," He screamed back.

"You don't get it do you?! This isn't a game or a date or a sweet moment to play as the Knight in shining amour. Go back right now if you want your head intact."

I left him and followed the windows and landed right in the mattress. When I looked back at the roof, Stephen was still looking at me.

Did I make a mistake choosing Jake over Steve?

There's no time for regrets now.

I looked left and right and found out that they missed this spot like I guessed they would and I ran.

Where was I to go to? Home? No. There's no home for me now. Mom won't be there anyways. The only thing there is death...


So someone literally begged me to update this book.

The fact that I abandoned it, was because I thought I had to put my mind in my recent book Come Back Home.

Updating this chapter made me to remember why I started this book in the first place. So to those that are angry with me for not updating this book, I'm highly sorry.

The book is coming to an end, though. I think 9 more chapters to go and we'll be done.

I'd planned the ending of this book from the first day I started writing it and it still remains unchanged.

I just hope you'd see me through till the end of the book.

Your votes and comments are needed.

Thank you.

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