Chapter 2

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As Mira was now part of the police force as I was protecting her with my friends. We where now her family her only family now. We where teaching her things like going to school that her parents couldn't do, her parents are in jail for a long time but she will know I'm time her parents are evil. Mira is now 13 years old she ran up to me as she said to me Mammal look what I got from my test today from my school! Said Mira, what is it? I said as I saw an A+ on her homework, I'm so proud of you Mira I said as I robbed her head as she smiled at me as saphira said what's going on? Said saphira. Mira's got a A+ today at school I said, that's great said saphira, thanks said Mira, anyway Mira good have fun with your friends now I said, thanks! Said Mira as she run outside of the police station as I looked outside of the widow watching Mira playing with her friends. She's really liking you mammal said saphira, I know like I'm a father to her like her father Ezra Bridger a wanted man that killed a couple of cops and good people I said. I know said saphira, good cops trying to protect the citizens of the city but with Ezra Bridger in bars is a good thing but the bad thing is his rebels are still out there trying to start a war and we can't just find their highest leader Kanan and Hera still I said. I know but we will find them said saphira, I know we will I said, then Mira ran into the police station and ran up to me crying as she hugged me as I said to her what's wrong Mira? And why do you have a black eye? I said, he hit me hard said Mira, who Mira? I said, he did said Mira as she pointed outside to see a man and a couple of men with machine guns pointing at us as I said GET DOWN! I said as I pasted Mira and saphira down onto the ground as I did too, they opened fired at the police station as Mira was screaming as I was scared too as was saphira. They stop firing at us as a man said, I know you have her Sgt Mammal and I want her back! She's my family! Said the man. Grandpa? Said Mira, no you stay in cover Mira, he's dangerous now and you know that do you? I said, yes I know said Mira, good just going to call in for back up right now I tried to say as the man said I'm giving you five seconds to give me Mira said the man. Or what kill us? I yelled out, probably yes said the man, I grabbed my handgun as I looked at saphira as she nodded at me as I looked right at Mira, stay down Mira and take cover I said to Mira, yes sir said Mira, I looked outside to see the men walking up to the police station as I got up and shot a couple of them as did saphira, we killed a couple of them as then I saw the man it was kanan he shot his handgun right at saphira but I past her away from getting hit as I got shot in my shoulder as I fell down onto the ground hard, MAMMAL! Said Mira as she got up and ran up to me, saphira called in for back up as prime and rogue and kirtio and wolf and Sabinewren and Royal ran up to us as they opened fired right at kanan and his band of rebels. FALL BACK! Said kanan, as his rebels and himself as he ran off with his rebels, mammal? Said saphira as I said I'm fine I said, no you're not you just got shot said saphira, I know but I'm not bleeding that bad I said, let me check said saphira, as she said you're bleeding and you need to go to a hospital right now said saphira, fine I said as Mira said why would they come here for me? Said Mira. I don't know but we will find out together okay Mira I said, okay but please get better said Mira, I well I said.

Later on...

We finally got back to the police station together as I walked into my office to see Mira wahcing tv, as I said Mira its 10:30 pm go to bed now I said. But I was...Mira tried to say to me. Mira please if you don't go to bed you well be late for school and you're teachers will be mad at me and my team I said. Mammal please said Mira, mira don't make me say it again okay I said, okay fine said Mira as she got up and walked into her bedroom next to my office. Sigh sometimes I do feel like a father to her but I'm too young to be one. I saw prime walking to me and he said hey mammal do you have a minute? Said prime, yeah sure I said, I got bad news said prime, what's the bad news prime? I said, Sabine wren is out of jail, kanan took her out said prime, great I said, I know said prime, so what now? Said saphira, we will stop him and Sabine I said. We will get them said prime.

Starring in this book is..............
roboknightprime Saphira1208 Rogue_Divsion sabinewren44 kirito1138 Spiritwolf76

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