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(For sake of mild drama timelines may be slightly jacked i.e. Ethan works for Mark before he meets Amy whether that's how it was irl or not)

(Also trash because I'm tired. Edit later?)

Ethan spent twenty years viewing the world in black, gray and white. His childhood was spent hearing stories of hiw his parents and teachers found their soulmates. He went through high school watching some of his closest friends gush about how they found colors over the weekend, trying desperately to describe it. But how does one describe something another can't see?

Eventually he made some good friends and got a job making and editing videos with them. He was there when Mark, one of said friends, came home with a goofy grin on his face. Mark explained how he met an amazing girl named Amy and the world exploded into color, but only after looking Ethan up and down and saying, "I'm not entirely sure what colors your clothes are but they do not match."

Then one day, he was walking on the grayscale streets of sunny L.A. when the sound of screeching tires pierced the air. He looked up just in time to see a girl yanked out of the way of a car that passed through a stoplight. She looked around, dazed, as a crowd started to gather around her.

Ethan was curious and wanted to see that she was alright, but decided enough people were surrounding her and continued on his way. Before long, his eyes started to hurt. He glanced up, surprised that some surrounding that were once gray and gloomy were brighter, bolder...more colorful.

He stopped dead in his tracks and frantically searched around, making sure he wasn't just hallucinating. Everything about and around him was so much more happy, so much more lively. The busy colors were starting to hurt his eyes, but the payoff was so much more than he ever could have imagined.

However, the buzz wore off the more he thought about it. Who triggered the colors? He hadn't talked to anyone, or made eye contact with anyone...except, of course, the girl who was almost run over.

The girl wouldn't have seen him, of course. She was probably too shocked to process anything, plus she was swamped with concerned people who saw the car barreling towards her. But he was looking right at her.

There was no way she could be gone already.

He turned and rushed towards the intersection, feeling his heart drop when the intersection was empty. The girl had continued on her way, and all of the people around her were gone, too. Frustrated, Ethan put his hands on his head and looked around, as if she'd end up being right behind him. Alas, he had no such luck.

Looking at his reflection in a shop windiw, he sighed. Of course, he would be the one person that had to hunt down their soulmate after he found them. But a stroke of bad luck wasn't going to deter him. Still, he let his eyes drop discouragement and cringed at the sight.

Mark was right. His clothes did not match at all.

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