Chapter 7

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Yumi finally opened her eyes, only to see... nothing. She looked around weakly, still only seeing darkness.

...But.. in the distance, someone was wrapped up tightly in red chains.

...Their corset was tightened around their stomach and chest violently... looks like it really hurt..!

"Is... that... Kiara..?" Yumi said weakly as she fell to her knees to balance herself. The almost endless darkness was disorienting to her.

*...The thought of finding your friend.. fills you with determination!

Yumi suddenly got a burst of energy and hope.

She then stood up, her energy restored. Her pink eyes sparkled as she ran towards the only other person she could see, worry etched on her face. All she cared about was finding her friend.

They instantly looked up, seeing Yumi..

Her expression looked tired, but.. it was really her. Kiara.

She knelt by Kiara. "Oh no... oh, jeez..." Yumi murmured. "Kiara..."


She couldn't speak for a moment, her eyes darting down to the corset as if to say to loosen it..

She nodded in understanding and tried to loosen the corset. She looked up worriedly at Kiara for a moment.

When she succeeded, Kiara took a deep breath in, coughing softly.

"Aaaagh.. a-ahh, ghh.."

She seemed in a lot of pain.. how long had it been tightened like that..

Yumi said nothing and just remained there, kneeling by kiaras side. However, her concern clearly showed in her expression.

When Kiara finally spoke, her voice was cracked and broken.

"Th..thank you.. Yumi.."

She nodded. "Y-Yeah..." she responded softly and sat. "Do... do you know where we are, exactly..?"

"...We.. ..we are in the void. This place.. this area of empty code.. this is where she keeps the ones that act against her... the ones that try to stop her."

"Code?" Yumi asked, not sure of what that was.


Kiara went silent, her emerald blue eyes dark.

Yumi was quiet as well, though obviously she was worried. She combed her fingers through her own auburn hair to try and distract herself from the fact that they were essentially stuck in a void.

The vices of red chains suddenly tightened around Kiaras arms, legs, and waist, causing her to choke in pain.

"Kiara!" She cried out in worry and looked around, desperately, for anything she could do or use to help.

The chain around her throat began to tighten. She whimpered out softly.

*Try to break the chains?


A disembodied voice said to Yumi. Only she could hear it, but it did exist. It wasn't just her imagination.

"Yes," she decided, and tried to break the red chains, though also being careful not to pull on them in a way that would cause them to restrict even further.

When she pulled on the chain on Kiara's neck, it poofed into red magic.

Her eyes sparkled with victory and she did the same to the chain around Kiaras waist.

This one tightened.. maybe it was a certain order.

She frowned, slightly deterred, but not giving up yet. She tried the chain on Kiaras left arm, praying it would work.

That one poofed into red magic.

So it IS a pattern!

She grinned. "So I just have to figure out the rest, huh... okay. I'm sorry Kiara, there's a 75% chance I'll get this wrong," she said with a slight chuckle, trying to joke but failing. She pulled gently on the one around Kiaras right leg.

She chuckled softly as well..

That one poofed as well.


"Phew..." she sighed in relief. Next one she tried was the chain around Kiaras waist.

Surprisingly, it poofed as well.

Then she pulled gently on the chain on Kiaras right arm.

This one tightened softly.

"Mn.. nope.."

The last ones left were on her left leg and right arm. Had to be one of them.

She tried the one on Kiaras left leg.

The left leg one poofed.

Perfect! One more!

She smiled and tugged, once again gently, on the one around her right arm.

When all of the chains were gone, she lightly hugged Yumi close.

"Thank you.. thank you so much.'

She smiled softly, gently wrapping her arms around Kiara. "It's just what friends do, you know? Figuring out a pattern to get chains off of a friend placed by some psycho is something I do every day," she grinned.

She smiled softly for a moment..

"..I.. I suppose you met Lucia.."

She nodded. "Yeah," Yumi replied. "She's... intense."

"..I have a lot of explaining to do.. don't I..?"

"Kinda... but I can wait."

"Good.. for now, I need to get out. S..somehow."

"There's got to be a way out," Yumi said, determined to find a way to escape.

She smiled softly..

"..I just hope we can find it quickly."

"Me too," Yumi responded. She stood and offered a hand to help Kiara stand.

She gently took her hand, getting back up.

"....That corset hurt.."

"I wish I had some healing items on me..." Yumi murmured. "But I didn't bring anything with me except the crown... oh boy, was that a mistake!" she laughed, remembering her encounter with Muffet.

"The crown.. Th-the crown!? Oh, please tell me she doesn't have it!"

"..." Yumi didn't respond, which was enough of an answer. Her positive exterior faded away, knowing she had failed greatly by letting Lucia get the crown. She could tell it was bad just from Kiaras reaction. She looked away guiltily. "...I'm sorry..."

"..Oh god, she does, doesn't she?!"

She seemed terrorized, her blood running cold.

She nodded slowly and buried her head in her hands. "I'm so stupid..." she moaned.

"..S-she.. Oh- oh no-"

She began to shake softly.

Yumi was silent. She didn't know what to say and didn't want to say anything either. She clutched her arms to her chest, eyes closed.

"...This is bad.. that crown.. she'll.."

Yumi sat down, still quiet.

"..Oh god, she'll kill asgore."

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