three | mind over matter

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y o u n g   t h e   g i a n t

mind over matter

❝  Mind over matter, does it matter to any of us? Don't change the subject, I'm heavy on your love 


m i n d   o v e r   m a t t e r

the use of willpower to overcome physical problems.


     An hour had passed, and the second hour was going by painfully. The small golden watch that sat on Pacifica's pale wrist gleamed underneath the moon's light, reading 7:30. There was just an hour left, she sighed, but it was going by so slowly. She leaned her head once again against the window sill, lightly tracing over the pessimistic words engraved in the wood.

     She looked out the window, and saw it was nearing the afternoon, as the sun had almost disappeared underneath the forest tops. The trees zoomed by her, in colours of dark GREEN. The sky was a light blue melting into purple, and the moon seemed to grin down at her mischievously.

     The bus came to a slow stop after a while, and Pacifica grabbed her bags, trying to find a wad of cash to give to the bus driver. While she fumbled around her bags for her wallet, the driver looked at her curiously.

     "Why this dump?" he mumbled, his wispy moustache tickling his hooked red nose. "Why here, out of all places?"

     "Uh, I'm sorry, but what do you mean?" said Pacifica, surprised as she looked at him with wide blue eyes, still fumbling for the bus fare, her eyes glancing to the man every once while.

     "Gravity Falls, it's a small town, with mysteries and secrets. It's Eastern Oregon. So many occurrences that are, ya know, supernatural, in this small town that has , um, what people'd call 'paranormal activity'. 

     Especially the boarding school, sudden deaths of some students, so why here? Why here of all places? Sure a young lady like you, with certainly well off parents, wouldn't want their precious daughter being sent to a dump like this?"

     "I - I don't know," whispered Pacifica, handing the cash, her hair falling onto her face. She made no effort of brushing it out of the way, but she took the bags and stepped out the bus.

     "Stay safe kid, it'd be nice if you survive," she heard the bus driver say, but as soon as she turned around to ask him what he meant by that, he had disappeared. She sighed heavily, pushing strands of blonde hair from her face.

* * * 

     Knocking on the hard wooden door hesitantly, she took a sharp breath in. Pacifica had reached the clearing of the woods, where a shop called the Mystery Shack was set, near the town. The 'S' had fallen off, and was sitting on a ledge, worry seeping into Pacifica because the thought of the massive 'S' falling on someone was quite terrifying.

      As soon as she knocked, the door flung open to reveal a chubby man with a floral shirt on. It was Bud, Pacifica's uncle. She smiled at him, and he did in return, his stubble on his countless chins wobbling. He had dark eyes, and long brown sideburns, running down his chubby cheeks.

     His red nose wobbled as he sniffed, "Hello Pacifica, you'll be meeting your cousin shortly, and will be going to the school tonight," he chortled, his eyes gleaming. Pacifica nodded, flashing him a bright smile.

     "Well, aren't you a doll!" he laughed, beckoning her inside, and taking her bags from her. The Shack was a complete rip-off, without a doubt. As soon as they entered through the other door, the kitchen was seen and the stairs leading upstairs.

     "Don't get too comfortable, you won't be staying here for more then a couple of hours," shouted Bud from the kitchen, probably rummaging for food.

     Pacifica laughed and yelled an 'Okay' back. She went down the short stairs leading to the somewhat of a basement, and sat on the comfortable chair. Her eyes began to droop, and soon she was lulled into a slumber of sleep.

* * *

      "PACIFICA PINES, GET THE HECK UP!" a voice shouted. Pacifica quickly got up, her eyes glancing around everything until they spotted a chubby boy with freckles splattered across his nose and cheeks.

     His pale luminescent-like skin shone underneath the artificial light of the basement, and his dark - almost black - eyes contrasted with his snow white hair. His pink lips were pulled to pout as he looked at her with disappointment.

     "Hey Gideon," grinned Pacifica, as she got up and stretched slowly, and begun to tie her hair into a pony tail. He grinned back but then grabbed her hand, rushing her outside.

     "We can talk while I show you the town, okay? Even if you aren't going to stay here, just thought I'd let you know how it looks, y'know?" rambled Gideon pulling at her hand, while she tied her shoelaces. Pacifica nodded, ready to be shown a whole new side of the world, the mysterious Gravity Falls.

      The butterflies in her stomach didn't care about the town, but about the boarding school.

* * *

     After being shown the tiny town, Gideon brought Pacifica back to the Shack. He had explained how everything worked in the small town, while also hiding behind her every time some kid came past them, who were his age too.

    While nearing the door to the Shack, Pacifica turned to Gideon with a questioning gaze. She stopped altogether and put both her hands on her waist, and tapped her foot patiently against the forest floor.

     "What?" said Gideon nervously, he began biting his lip and averting his gaze as Pacifica stared further. "Okay! I'm uncomfortable about my body okay! I'm pale, I've got pale hair, but my eyes are black? I've got a pudgy body and I look like a ghost! Or a bed sheet! What'll they say at the boarding school!" he rambled, looking upset as the rims of his eyes became red.

     "I wish I was normal," he said in a hoarse voice.

      Mouth agape, Pacifica came closer to hug him, she was at a loss of words. However, Gideon flinched and moved back, shaking his head, eyes wide.

     "I'd rather you didn't. Anyways, we should get back," muttered Gideon, turning around and opening the door, waiting for Pacifica.

     As she was walking inside, she stopped by Gideon and grinned at him before going inside.

     "You're a beautiful person, Gideon. Everyone is." Gideon could only nod meekly, allowing Pacifica to enter before him. He shook his head, envy pooling in his stomach. Why do I have to be the freak? He thought.


g r e e n


Dedicated to: DarianCapps

Because they're a lovely commenter. I'm so excited to keep writing this book, thank you everyone for your support, can't believe it's 500 reads now!


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n o w

i ' m

i n s e c u r e


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