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Wow! This is a very dramatic chapter...

We were doing just fine, she was getting over her shy phase because of obvious reasons. We were having stawverry and I was pretty occupied with taking care of her rather than flirting.

It would have been just two months, I was surprisingly getting clingier than she would ever get. 24*7 seemed less when she was around me and that is what I exactly wanted. Keeping an alarm to drag my ass out of bed way too early in the morning and falling asleep watching her. I dont know if I appreciated those moments enough.

"Bunny, what are you doing?" I asked her, after a whole day of her being not home.

"I have some work." She was at the desk on her laptop.

How annoying? It is getting all the attention that I deserve.

"Get up." I ordered and she gave me a confused face but did as I told.

I slipped into the chair she was sitting in and pulled her onto my lap.

"Now you can, I wont disturb you." I smiled, wrapping my hands around her and sitting her comfortably.

"Okayy." She must have smiled too.

Ofcourse, I didn't have much pure intention with that. Having her sit on my lap was releaving but the fact that she was concentrating on the work was rather disappointing. Had to distract her no matter what, so I started teasing her a little.

Uwu, you guys can imagine. I definitely had to kiss her nape and ears. Weak spots for rabbits, I guess but the one I have is a little difficult so she didn't spare me much attention but just kept shifting around. Fuck! Dont wake up my junior.

"You kno what? You sit and do your work. I am going out." I gave up while pushing her off.

"Tae, wait!" She called for me, she bloody called for me but I rushed down.

I dont know what got into me because without even changing my outfit, I found myself at a club nearby with a bottle of gin in my hand. I practically act on impulse and it can get extremely botherable. She was just working and I had her on my lap but I had to get irritated to the point, I was drinking gin at a club?

My alcohol tolerence is a joke, so I dont know what I expected. Trust me, it was the alocohol that I had to get on the dance floor and move my body. Randomly picking a lady who was grooving to the slow music. I just don't remember much from that night but definitely knew that lady had her hands around my neck and I held her waist with my free hand.

I whispered something to her, God knows what and then I assume we moved a little along to the music. Maybe five minutes or so, I swear not more than that. I pulled away and walked back to the bar when my phone went off. I rarely miss calls unless its work. So decided to step out for some fresh air and to attend the call when my whole world stopped.

"J-jungkook?" I called, she was in front of me and her eyes were red.

She was definitely not angry and if she was, I would have thanked the heavens. She was almost about to cry, fuck my life! I saw her rush back to the car and my feet magically sprinted behind her.

"Jungkook, listen to me!" I said hopping on to the passenger seat but she was quick enough to move to my car and drive off.

Fuck, the alcohol really made me slow. Angry and sad Jungkook driving the car at night didnt seem to be a good idea so I had to follow her. I was damn drunk by then that the road didn't look straight for some reason. I called my manager hyung to stop her, of course I need help and his job is to be on my guard 24*7! Trust me, he does it.

It was all blurred after a while when I hit the car somewhere and my head banging on the steering. It hurt like hell! I couldn't see straight and my mind was fogged but I woke up in an instant when I heard a loud crash. Just fucking tell me it is a zombie apocalypse and not my Jungkook!

"Jungkooook!!" I screamed, running out of the car to mine which hit the pole.

It was the worst day of my life, when she fell into my arms as I broke open the door. She was breathing heavily, had blood flowing down her pale face. Hyung pulled over the next second and we were rushing her to the hospital.

I dont remember how many times, I screamed her name that night. Asking her to look at me for once or atleast show a movement. She was just gasping for air and twisting around in pain.

"Stawverry, please hang on! Eomma is so strong and she will protect you." I said between my loud cries and shouting.

My legs were growing weak as I kept my hand on her stomach, was my baby okay? Jungkook is going to be fine, right? I asked hyung to hurry and he did. In a few minutes, we reached the hospital and I didn't even pull apart for a second that I held onto her hands firmly. No way, I am leaving her.

"Jeon, open your eyes for once...please, I am so sorry."

I call her Jeon when the situation is pretty serious or when I am angry. The whole night I kept mumbling sorry and cursing at myself, not leaving the door of the room she was treated in. Fucking Idiot, I was. How could I do that to her? My alcohol completely died down so the pain was only worsening. She should open her eyes now!

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