Chapter 6

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The weekend was uneventful and on Monday Lance made me dress in the new clothes we bought, a red shirt with some jeans and my black Keds. Mrs. Tia had made some toast so I grabbed a piece thanked her and headed out with Lance and Silvia. Walking down to the bus stop Silvia told Lance about all the tests she had to do, he I could tell was tuning her out. Silvia is a senior in our school and wants her little bro to be prepared but he couldn't care less.
Lance and I are Juniors and with the school year coming to a close I was anxious. I didn't really know what to do once I was out of highschool, I could always stay in the town but I want to go to college, I had yet to figure out what for though. My thoughts were interrupted as the bus pulled up. We got on and sat in or normal spot, the way back on the left side. Lance puts his head phones on meaning that he didn't want to talk.
Once we're at school I quickly go to my locker and get what I need for the day I'm about to shut my locker when it's done for me. I turn and see some of the people who make this place hell, Jack and his little gang. Jack is always causing trouble it seems that every day the dude has a new scar or broken bone to show of. Today is no different I see a bandage wrapped around his arm. Looking up at him I raise an eyebrow my eyes meeting his blue ones.
"What do you think your doing hm?"
"I'm at my locker. Unless I some how mistook your as mine, but that wouldn't explain why I could open it, or how it had my stuff." I go to move around him but he blocks me.
"That's not what I was talking about pea. You know what you did." I roll my eyes, here we go again, something happens and he blames it on people so he can beat them up later without any punishment. I'm his favorite victim, and by favorite I mean only.
"I haven't done anything to you or your little grunts, can I leave now? Because unlike you I'm actually here to learn things and be smart." Shit bad move moron.
"Looks like the cat had claws. How about we show this cat where it belongs, in the bag." He nods his head and two of his grunts grab me and drag me off to a empty hallway. They slam my face into the wall, I push off and round on one punching them in the jaw. They back off but the other kicks me in the stomach sending me to the ground. Ever heard the term don't kick someone when their down? Well these guys haven't, they were sending kick after kick into my chest some even to my face. I roll over and stand up looking Jack in the eyes.
"You want to see claws? Then I'll give you claws." I tackle him and punch him in the face, he throws me off and barks at his grunts to get a teacher. Standing up I glare at him, of course the bastard would blame this on me the least I could do is give him a broken nose before the teacher comes. He swings at me I dodge and punch hitting my target I hear a satisfactory crack, I smirk. Jack staggers and glares at me holding his nose, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a knife. Shit, shit shit shit! I go to back up but he runs at me and stabs at my side, instinctively I block it with my hand and wince.
"You little shit." He twists the knife then pulls it out. I kick his legs out from under him and reach for it, he flips it and stabs me in my shoulder. I'm about to punch him when I'm ripped off by teachers, Jack immediately starts spouting some bull shit story about how I started the fight and he was defending himself. I rip the knife out of my shoulder and hand it to the teacher 'restraining' me, I nod over towards Jack.
"That's his." Then I trudge off to the principals office not bothering to go to the nurse first. I tell my side of the story to the principal, she thanks me and tells me that due to what happened I will have to be suspended for at least two weeks. I trudge back to my locker grab what I need and leave the school after sending Kieth a text asking if I can stay at his house. He tells me where the spare key is hidden and where to find the emergency kit, apparently he found out about the fight.  I thank him and mentally curse my self. Now I won't find any clues about my soulmate for two fucking weeks. Great job Ender ya idiot.

So I hope y'all like this because I liked writing it! Not much to say except... This isn't over yet hehehehehe. See ya next time!!

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