Big news from Jessica Zee, Kara, and Karen.

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At sweet justice we see the others there.

Dimitri: So how was everyone been doing?

Zee: Well I threw up this morning, and had a big breakfast, but otherwise fine.

Kara: I woke up with a bad headache and threw up too.

Karen: Karen: Well, I have been keeping an eye on myself and went through a few symptoms.

Jessica: Which ones?

Karen: Let's just say Doris isn't messing with me for sometime.

Dimitri: Why?

Karen: Ummm I sorta lost my temper.

Dimitri: Your temper?

Jessica: You must have gone through some mood swings.

Dimitri: So what did you do to Doris.

Karen: Well...

Flashback flashback.

We see Karen as Elliotte watched as she had Doris in a headlock.

Karen: Take it back!

We then see Karen judo flip Doris then grabs her by the leg and toss her around like a rag doll and then opens a locker.

Karen: Let's see how you like it!

Karen then shoves Doris into the locker and slams it shut.

Mr.Chapin: Ms Beecher that is not-

Karen: What? Not what?!

Mr Chapin noticed Elliotte signaling him to let it go unless he wants to be next.

Mr.Chapin: *Nervous* U-uh N-n-nevermind.

Then as Karen began to calm down she then realized what she had done and opened the locker.

Karen: Sorry, I'm so sorry.

Doris: N-No stay away.

Doris then runs away as Leslie sees this.

Leslie: Uh What happened?

Elliotte: Karen just lashed out on Doris.

Karen: I didn't mean to do that, that was the mood swings.

Leslie: Okay I'm pretty sure that wasn't-

Just as Leslie was about to finish her sentence she then saw Karen glaring at her and it was the kind of glare that pierced your soul.

Lessile: U-u-uh N-n-nevermind.

Flashback ends

Dimitri: Ok... Any other symptoms?

Elliotte: Well other than the mood swings no other symptoms.

Jessica: Did you see her eating more than usual?

Elliotte: Come to think of it, I did see her with more tacos during taco Tuesday.

Dimitri: Morning sicknesses?

Elliotte: Little bit.

Jessica: Let's see, mood swings, bit of morning sickness and eating more than usual. Hmm those would be the basic symptoms of pregnancy.

Karen: So that means I am pregnant?

Dimitri: Quick question, when did it all start?

Karen: It started about... two weeks I think.

Jessica: Well I'm glad you're having a baby, Sarah is gonna be happy to have a cousin.

Dimitri: Zee, Kara have you two been going through something like Karen did?

Zee: Come to think of it I have been throwing up for a week and been eating weird foods.

Kara: Me too.

Dimitri: Then if you went through those then that means you both are pregnant too.

Zee: Your kissing right?

Jessica: I went through those symptoms when I had Sarah so yeah you three are pregnant.

Zee: That means I'm gonna be... a mom.

Dimitri: Yup.

Kara: Wow, guess me and Grayson are gonna be parents.

Babs: Kara your ok with that?

Jessica: Seems that way.

Grayson: Yeah, Kara wanted to have a child with me, and she got her wish.

Dimitri: Well guess that means Sarah is gonna have more cousins.

Jessica: Well that means we have to help them with getting things for the babies when they're born.

Dimitri: Yup, baby clothes, bottles, baby food, cribs, strollers and baby toys.

Jessica: Yeah. We know about babies we raised Sarah after all.

Dimitri: Yeah so we should be able to teach you guys about being parents.

Jessica: So we'll help you guys out by tomorrow.

The next day we see Dimitri and Jessica with the girls as they were going through the stores and had many things for babies.

Dimitri: You sure we need all this stuff?

Jessica: Yeah, can't be too careful.

Dimitri: Fair enough. So what will we do for the babies.

Jessica: Well we will help them with their babies. We are the babies aunt and uncle after all Dimitri.

Dimitri: Right. So Jessica you ok? You been a bit off today.

Jessica: I'm fine.

Dimitri: I'm just asking maybe you might be-

Jessica: I'm fine.

Dimitri: Well ok.

We then as the day flew by we see the two head to their home as Dimitri looked at Jessica.

Dimitri: Jessica you sure that your ok?

Jessica: Why are you asking this?

Dimitri: I'm just making sure your ok is all.

Jessica: Look tomorrow we'll see what's wrong with me if it makes you feel better.

Dimitri: Ok I was thinking that you might be pregnant.

Jessica: Maybe we'll find out tomorrow.

Dimitri: Ok. Good night.

We then see the two head off to their room as they went to bed. The next day we see Dimitri in the living room as he then heard someone throwing up as he went to the bathroom to see Jess throwing up.

Dimitri: You alright Jess?

Jessica: A little. *throws up* just throwing up is all.

Dimitri: Jess, you mind taking a test, I'll wait outside.

Jessica: Ok thanks.

Dimitri waited outside the room as he waited outside as he waited he sees Jess come out of the bathroom as he looked at him

Dimitri: Well, what are the results?

Jessica: Dimitri, *shows the test as it was positive* I'm pregnant.

Dimitri: That's amazing. *hugs Jessica* Should we tell Sarah about this?

Jessica: Hmm. Why not, she will be happy to hear she'll be a big sister.

In the living room we see Sarah on the couch as Dimitri and Jess walk to her.

Jessica: Sarah can we talk?

Sarah: What is it?

Jessica: We have something to tell you. How would you like to be a big sister?

Sarah: I love to be a big sister, but why?

Jessica: Because, mommy's gonna have a baby. You're gonna be a big sister.

Sarah: *gasps* I'm gonna have a little brother or sister.

Dimitri: That's right.

Jessica: Isn't that good to hear.

Sarah: Wow, will the baby be like me, a teal lantern?

Dimitri: Of course.

Jessica: But we don't really know that for sure, the Lantern ring chooses its wearer not the other way around.

Dimitri: So we'll find out when it's born.

Sarah: Oh, ok.

Jessica: But remember me and your father give attention to the baby because babies require both their parents attention.

Sarah: Oh.

Jessica: But we still love you no matter what

We then see the two at the park as Kara, Zee, Karen, Andruw Elliotte and Grayson were there.

Kara: So what was up with you.

Jessica: Well believe it or not but we found out that I'm pregnant.

Zee: Really?

Jessica: Yup, me and Dimitri are having another baby.

Andruw: Wow, guess another member of the family is coming.

Jessica: Yeah. Hope our babies will be great friends.

Karen: I'm sure they'll be good friends, I mean they are cousins after all.

Jessica: Yeah, your right.

Dimitri: Well me and Jess have took the liberty of getting Sarah's old crib and setting up a room for the baby when it's born.

Andruw: Me too. I have it in my place and Zee moved in with me since she's pregnant.

Elliotte: So did I and Karen moved there cause of the same reason.

Grayson: Kara too.

Dimitri: Well guess we'll be having our own families in the future then.

Jessica: Yeah, but we'll teach them to be heroes like us.

We then see them watching the sunset together as the boys thought of their girls and the babies as they knew they will have to keep them safe.

That's it for now hope you like this. And there will be more coming and a chapter that will show the birth of the newest member of Dimitri and Jessica's family.

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