Legend of the lantern knights

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We see everyone in Dimitri and Jessica's house as we see them and Dimitri beloved he might know someone who might know what is going on that involves his knight form.

Dimitri Guys for my knight form I think I might know someone who has answers.

Jessica: Who?

Dimitri: Saint Walker.

Kara: Who's that?

Dimitri: the first member of the blue lantern corps. But I don't know where he could be. *thinks for a minute* Wait, my mom told me stories about Odym when she was in the blue lantern corps.

Kara: Odym?

Dimitri: The planet where the blue lantern corps is.

Kara: So we just go there and find the first blue Lantern.

Dimitri: Exactly, so who's up for a space trip.

He looked to see everyone raising their hands.

Dimitri: Alright let's go to Odym.

We then see them in space.

Babs: Hey Dimitri, what's Odym like?

Dimitri: Well my mom told me it was supposed to be a beautiful place where all the other blue lanterns are.

Kara: Are you sure that Saint Walker guy is gonna be there?

Dimitri: Probably it is where all the other blue Lanterns are.

Then they saw a planet that was Odym.

We then see Dimitri and the others land on Odym as they looked around to see the area

Jessica: *looks around* It is beautiful.

Dimitri: Never thought I got to see this.

Kara: Ok I'll admit this is pretty cool.

???(Saint): Welcome.

They looked to see an alien wearing a blue lantern suit.

Dimitri: Uh hey, we come in peace and something tells me we have something in common *shows saint his blue lantern ring*.

Rowan and Piper: Us too *shows saint their rings*

Jessica: You must be the first blue lantern.

Saint: Indeed, I am and you must be a green Lantern.

Jessica: Yes, along with me and dimitri's daughter.

Dimitri: It is an honor to meet you saint, my mother told me about you.

Saint: She did. So what brings you here?

Dimitri: This.

He transforms into his knight form as Saint saw it.

Saint: A lantern knight. The legend is true.

Kara: Lantern knight?

Saint: Come with me.

We see them going through a cave as saint used a lantern to light the cave to show a cave painting of the lantern knights.

Sarah: What is all of this?

Saint: Years ago there had been members in the lantern corps called the lantern knights, and three have been heard of. *shows the green knight* The knight of willpower, *shows the indigo knight* The knight of compassion, *shows the blue knight* and the knight of hope.

Dimitri: What about the other colors? Red, yellow, orange, and black.

Saint: They still search for lanterns worthy to become knights. And you Dimitri are the first knight to be chosen.

Dimitri: woah awesome, hey quick question if the lantern corp is based on the emotional spectrum is there a lantern corps that uses shyness. Just wondering.

Saint: There is no lantern corps that uses that emotion. What gave you that question?

Dimitri: Just wondering considering each lantern is based on emotions.

Kara: *looks around and got spooked when she saw paintings of three dragons* Are those dragons?

Saint: Yes, those are the dragons of hope, Compassion and willpower. These beasts are said to aid the lantern knights.

Dimitri: So they're constructs made by the lantern knights?

Saint: Not exactly,these dragons were said to be in slumber until the lantern knights find them and awaken them from their slumber.

Kara: Then how do we find them?

Saint: The cave has left a clue for the temple. "A lantern can, a lantern cannot, to move forward do not look ahead."

Dimitri: What does that mean?

Saint: I always wondered about it too.

dimitri took a closer look at the painting and saw the three knights using their rings together and realized something.

Dimitri: Grayson, Everette use your rings along with me.

Then they got to a triangle as they aimed their rings at the center as the beams came out as they collided and made a bright light as they all saw it created a construct of what appeared to be a map and saw it lead to the dragon's temple.

Kara: Woah, what are we looking at?

Dimitri: It's... A map.

He looked to see Grayson and Everette in knight armor.

Dimitri: My brothers are the knights of compassion and willpower. *looks at his ring* our rings are the key to finding the map.

Saint: You all must find the dragons, if they fall into the wrong it will mean the destruction of the entire universe.

Andruw: But who could possibly want these dragons?

Dimitri: *thinks for a minute and gasps* Hex.

???(Hex): That's right.

They all looked to see Hex.

Dimitri: How did you?

Hex: You're not the only one with a ring. *shows a yellow ring*

Dimitri: You're a lantern.

Jessica: and a yellow power ring?

Hex: Yes.

We then see hex engulfed in light and Was in a yellow lantern suit.

Hex: And you have found the map.

Dimitri: You may have a ring but you are outnumbered

Hex: Oh please I like to see you-

Just as he was about to finish his sentence he then felt a kick in the nards courtesy of Sarah as we see hex fall to his knees.

Sarah: Remember me *takes Hex's yellow lantern* and I'll take that.

Dimitri: How about I give you a ride home?

He then made a bubble construct and had Hex in it as he sent hex off to space on the way back to earth.

Dimitri: Have a nice trip.

Sarah: Jerk! *Sees the yellow lantern ring* So any ideas on what to do with this thing?

Dimitri: We should have it somewhere where Hex can't get it, hey saint you have anything to contain a lantern ring.

Saint: Yes.

Dimitri: Ok, but we do need to find the dragons before Hex does.

At home we see Dimitri and Jessica at home as Sarah was with them.

Sarah: Mom, do you think I'll be a hero like you?

Jessica: Of course sweetie. You're my little girl.

Sarah: Yeah and I kicked hex.

Jessica: You sure did. *looks at the time* Let's get you to bed.

We see Jessica bringing Sarah to her room as it was now made for her age as she placed Sarah in bed. Sarah then hugged Jessica.

Sarah: I love you mom.

Jessica: I love you too. *kisses Sarah's forehead* Good night.

With Dimitri as he was in his room he was thinking about hex he also thought about Sarah.

Dimitri: Sarah is gonna be a great hero.

Jessica: She sure is.

He turned to see Jessica in a robe.

Dimitri: How long have you been standing there?

Jessica: Long enough. Now that Sarah is asleep what do you say we have some fun.

Dimitri: Good idea.

Jessica then took off her robe as he saw she was in a blue bra and matching thong.

Dimitri: You were thinking of me?

Jessica: *giggles* Yeah, I was.

Dimitri: Those look good on you.

Jessica: Thanks honey, now let's have some fun.

then they went to the bed as Dimitri looked at Jess.

Dimitri: After this hex thing is over and when we graduate we are getting married.

Jessica: of course, so what do you think of me?

Dimitri: As my special lantern.

Jessica: Thanks.

The two of them then kissed as they both were in bed and drifted to sleep.

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