Remembering the past and showing kal the truth.

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In the house we see Dimitri and Jessica together as they both were at the living room.

Dimitri: Jessica, remember that time your parents wanted to see me when you were first pregnant?

Jessica: Yeah.


we see Dimitri come in as he saw Sophia and Kelsey.

Dimitri: Oh hey Mrs. And Ms Cruz.

Sophia: Please, call us Sophia and Kelsey.

Kelsey: We're here to talk.

Dimitri: What is it?

Kelsey: Jessica is pregnant with your child.

Dimitri: What!? You mean I'm going to be a dad?!

Sophia: Yes.

Dimitri: If you're going to forbid me I understand but I swear I'll help Jess raise our child no matter what.

Kelsey: No Dimitri we actually approve of you to be with our daughter.

Dimiri: Woah I- thank you Kelsey.

Jessica: Dimitri.

He looked at Jessica as he saw her with a smile on her face.

Dimitri: Jess, you really want to do this?

Jessica: I sure do.

Dimitri: I promise to be there for you *places his hand on her stomach* and our child.

Jessica: Thank you Dimitri.

We then see them hug as Sophia and Kelsey watch.

Sophia: Our girl is now a woman.

Flashback end.

Dimitri: I was surprised they let me be with you.

Jessica: Yeah you're much nicer than Dylan was.

Dimitri: And speaking of Dylan, remember the time you broke up with him?

Jessica: Jessica: Yeah, guess breaking up with Dylan led to this.

Dimitri: Yeah and I still remember that you brought me with you.


In a park we see Jessica as she was at a bench as she saw Dylan coming.

Jessica: There you are.

Dylan: Ok Jess what were you doing?

Jessica: I was gonna ask you the same thing, but I know that you have been cheating on me.

Dylan: What?! But-

Jessica: I saw you with that girl so I know what you've been up to.

Dylan: Ok, I'll admit I cheated on you. but can we please put that aside.

Jessica then started to laugh a bit.

Dylan: What's so funny?

Jessica: What's funny is that "this" Is over and in truth I've been cheating on you and I'm leaving you for him.

Dylan then saw Dimitri walk to Jessica as he then realized what Jess was up to.

Dylan: You've been cheating on me with him?!

Dimitri: Yup, and it took you long enough to figure it out.

Jessica: And unlike you, he doesn't treat me like an unwanted person, he treats me like I'm his girlfriend you self centered *censored*!

Dimitri: What she said.

Dylan: So you decided to leave me for him?!

Jessica: Yes I did oh and another thing.

Jessica then walks to Dylan and then kicks him in the nards making him scream and fall over.

Jessica: consider our relationship over.

Dimitri: Yup, so long.

Dylan: *in pain* Just Wait, you'll be begging for me back.

Jessica: Actually no, cause me and Dimitri are happy with each other and one more thing for you to know.

Dylan: What's that?

Jessica: I'm pregnant with Dimitri's baby.

Jessica then kicks Dylan in the face knocking him out for good.

Dimitri: And stay away from Jessica you jerk, if I ever see you near her again I'll make you wish you were never born.

Then they both walked off leaving Dylan on the ground as they both looked at each other.

Dimitri: Looks like we won't be seeing Dy-lame for a while.

Jessica: Yup.

Flashback ends.

Dimitri: I was surprised that you kicked Dylan.

Jessica: He had it coming.

Dimitri: Yeah and kicking him in the nards too.

Jessica: But now that Dylan is out of the way, we can be together.

Dimitri: Yeah, so want to head to sweet justice with the others?

Jessica: Yeah.

We then see everyone at sweet justice as Dimitri looked at Kara.

Dimitri: So Kara, just out of curiosity what is your beef with your cousin.

Kara: It's just every time I try to be a hero Kal always takes the credit for everything I do.

Dimitri: Seriously? You do all that work and he takes the credit? Wow, worse cousin of all time.

Kara: Tell me about it.

Dimitri: Have you ever told Kal that if he punched that chemical monster he would have made Metropolis into a crater?

Kara: Never thought of that, but why?

Dimitri: If you told him that if you hadn't taken the monster in space and blew it up Kal would have made a huge mistake.

Kara: Huh never thought of that but how's he gonna believe me? He still says "I have much to learn" last summer he was superboy.

Dimitri: I can help with that, my ring lets me see past events, so if you take him to the place where the monster was I can show him what really happened.

Kara: And you're telling me this now why?

Dimitri: You didn't ask.

Kara: Ok tomorrow how about we show him.

Dimitri: Good idea.

The next day we see the others walking to a place where Kara said that the monster was last seen as Dimitri saw a man in a suit.

Dimitri: So your Kara's cousin right?

Kal: Yeah.

Elliotte: And Kara told us you were superboy last summer.

Kal: It was two summers ago but why are you here?

Dimitri: To show what really happened.

His ring began to glow as the area began to show where Kal was about to punch the monster but showed Kara flying to the monster and taking it up to space.

Dimitri: You remember that monster you *air quote* defeated? In truth Kara here took it to space and blew it up. Cause the monster was made of extremely dangerous goo and if you "saved the day" you would have destroyed metropolis Kal

Kal: So I almost caused a disaster?

Dimitri: Yeah bottomline if it wasn't for supergirl you would have destroyed metropolis, so let me ask you this, who's the real hero around here? The guy that almost destroyed Metropolis or the girl that shot the goo monster in space and saved the people.

Kal: Kara.

Dimitri: And here's another question, didn't you ever ask kara if what you were doing was bothering her?

Kal: I... guess I hadn't talked to her at all.

Dimitri: Maybe now is a good time, and to let you know, it's better to save the day with others than by yourself.

Kal: Oh I guess i was so caught up with getting the attention I never thought of that.

Kara: Yeah, and it pays to know what really happened when your friend is a blue lantern.

Kal: A blue what?

Dimitri: A blue lantern like how Jess's ring is powered by will power my ring uses hope.

Kara: Yeah, and kinda like my boyfriend grayson since he's an indigo lantern.

Kal: You have a boyfriend?

Grayson: Yes, that's me.

Dimitri: This is Grayson, my brother.

Kara: And my boyfriend.

Grayson: Hello.

Dimitri: Kal, our point is take away the fact that you've been on earth longer than Kara, you two aren't that different, you both are great heroes.

Kara: He does have a point.

Dimitri: Yeah, you both have the same powers, you both are from the same planet, and you both even have the same origin story.

Kal: Oh when you put it that way. Kara I'm sorry I was acting like a jerk. I should have just let you have some credit.

Kara: It's cool.

Dimitri: Well I'm glad you two are able to put your differences aside.

Grayson: And maybe you two can help Metropolis together.

Dimitri then smiled that

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