Stopping Dracula

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In HQ we see Ashton hooking the sunlight device to a high tech testing table as he had vials of joker's blood for testing.

Dimitri: You sure it's gonna work Ash?

Ashton: Won't know if we don't try.

Dimitri: Let's hope so.

Ashton: *puts a sample of Joker's blood in a petri dish and drips some green liquid in it* Test number one.

Ashton then activated the sunlight machine as it made a bright light as he then shut it off as we saw the drop of blood sizzled away.

Dimitri: It didn't survive the sunlight.

Ashton: Must not have enough garlic in the cure. *points at a purple liquid* Let's try that one next.

Dimitri grabbed the purple liquid as he then put a drop on a drop of Joker's blood and activated the machine as the blood burned away.

Dimitri: That one didn't work either. *sees blue liquid* Hopefully third times a charm.

Ashton put one more drop of Joker's blood in the machine along with a drop of the blue liquid and activated the machine as Joker's blood didn't burn away

Ashton: We have our cure.

Dimitri: Let's try it out on Joker just to be safe.

Ashton: You're right, prep the iv, we'll use my blood.

Joker: NEW GUYS!!!!!!

Dimitri: Quiet you! We're gonna feed you!

We then see Ashton as he was using an IV as blood was seen going into a bag as Dimitri was adding the cure to it.

Ashton: Has anyone heard from Esdeath lately?

Dimitri: Not yet, I'm gonna check on her, when we cure joker.

We then see Dimitri and Ashton taking the bag as he heads to the cell.

Ashton: Lunch.

Dimitri: Here ya go, ya freaky vampire clown *throws the blood to joker*

Joker: *catches the blood pack* It's about time new guys! You're late!

Dimitri: Blood takes time to get out from us and the names blue lantern and white ranger.

Ashton: How did you even get to the city in the first place? You belong in Gotham City.

Joker: *as he's drinking the blood* You guys sure this is fresh? It tastes a little off.

Dimitri: Oh wondering what's in it? Nothing except my friend here's blood.

As joker was drinking the blood he then fell to the ground as Dimitri saw it.

Dimitri: Oh did I forgot to mention it also had a secret cure for Vampirism?

Ashton: Surprise.

we then see the bite mark on Joker's neck disappear as Ashton went into the cell and grabbed Joker by the collar of his jacket

Ashton: Ok laughing boy, Where's Dracula?

Joker: I'm looking at him. Where's Penguin?

Dimitri: Not him. Count Dracula, the vampire?

Joker: He's right in front of me. Where's the cemetery?

Ashton: Cemetery?

Dimitri: That must be where Dracula and Penguin are.

*Ringtone as it goes to voicemail showing it was Esdeath*

Esdeath: Hey hun, guess who I ran into just now? Tall, dark, and weird?

Ashton: Oh no, no no no!

Dimitri: We gotta get the others and save Esdeath.

Ashton: No she's my lady and it's my job to protect her! And you're gonna help me!

Dimitri: Uh that was kind of what I just said

Ashton: No I said you and me. Just the two of us. Now grab some belts full of the cure! It's up to us to save the world.

Dimitri: Ok, ok we'll do this your way, but if things go south we call for backup.

Ashton: Deal.

We then see the two at the cemetery as Dimitri was holding a construct of a blue lantern.

Dimitri: We may need this to see.

Ashton: Good idea. Now it's showtime.

The two then walked through the graveyard as they saw Dracula's tomb.

Ashton: I can smell Esdeath's perfume coming from there.

Dimitri: Then let's hurry before Dracula uses her for what kind of plan this vampire has cooking up.

Ashton: A few hours before we left for here I did a little more research on fangface's bride and I found this out. "To resurrect his bride Dracula needs to sacrifice a female soul." The ritual is called the blood wedding.

Dimitri: That must be why he took Esdeath, so he can bring back his bride.

Ashton: Then we need to stop him, come on!

He then ran into the tomb as Dimitri followed him and they ran into some of Dracula's minions as they saw there were hundreds of them.

Dimitri: Ash we got company.

Ashton: Then it's lucky we brought the cure with us.

Then the vampires came at the two as they both began to fight them as they used the syringes on them as they turned back to their human selves as they cured all of Dracula's minions Dimitri was holding two syringes left.

Dimitri: Two left. You?

Ashton: Same.

Dimitri: We should save them only for emergencies.

Ashton: Come on, we don't have much time.

The two then ran to find Dracula as the many people that were cured started to wake up and wondered where they were. We then go back to the two heroes as they were seen running through the cave and finally ran into Dracula.

Dracula: We have some uninvited guests.

Dimitri: Let Esdeath go.

Ashton: Or else you'll deal with me!

Dracula: You both dare to interrupt the ceremony?

then Ashton pulled out a syringe gun and placed the syringe in it as he aimed it at dracula as Dimitri pulled out a syringe and made a crossbow construct and aimed it at Dracula as his eyes then turned red as the two looked at him as they're eyes turned red as well as they both struggle to try to shoot the cure at him.

Dracula: You both cannot win, no human can resist my will.

Wethen see the two struggle as they both then flee to their knees and fire the cure at the ground as they both saw it.

Dracula: Good boys, once my bride has had her fill, I will offer her your corpses as wedding gifts.

We then see in they're mind as the two fell into a cave as Dimitri was seen all alone as a bell was heard ringing as dimitri saw flashes of memories of when the fire at his home happened and his parents were killed there as dimitri then looked down but then saw a blue light as he looked at it and then saw Ashton there as he then got up and looked at his ring as the blue light shined bright as Dimitri was then seen in his blue lantern outfit as Ashton was in his ranger outfit and put on his helmet as the two then got up and then threw garlic smoke bombs that interrupted the ritual as Esdeath's soul energy returned to her.

Dracula: My bride!

Dimitri: Ashton, get Esdeath out of here, I'll keep fangface busy.

Esdeath: Are you sure you can handle him?

Dimitri: If my ancestor was able to beat Dracula then so can I.

Ashton: You can't take him on by yourself!

Dimitri: Just get esdeath out of here and meet me at HQ at Sweet Justice.

Ashton: But-

Dimitri: Just go! I'll explain when I get there.

Dracula: If my bride can't have the woman's soul, I'll have your blood!

Dimitri: Guys go!

Ashton: You heard him Esdeath get out of here now!

Esdeath then ran as she ran out of the cave as Dimitri looked at Dracula.

Dimitri: My ancestor defeated you before, and I'll do the same thing.

Dracula: It's scarcely midnight blue lantern, the sunrise will not help you this time.

Dimitri tried to get a string but he noticed two syringes were broken on the ground along with the syringes that were stabbed on the ground.

Dimitri: Ashton, get to hq, I have a plan but it needs time.

Ashton: On it! Hey ugly over here!

Then Dracula charged at Ashton as he slashed at him as Ashton ducked as he slashed the stone as it broke as Dimitri then came and hit dracula with a hammer construct as he was then hit to a wall as Dimitri got up and dodged Dracula's slash as Dimitri then turned invisible and ashton threw more garlic smoke bombs creating a smokescreen as he went to a stalagmite as Dracula looked around.

Dracula: I do not need to see you two for I can smell you both.

Dimitri was seen hiding behind a rock as he pulled out his phone and activated a tracker on it as we went to sweet justice as the others were at hq as the others heard a beeping sound.

Kara: What's that?

Babs: *Checks her laptop* Dimitri's giving is his exact location, in the catacombs.

With esdeath we see her running through the cemetery as Penguin was after her as she went to a tomb and hid there.

Penguin: Where did you disappear to?

Esdeath was seen hiding behind a coffin as the penguin then came in.

Penguin: Knock knock. Here's Ozzy!

He then chased Esdeath around the tomb as Penguin then hit a pillar as it then fell and hit the coffin revealing money inside of it as he tripped and then glared at esdeath. We then go to Dimitri and Ashton as they were seen going through the catacombs as dracula was after the two as they went through the caves as Dimitri then made a blast as the others saw the screen went static as they turned to see an explosion as Dimitri and Ashton came out from it as Dracula came out and then saw the HQ.

Dracula: Impressive dwelling. It shall be your tomb!

Then he turned to see the others as Babs had a crossbow with a syringe loaded.

Babs: Bite this!

As she shoots the cure into Dracula he starts laughing.


He then came at babs and hit her against a wall.

Dracula: You all may have cured my human victims of they're disease, but no earthly medicine can cure a supernatural affliction.

He then took the syringe out of his neck as Dimitri then looked at the part in the hq and flew to it as Ashton followed.

Dracula: Go on run, I am beyond human blue lantern and white ranger. I am evil incarnate *he then goes after them* I am the prince of...

He then saw the two as they had the sunlight machine with them.

Dracula: Darkness?

Ashton: Rise and shine.

He then activated the machine as it made a light bright as the sun as dracula was sent to a wall and was in the shadow of Dimitri and Ashton as he then looked at the two.

Dracula: You are... Dimitri Chernov and Ashton Milman?

Then Dimitri made his knight armor appear along with the wings as they opened up casting a shadow.

Dimitri: We're the Blue Lantern and White ranger, and your dust.

They get out of the way of the sunlight as it hits Dracula head on


The two then came down to Dracula and then smashed Dracula as nothing but a skull was left of him as Dimitri picked the skull up and Ashton shut the machine off.

Dimitri: And that is that.

We then go to Esdeath as Penguin had her cornered.

Penguin: Soon master will... *eyes turned red and then normal* Drink your... blood and stuff. what am I talking about? *sees the money on the ground* the treasure!

While the penguin was busy with the money, police came into the tomb.

Policeman: Freeze!

Penguin then saw them as he then looked down as we then saw everyone leaving the cemetery.

News reporter: Tonight, Metropolis breathes a sigh of relief, the lost ones have been found. It seems penguin was behind the bizarre plot to use the hostages to recover a missing mob treasure though details were sketchy due to amnesia inflicted on the hostages probably some sort of hypnosis but the hostages are safe and sound. and it now seems that the blue lantern, white ranger, shadow reaper, indigo lantern and jaguar man were unfairly accused of Penguin's crimes so it is safe to say we are now changing they're status from villains back to heroes.

Penguin: It was vampires I tell you! Vampires! With big honking fangs!

We then see him get taken to a police car and drive away as the news reporter comes to esdeath.

News Reporter: And it would appear that Esdeath is the news. Seen any vampires down there?

She then looked to see Dimitri and Ashton up at a building.

Esdeath: No, just a creepy little man.

We then see the two leave the scene as we go to Ashton's house to see Dimitri and Ashton there.

Dimitri: Well glad to know we're the good guys again.

Ashton: You know something? This whole experience made me realize that our time is short, and we have to live life while we can.

Dimitri: Agreed, I mean my brothers and I already have families of our own.

Then Elliotte, Grayson and Andruw came in the room

Elliotte: What are you guys talking about?

Ashton: We were talking about, is marriage. *pulls out a white box and opens it to reveal a ring with a lot of sapphires*

Elliotte: *eyes widened* M-marriage?

Dimitri: Yeah, I mean Jess and I do have kids already.

Ashton: And Esdeath got kidnapped before I could ask her.

Andruw: But... isn't this a bit quick? I mean some of us are still in metropolis high.

Dimitri: Bro, things can happen sooner or later plus you guys already have kids.

Andruw: Fair point.

Grayson: And denying the idea is denying responsibility.

Ashton: Couldn't have said it better myself.

Grayson: What can i say, I'm a lantern of compassion.

Dimitri: Let's wait until tomorrow. We need some rest.

Andruw: Yeah we've been through quite a night.

Dimitri: Well I'll see you guys tomorrow.

Dimitri then walked out of the door as Andruw and elliotte looked at each other.

Andruw: Do you realize what tomorrow is?

Elliotte: We're gonna propose to the girls.

We then see Dimitri as he was in his room in bed with Jessica as she was asleep.

Dimitri: *looks at jessica* A life with me and Jess as husband and wife. That's nice.

Dimitri then fell asleep as the two were seen close together as the screen faded to black.

And done!

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