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Nyx's point of view>

When I went back into the bakery I pushed all thoughts of what happened in a box labeled "Not during work" and pushed it to the back of my mind. Avery was behind the register serving an customer, when I walked past she mustered a knowing smirk. I just rolled my eye's and made a  quick sign on it stated that we needed someone for hire ASAP. I went back into the kitchen and began baking my ass off. 

 It was 5:49 pm when Avery came into the kitchen. I looked up at her expectingly, "whats up?" she looked around at the food that filled the counters,"someone is in a good mood" she murmured. I rolled my eye's still waiting on what she needed to tell me, as if she got the hint she spoke up. "Right, there is some man named Valentino asking for you" 

What the- "okay start taking these and fill the stands" I nodded towards the yummy treats that sat on the counter. Avery nodded making her way over to the cupcakes first. I pushed the kitchen doors and was met with the ginger head boy again. "You" I spoke softly my voice betraying me, His green eye's looked into mine and I swear I felt my neck hairs stand on end. 

"You" he repeated back to me amusement filling his eye's as he watched me intently. Jeez whats with men and watching me like that. Shaking my eye's I straightened myself and went behind the counter, " What can I help you with?" I asked watching him intently. He parted his perfect pink lips," I want to work here".

Surprise dawned on my face as I stared back at him "really?" A smirk plastered across his face, "Yes doll face I want to work here" I bit my lip as I narrowed my eye's at him seeing if he was bluffing. He just raised an eyebrow. Seeing as he was serious I nodded and came from behind the counter,"Alrighty then I'll get back with you in a moment with your schuelduel. "Woah just like that I'm hired?" he asked in disbielif. I nodded smiling at him,"Yeah I really don't like paperwork I preferr to see you in action". He looked at me his eye's shimmering with some emotion before I turned around and reached under the cabinet were I kept all my spare aprons. The apron was Black and mint green my favorite colors. I gave him a large in size, his build was lean and tall but slightly muscular,to say the least he was defiantly attractive.

"Here you go" I handed it to him our fingers touching breifly, His sharp green eye's peirced my grey one's and I bit my lip an action that didn't go unnoticed by him as he reached out and tenderly pulled my lip out. He was so close our breath mixed, his minty and cool. He stayed there just looking at me and I felt my cheeks heat up, jesus whats up with men latley!

"Uh- so You can work tommorow and I'll have an update on your agenda via phone", I held out my hand for his phone he handed it to me wordlessly and I typed in my number saving my contact name as boss. I smiled at him, "Okay so there is one other employee her name is Avery" I called for Avery and she came. Her long blond hair in a messy bun as she was wiping the inside of a mug, her eyes looked at me then at Valentino asking for some sort of clarification. I just batted my eyelashes sweetly "Avery this is Valentino your new co-worker" Avery's eyes widened with shock before her lips parted in an small 'o'. Valentino smiled and I was transfixed, his perfet white teeth literally hurt my eye's, "Hey nice to meet you" he said cooly his deep voice sending shivers down my body. Avery gapped at him and I could help but giggle, she sent me a glare "err.. uh hey nice to meet you too". I smiled again at valentino, "So we can start the basic training tommorow" I glanced down at my watch it was already 6:15 the shop closed at 10 on the dot. "The shop opens at 7 am employee's are expected to be here buy 7:30 no later than 7:45 I am very strict on my rules" I warned him. His face stayed blank but his lips turned up lightly in an thoughtful expression.

I couldn't help but noticed he had a slight british accent that was absolutly hot, I mean uh cute? What the hell am I thinking now. Shaking my head I gave him the basic tour of the cafe he seemed to catch on well and learn quickly. A customer came in and I directed him on what to do previously so I just silenly watched as he went behind the register and took care of the customer.

"Hello welcome to Nixxie's Treats how can I help you today miss?" He smiled at the middle aged woman and I snickered as her face flushed a bit, he would definaltly bring in buisness. "Uh one carmel icecream and A buttermelt cookie". Valentino nodded his ginger hair flopping carelessly in front of his eye's, he rang up her order and gave her the correct amount she had to pay. I went to the machine and brewed up her carmel Icecream whilst he went under the counter and found the buttermilk cookies taking one out and placing it in the paper bag's. I walked over a smile plastered onto my face, " To whom should I make this out to?" I asked tilting my head to the side. She told me her name and I wrote it down effortlessly before giving her the cup. "Have a nice day" we both said in unison, causing me to erupt in giggles as he just smiled cutely.

"Color me impressed"
"Really I did good?"
"Heck's yeah"
He grinned goofily, and thanked me. I checked my phone seeing as it was already 9:30. I have to go pack my bags. "Avery!" I yelled her name. She walked through from the door's plunging her ear out. "Yeesh woman I'm litteraly right here" I grinned "Did you put all the deserts up?" "Yes Ma'am"she told me. I nodded gratfully flipping the open sign to closed. I looked back and Avery was taking her apron off Valentino just stood there awkwordly, "You are both dismissed to head home, I always close up shop" I told them mainly speaking to Valentino. Valentino nodded taking off his apron with a lazy smile, Avery shouldered her bag and yelled a breif goodbye as she left the store.

"This place is really amazing" Valentino told me his eye's lighting up with awe. I looked around my cafe That I had decorated myself, It was a cozy cafe couches and lounges here and there it was ment to be a place where you could study or read or host small get together. It wasn't there quiet yet but I was still proud of my work. "Thank You dear" I looked down at my watch again 9:45. "Well" I said looking up at him, " I have somewhere to be if you don't mind" I flicked my eye's to the door. He looked at me and walked over so he was standing in front of me clearly taller than me by a good head or two.

His dark light green eye's got a shade darker as he nodded his head soflty his eye's not leaving mine for a second, "See you tomorrow Nyx" He whispered his  french accent thicker than ever. Did god secretly send all the sexy guys to my cafe by mistake? But I am not complaining at all. Sighning I quickly ran upstairs and packed my bag, I was done at 9:55 and at 9:56 I got a text.

Hunter: I'm outside I hope your ready
Me- Yep:) On my way

I bit my lip and grabbed my things before rushing down the stairs like a kid on christmas. My stomache turned in knots as I walked out the cafe making sure to lock it and slide the keys into my bag. Outside he stood leaning against A silver 2018 chevy malibu. His lean physic dressed in black fitted jeans with a few rips here and there and A white T shirt that defined his muscles much to my pleasure. He looked sexy. The knot in my stomache turned into a large pit of anxiety as he walked to me his Blue eye's transfixing e as I easily got lost in them. "You ready?" he asked his deep voice making me swallow nervously. Was I ?

A/N WHOOOOoo sorry it took me so long . Writers block and lazyness is a  bad combo lol/ Vote Comment And follow me if youd like P.S (Rav if you read this u suck for grilling me to write but also ty <3)  ONE LAST THING SORRY FOR ANY SPELLING ERRORS DIDN"T FEEL LIKE GOING BACK OVER THEM TO FIX. feel free to point them out lol/

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