જ The Dark Horse જ ☾Cait☽

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Book Title: The Dark Horse
Author: Flame_of_Frost
Reviewer: Caitrw

Title: 5/5
The title fits perfectly with what this story is about. I like how within the first couple chapters how a horse is described and pertains with the story.

Blurb: 5/5
The blurb had just enough information and description where it allows the readers to know what the story is about as well as the plot without giving away too much information where readers would not want to read it.

Plot/flow of story: 19/20
The plot of the story was consistent and is easy to follow along. The story has supporting scenes that help build upon the plot so that we have more information about what is going on. The flow of the story was perfect where it did not move too fast or too slow. The only reason I deducted a point was because in one of the chapters it seems like there was a time jump out of nowhere and suddenly the main character and her husband were divorced.

Character Development: 10/10

The author did a great job with the character development and continues to do so. I felt like i got to know the characters personally as well as watch the main character progress within each story with supporting details and events.

Grammar: 3/5
The author did a great job at using strong wordage to help build a strong story. The only reason that points were deducted was because there were a few punctuation and grammar errors. For example, one sentence said, "had had" there needs to be one less had in the sentence.

Readers enjoyment: 10/10
I really enjoyed the story and could not put it down. I loved the details and action that was put into this book.

Overall Score: 52/55

Short Review:
Overall I really enjoyed reading this story and can not wait to read more. The story had a great flow where it found it easy to read and remain intrigued. This story is not completely original but I loved the original aspects of the story that makes it unique. A suggestion I can make is when it comes to the punctuation errors. The errors were that there were too many commas in areas where it made the first paragraph in the first chapter a run on sentences since it needed periods. It's important for sentences to take "breathers" as well so it does not make a reader unable to catch its breath.

Furthermore, I love how there were different languages for each mafia which made the story seem so much more real. The only thing I wish was that there were translations somewhere that way I knew what was being said. The author however, did a great job as well with the world building where I was not left to question anything. It was an amazing idea of having the prologue because it allowed me to follow along that much easier. 

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