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Bluey woke up to her phone Alarm she knew she had to go to work and it was Mackenzie's Turn to make sure Mason was awake "Mackenzie darling time to wake up its your day to get Mason to wake up" Bluey says with a yawn, Mackenzie used to be the Energetic type when he and Bluey were younger, but now He is a lazy type "Nooo i wanna sleep more" Mackenzie says pulling the blanket over his head, Bluey Playfully rolls her eyes "Cmon sleepy head ill make your favorite breakfast" Bluey says rubbing Mackenzie's Back, Mackenzie then slowly sits up and looks at Bluey with a Tired Smile. Bluey kisses Mackenzie on his Cheek then gets up from the bed "No matter how many years has passed...i can still see her damn smile..." Bluey says Grabbing a towel from the closet, Mackenzie gets up and makes the bed then walks over to Bluey and hugs her from behind "I know honey i know..i can see her smile to.." Mackenzie says resting his head on Blueys shoulder, Bluey and Mackenzie stayed silent for a minuet then Bluey broke the silence "But..thats in the past..we shouldn't think about that" Mackenzie nods in agreement then lets go "Ill wake up Mason to get up and Ready" Mackenzie says smiling at Bluey, Bluey smiles back the hops into the shower, Mackenzie Knocks on Masons Door and opens it seeing Mason sleep in bed peacefully "Awww He's sleeping Peacefully in his bed..maybe i shouldn't wake him...but it is his first day of Middle school" Mackenzie whispers to himself, Mackenzie walks in and gently shakes Mason awake "Hey Buddy Wake up" Mackenzie says with a Gentle Tone, Mason slowly wakes up and yawns looking at Mackenzie "H-Hmm what is it dad?" Mason says Rubbing his eyes, Mackenzie says that it was Masons first day of middle school and he wouldn't wanna be late, Mason quickly gets out of bed and puts on his book bag then runs out the room "Don't forget your phone!" Mackenzie yells out to Mason, Mason runs back into his room and grabs his phone then runs back out "kids" Mackenzie sighs and shaking his head then he had Flash backs about what Indy had done to him and Bluey. Before long Bluey walks into masons Room and says Mackenzies name "Hey you ok babe?" Mackenzie says yes and just having Flash backs on what happened when they were kids "Oh Babe, Its ok we're here now just...try to forget about it" Bluey Says hugging Mackenzie, Mackenzie hugs back then smells something "I think mason is making toast" Mackenzie says Chuckling followed by Bluey Giggling "Yeah maybe" Bluey says grabbing her car keys "Could you maybe run to the store while im at work" Bluey says looking up at Mackenzie, He nods looking into Blueys beautiful ocean colored eyes "Hehe Of course sweetheart did you make a list on what to get?" Mackenzie says, Bluey nods and sends the list to Mackenzie "There you go we just a Few things nothing much well i gotta go babe see you later" Bluey says Rushing out Masons bedroom and out the front door, Mason Walks to the bus stop and sees His Childhood friends waiting for him "Mason there you are" a Female Husky says adjusting her school bag on her Shoulder "Yeah sorry Candy almost woke up late" Mason says scratching the back of his head "Kate and Blake have been arguing like usual" Candy Says looking over at the Chocolate lab and golden retriever Arguing about something "What are they arguing about now?" Mason asks looking at the Husky who was dusting the dust off her skirt with her paws "You know how it is we never know" Candy Giggles, Mason giggles as well Candy gets close to Masons Ear "Have you asked Your crush out yet" Candy Whispers to Masons Ear, Mason Blushes hard and Covers his face "H-Hey we promised to never speak about him yet" Mason Says Embarrassed, Candy Giggles and the School bus comes by and they get on and head to school. It was after school Mason and Candy wait for Kate and Blake "Jesus what is taking them so long" Candy says Messing with her Tail as if on Cue Blake was seen walking to them giving Kate a piggy back ride, Candy Giggles and crosses her arms "Hello Love birds" Candy says Jokingly, Mason Giggles then notices A Chubby German Shepherd Standing near Him leaning against the locker on his phone, Mason Blushes staring at him he stared at The German shepherd for about a minuet in a half before getting pulled back into reality "Hey HEY Earth to Mason" Candy Says snapping her fingers in front of Masons face, Mason looks around Confused "You ok?" Candy asked, Mason nods the looks back at the German Shepherd, Candy looks at the German Shepherd then smiles "Staring at him i see hehe" Mason Blushes hard and Candy Nudges Mason to go and Talk to him Mason Blushes Harder and covers his face Candy giggles and Pats Masons Back then they walk out of the school and onto the bus. After their bus stops at their stop they get off and begins to walk to their houses "Hey have you guys ever noticed that abandoned house that's been sitting their for about a long time now" Kate asked pointing at the abandoned house the others shook their heads no "Hm Should we Check it out?" Candy Asked, Everyone was nervous they think it was a bad idea to be allowed on the property but at the same time they wanted to know what was in that house, while they were thinking a Voice was heard behind them "You going there?" Everyone turn their heads Towards the Source of the voice and saw a Chubby German Shepherd standing there staring at them, Mason Blushes hard When he saw The German Shepherd "Yeah we were thinking of going tonight wanna join?" Candy said, Everyone stared at her like she's gone mad "Oh come on guys that place is probably old and dusty and besides no one lives there so it would be a great idea to see what's in that house once and for all" Candy said smiling, Mason looks over at the German Shepherd wondering he wouldn't like a guy who is scared and a wimp if he joins ill join to "Sure sounds fun" The German shepherd said showing a smile, Mason Looks At The German Shepherd then back at Candy And Breathed in and breathed out "Ill go to" Mason Says, Everyone looks at him then kate and blake then agrees everyone Agrees then goes to their homes. After mason goes into his home Mackenzie was at the Dining table looking at Bills and Letters "Hey dad" Mason says closing the door, Mackenzie looks up from looking at the bills "Oh hey Son how was school?" Mackenzie says grabbing his wallet to pay the bills Mason Looks at Mackenzie and inhales and Exhales "Hey dad can i...ask you something" Mason says looking up at mackenzie with a nervous look, Mackenzie looks at Mason with a confused look "Uh sure what is it son?" Mason nervously rubs his arm then looks up at Mackenzie again "I wanted to know who used to live in the abandoned house down the street" Mason says quickly but clear to hear, Mackenzie's Eyes widened "Uhh- Ahem um mason y-your a bit to young to know about that house" Mackenzie says nervously, Mason tilts his head a little "But why what happened?" Mackenzie Begins sweating a lot trying to come up with something to say "Um its..nothing that place is just..old" Mackenzie says Nervously chuckling, Mason Shrugs it off then goes upstairs to put his stuff up. After Mason drops his Backpack on the floor and Flops on his bed he pulls his phone out and begins texting his friends

Friend Group Chat

Candy: Wassup

Mason: When are we going to the house?

Candy: At 8:26pm

Kate: Oooo can we Have a sleep over at the Abandoned house

Candy: Ooo yass

Blake: Alright Lets get some Sleep over stuff and pack it in a back pack

Mason goes off his phone and hears the front door open and Close, Mason Gets up and walks downstairs seeing Bluey Hugging Mackenzie "Hi Mom" Mason said walking to Bluey and giving her a big hug "Oh hehe hi sweetheart how was your first day of school, did you get to see your friends?" Bluey asked Placing her purse on the Coffee table "Yeah...but can i ask you something?" Mason said looking up at Bluey in the eyes, Bluey looked Confused and looks over at Mackenzie who shook his head no, "Uh sure honey what is it?" Bluey asked, Mason knows his mother wont answer his question either...but it wont hurt to try..right? "What..happened at that abandoned house..down the road?" Mason asked, Blueys eyes widened with fear "I..i- uhh- H-Honey why ask...all of sudden?" Bluey Nervously asked Sweating bullets, Mason looked into her eyes and Inhales and exhales again through his nose "My Friends and i were curious about it and you wont tell me what happened in there or the house itself" Mason Said Looking up at Blueys Eyes, Bluey Scratched the back of her Head then says " its best if you don't know ok?" Bluey says With a comforting tone, Mason Nods then looks up at her Eyes again "Is it ok if i Had a sleep over at my friends house" Mason asked, Bluey begins sweating Thinking of many Ways of what would happen to him like what happened to her and Mackenzie but at the same Time She saw his friends before so she agrees to let him have a sleep over. Later that day Masons Friends and his Crush waits for him outside and mason walks downstairs "Ok mom and dad im going to my friends house" Mason says looking at Bluey and Mackenzie in the kitchen, Mackenzie Looks up and says "Be Safe son" Along with Bluey Calling after "Do you have your phone Honey?" Mason Nods Giving Bluey and Mackenzie hugs, But before he left Bluey stops him and gives him a Pocket knife and leans into his Ear and whispers "Use this if anyone Tries to Hurt you" Mason Nods and Puts the knife in his pocket and they left making sure to close the Door behind him "Took ya long enough" Candy Giggles, They Begin walking to the Abandoned house and they Stood In front of it, the house looked Old and Dusty on the outside but once they Entered the House it was beautiful and nice " Hm like they said Ugly on the Outside beautiful on the inside" Kate Said, They set their stuff on the living room floor and the sleep over has started.

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