Game Show Tragedy

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While Everyone was asleep Kate was Soon Awoken by glass breaking and woke everyone els up "Guys, Guys i think someone broke in" Kate Said Quietly, Everyone was now awake and they were concerned on what kate said "What do you mean someone broke in...who would break in an abandoned house at 1:34 in the morning?" Blake said yawning, Kate shrugged then Explains that she heard Glass breaking from somewhere "It Could be a homeless person" Candy Exclaimed, Everyone turned their eyes towards Candy "Why would a Homeless person throw break glass at a abandoned house?" Gabe asked, Candy Shrugged then Everyone hears footsteps upstairs "Sounds like they're upstairs" Mason says Everyone grabs A weapon from the kitchen and walks Upstairs and searches the upstairs but found nothing then heads downstairs again "But we heard Footsteps upstairs" Candy says Scratching the back of her head, Everyone made it to the Living room and they were Talking Amongst each other then The TV turned on and the same young female Afghan appeared on the screen staring at them "Hello Everyone" The Young Female Afghan says Everyone Was Confused But Mason "Thats Her thats who i saw when we were playing Hide n seek" Mason says pointing at the TV, The young Afghan Smiles at them as if she was looking at them through the screen "Hi im Nano Im the Daughter of Indy..." The young Afghan says Messing with her Hair, Mason was afraid, Everyone was afraid "And i wanna play a game"Nano Says, Mason looked around the room and Notices a TV Remote he grabs it and pushes the Power button and TV turned off "There that solves everything" Mason Says, but not only did the TV shut off the whole Power shut down after that "What how is that Possible?" Candy Asked, The TV turned on again but the power stayed off and Nano appeared on the TV again "Nice Try you guys..but there is no way to turn off the TV but you did turn off the Power...only the lights" Nano Says, Everyone stared at the TV with looks of Terror on their face "So as i was saying.. I wanna play a game with yall haha" Nano says but what she says next made everyone's blood go solid cold "But not only do i wanna watch you.. Audience at their homes will watch to" As if on Cue a Live stream Chat pops up on the TV with a lot of people Watching "J-Jesus Christ...its like we are on a Dark Web live stream" Kate says Panicking, Just then there was loud Banging on the Outside of the House "Wh-What is that" Candy says, Nano Begins laughing distracting them it made everyone scared then she stops laughing "The First Game iiiiis...One man Hide and seek" Nano says before the TV goes to static, Everyone just stood there wondering what to do then candy Broke the silence "We have to find a way out of here" Everyone agrees then Candy says She will check the Basment and everyone els will hide from whatever is going after them, they all agree then they scattered around the house. Candy went down to the Basement to see if there was a Exit while she searched around the Basement she Noticed a black slimy substance on the floor that looked like it was Dragged across the floor " that?" Candy asked herself before following the Gooey trail, The Trail led to a Red box that was Covered in the same Black Substance that Candy followed "A Red box?" Candy asked herself, "It has Chains on it..ill see if there is any Cutting pliers here" Candy says before searching again. Mason was hiding in the same Small cabinet in the parents room he didn't have a choice it was either the cabinet or under the bed he then heard the parents door creak open he saw a doll size version of Nano holding a pair of sharp scissors, The doll walked around before leaving the room Mason sighs in Relief but then a Sharp kitchen knife was stabbed through door of the Cabinet Masons eyes widened when he saw the Tip of the knife Close to his eye, Mason kicked the door open knocking the doll over then running out of the room. Mason ran down the hallway and saw Kate Standing in front of a open doored room she stood there shocked and scared she looked like she was about to cry "Kate what happened?" Mason Asked, Kate pointed at something then kate passed out and when Mason looked he had the same Reaction he saw Blake on the ground in a pool of his own blood with a crack in his head and Multiple stab wounds on his body Gab walked up to them and saw him to then hugged Mason who burst into tears. Meanwhile in the basement Candy found a pair of cutting pliers and cut the chains off the red box and the Chains fell to the floor Candy Slowly opens the lid of the box and when she looked inside the box she let out a loud and horrific scream almost Breaking the windows and when she screamed she fell backwards, she picked herself up and ran upstairs and out of the basement and shuts the Basement door. Mason and the others heard Candy Scream and was about to go downstairs but saw Candy Run upstairs "I- the- basement- she- i-" Candy Stuttered on her sentence and Mason tries to calm her down "Ok Calm down Candy calm down, now tell us what happened" Mason Says, Before she could say anything a Loud Noise what Heard Behind them and once they turn around they Saw Nano standing there swinging a Axe around smiling "Peek a boo.. I see you" Nano says before Running full speed down the hall towards them Mason and the others scattered around the house so Nano Wouldn't find them. Mason and Gabe went to a room that looked like a very Fancy Office "Is this..a study room?" Gabe asked, Mason shrugged his shoulders he's seen his dads office at a Office building once when he was a little pup, but he has never seen a office at a house "Shh i think i hear someone coming...lets hide under the desk" Mason says, Mason and Gabe hid under the Study room desk and they waited for the Person to enter and leave after they heard the door open and close the hear a Female breathing heavily, Mason peaks up from the desk to see who it was and saw it was Candy "Oh its just Candy" Mason Says, Candy Screams and Jumps "Jesus Fucking Christ Mason" Candy Says leaning against the Wall and Sitting on the floor "Sorry Candy" Mason says, Candy then sees Gabe come from behind desk "Wait what were yall doing under there" Candy asked Mason and Gabe Blush hard "You know what not the time for a explanation we need to get out of here" Candy adds while looking through the Crack of the door looking For Nano Mason and Gabe stand behind Her waiting for her "Ok looks like the Cost is Clear we should be able to leave" Candy says, They Quietly walks out of the room but as they Did a Loud Blood shedding Laugh was heard around them, then the TV Turns on with them on it " that us?" Mason asked Candy and Gabe Nods their heads mason noticed on the TV at the same time themselves on the TV shook their heads at the same time " on live" Mason says, As if on que Nano Appears on the TV "Ding Ding Ding Mason Heeler you got it right" Nano Laughs, Her blood Curtailing laugh Drowned out the whole House "You are on a Live Game show and you three are the only survivors" Nano says with the Screen Flickering "Three? What happened to Kate?" Candy Shouts, Nano laughs Very Loudly almost Shattering the Windows "Oh that Garbage girl..weelllll lets just say you left her Hanging" Nano says smiling before showing a Camera from another room showing kate running in and the lights shut off and The Screams from kate drowned out that room and the lights came on and kate was hanging from Her Wrists and was standing like a puppet "Yeah some Friends you are" Nano says Giggling And Candy was about to throw up and Gabe and Mason stands there Hearing the sounds of Nano's laughter. Nano was Rudely Interrupted by a voice "Stop laughing you Crazy Bitch" Gabe said making Candy and Mason Shocked "Whoa looks like someone hates my laughing do i sound like a clown?" Nano says Giggling making Gabe pissed off "Actually speaking of Clowns i have a game for the Viewers to watch you play" Nano Says, Everyone was Curious but didn't want to play her games "Its called "Escape from Nano" all you have to do is Escape from me" Nano says Laughing then the Screen shuts off, and the Thing they all heard was pairs of foot steps and Nano's laughter.

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