Chapter 13

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" The extra sweet characters are the most suspicious."

I a m h i s p u n c h b a g

For a moment, I didn't know what to say, should I comfort him, stare at him? I awkwardly coughed, bringing him back to reality.

"Still scared?" Alex asked, still holding my hand, tightly.

I nodded, " A little bit."

"So tell me more about your life." His attempt for making a conversation was poor, very poor. We had nothing in common.

I just ' lmaoed ' so hard.

Eventually, I answered, "I get bullied, that's how my life is."

He glared at me, "other then the bullying part."

I get abused, I wanted to say. " I like to eat?" I offered.

" Who doesn't?"


Alex laughed,"True, I don't get how she can live without junk food."

My hand started to sweat, I stared at my lap, desperately trying to pull my thoughts together, it was no use. I wanted to avoid any potential embarrassment I might face.

"What about you?"

He gave me a confused look, "Huh?"

"Tell me more about your life."

"Nothing interesting much." he muttered.

Yeah sure.

Giving him my best youkiddingme look , he finally gave in, " Fine," Alex sighed, " I have tw- a younger sister, my mum married some old man after my dad's death."

I could swear he almost said two.

"What else?"

"I like boxing, music, and swimming. And I play guitar."

"Some talent you've got there."

He laughed.

"What kind of music do you listen to?"

"Old music, nowadays music's about love and shit."

Chuckling, I said, " No shit included."

"Do you want to listen to one of my favourite songs, it's new, but it holds a deep meaning.?"

I nodded, he shoved the phone over to me. " I thought phones aren't allowed on planes?"

Giving me a stunned look, he said,
"Are you kidding me?"

Embarrassed, I looked at our intertwined hand," Oh sorry,"

Probably remembering I haven't been on a plane before, " Don't mind me."

He played ' his favorite song' over the phone and handed it to me, along with its headphones. His hand still interwined with mine.

As the music began, I immediately recognised the song, 'Yes Girl' by Bea Miller. I've been listening to this song lately, and I've fallen in love with it more and more every time I listen to it. If that's possible.

I started singing quietly, "Tell me what you wanna hear, cause the truth is always in the way, I never wanna live the fear, I don't wanna hold back all the things I need to say.."

Alex started laughing hysterically at how horrible my voice sounded. At this point both my hands were on my lap.

I rolled my eyes, " Oh I bet your voice sounds much better." I said, sarcasticly, handing him back his phone.

"I don't know, I don't like to sing."

Smirking I said, " I already know the reason. Between, Stupidity's not a crime, so you're free to go."

"Sassy bitch."

" I'm honored. I'm not a female dog. Queen sounds better."

"Please, keep talking. I always yawn when I am interested." He retorted. A smirk tugging on his lips.

Fortunately, I had some comebacks hiden in the back of my brain, just in case. " The zoo called. They're wondering how you got out of your cage?"

"Jesus loves you... but everyone else thinks you're a bitch."

He probably expected a comeback, but all I said was a I know.

"Angel," he groaned, " Don't be a kid, we were fighting what happened?"

My lips formed a small smile, "Do you want to hear a knock knock joke?"

Suprised by my response, he smiled, " Go ahead."

"Knock, Knock."

"Who's there?"

"A cow goes.."

"A cow goes who?"

"A cow goes moo."

"That was.....terrible." he finally said. " Best knock knock joke goes to Angel." he laughed, mocking my talent. People these days don't appreciate talent when they see one.

Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change. There is some kind of a sweet innocence in being human- in not having to be just happy or just sad- in the nature of being able to be both broken and whole, at the same time.

Lifting my head and looking up to him, I asked, " How many hours are left?"

"I don't know, I'm not a clock."

"I'm the only one allowed to sass."

He rolled his eyes, " sure."

Although the only sass king was Louis Tomlinson.

"I don't get what's the difference between sitting here or at the back." I muttered, and slowly lowered my head back on the pillow.

"Trust me, there's a big difference." Smiling fliterously at the flight attendant, she winked at him.

Much to my luck, Chloe walked toward us, her eyes judging me shrewdly. "How in hell did she get to seat next to you?"

"Jealous much?"

She snorted, " From who? You?"

Alex Blake just sat there, looking uninterested in our bickering, as always.

"Where did you get these clothes Chloe, at the toilet store?"

Alex laughed at my joke, I smirked.

"Your face makes me sick." with that oh-so- good comeback, she left, making both Alex and I die from laughter.

" Oh my god," he said betwen laughs. Finally after we both manged to stop laughing," Oh my god " he repeated. " You need to start teaching sass language in our school. I'd never skip."

"Yeah sure. "

"I have you question for you, Alexie. I've been thinking about it for a while."

"Go ahead."

"Why do you bully me? I haven't done anything to you." My body stiffened, I shifted in my seat, staring at my hands on my lap, uncomfortably.

Blake's face hardened, his mouth drawing tight. "Drop it."

"I guess I have the right to know. "

The tension in his face softened a little, " Please drop it, when I'm ready I'll tell you."

I didn't reply, I shrugged, forcing myself to look out of the window. I watched the food service cart pull the tall seat of stairs away from the belly of the plane. My head is reeling, and I knew I had to relax.

"Hey, Angel. Are you okay?" Alex asked, his eyes narrowed.

I shook my head, " I'm having a panic attack."

He held my hand, " It's alright, it's alright." Alex kept on repeating.

Giving me the magazine, he said,"Here, read this,"

I want to pull off the lap belt, but I'm stuck to my seat. I want to move and lose this sinking feeling. I need a run through the weeds to clear my minds but that's impossible. My shirt feels like it's closing in on me . I closed my eyes, and strained to keep cool.

Breathe. In and Out. Slowly. Relax.

My head is spinning out of control and I need to scream. I'm trapped and nowhere to run. Alex kept repeating it's okay, you're okay . Slowly it's working, my breathing began to slow down and I sat up straight.

I murmured a thank you.

If I could summarize Alex Blake in a sentence, is, A mixture of Angel and Devil in one person.


Please vomment it really makes me happy, we've reached 7.9k OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH

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