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I blinked and felt arms around my waist. I looked over my shoulder to see Isen. I shifted to where my face was near his chest and snuggled into him.

"Stop moving."

I glanced up at him annoyed.

"I'll stop moving when you stop drawing on my face while I'm asleep."

"Oh C'mon, it was funny."

"No it wasn't, it was embarrassing."

"Aw, how cute, you're embarrassed."

The door to my room suddenly slammed open. John and Remi stood in the doorway.

"Told you they were in here being to lovely dovey."

"Thank you, John."


John walked away and Remi grinned at us. "So, you two ARE dating. I knew it!"

"Shouldn't you be resting or sleeping?"

"And miss the perfect moment to get good pictures?" Remi said as she got her phone out.

I sighed and buried my head back into Isen's chest. I felt him move his arm to cross over my back. Remi squealed and cheered out about it being such a good OTP moment.

"Oh C'mon Remi, I can't love him with you here." Isen said his his chest rumbling as he spoke.

I hit Isen in the chest lighty before I turned away from him. He pulled on my chest/waist and pulled me into him. He put his face in the crook of my neck and Remi squealed even louder.

"I got a picture of it!! I won the bet with Arlo! I knew if you two were dating Isen would be the big spoon!" Remi cheered loudly.

I groaned annoyed and tired. "Why won't you let me sleep?" I mumbled as Isen kissed my neck.

"Because I want to talk to the love of my life."

"Ew, wwaaayyy to cheesy Isen! Anyway though, I'll leave you two alone. Meet me in my dorm at 7 though."

We both nodded and she walked out shutting the door. I held Isen's hand and used my other arm as a pillow. I was almost asleep again when he moved. Isen got up leaving my back cold and me annoyed.

"Why are you leaving?" I mumbled out to him.

"Because I'm hungry. I'll be back in a bit."


The door opened, slowly and, I rolled over looking at who it was. Isen brought eggs, pancakes and hashbrowns in on a tray. I sat up as he sat down. He handed me the tray the settled himself. He pulled me into his lap and I set the tray on my own lap.

As we ate I leaned into him content.

"I love it when we have lazy cuddle days."

"Me too."

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