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There will be some cursing.

*Blyke's P.O.V.*

As Isen and I walked to the library I realized I needed to study for 6 different upcoming tests all in the same week. Next week was going to suck. 

"Blyke, did you study at all for those upcoming tests yet?"

"That's why I came with you. I need to study today so don't be your usually loud self for once."

"Look who's talking."

"You wanna go?" I said glaring at Isen.

Isen looked over to me and grinned.

"Don't you have to study though?" he said as he opened the door to the library.

The librarian glared at both of us as I looked over to him ready to kill him.  We were going to kicked out if he started this kind of stuff again. 

I walked away from Isen and to the history section of the library.  I grabbed the books I would need and walked back to a table.  As I set the stuff down I noticed Isen motioning me to sit next to him at the computers. 'I'm so going to regret this.' I thought with a sigh. I picked my stuff up and walked over to the computers setting the books down again.  I sat down and Isen spoke smugly.

"You sat down here, guess you couldn't resist my charm Huh?"

"If you say one more word I will punch you in the face."

I opened the first book and busied myself studying about some war 70 something years ago.


"Hey Blyke." Isen whispered to me.

"What?" I asked looking at him annoyed.

"Did you hear?"

"Hear what?"

"A couple of the girls in Class 1 and 3-none in our class got caught- were suspended for drinking during class hours."

"And I care why?"

"It'll be easy pickings for the others so I'll need to get something that trumps that so that I have the best story and get on the cover!"

"So what are you going to write about, or do you even know? Because I unlike you need to study and can't waste time with that stuff."


"Exactly so leave me be and go find something to write about."

As I got back to the book Isen tapped my shoulder.

"What?" I said looking at him out of the conner of my eye.

"I don't want to be in here anymore, let's go back to our dorm."

"I need to study."

"Then check the books out and let's go."

I sighed, I knew Isen wouldn't relent about this.

I got up then walked over to the science section and got the books I would need. I then made my way over to the math section. I got the books I would need and walked over to the scary librarian.

"Would you check these out?"

She nodded and checked the books out to me. I grabbed the books and glared at Isen who was at the door waiting on me.

"You so owe me." I growled as I walked past him and through the open door.

As we walked down the hallway I grimaced at the fact that I had 14 books in my arms. I thrust the books into Isen's arms.

"You wanted to leave so you can carry the books. And why aren't you studying? You have the same upcoming tests."

"I already studied, while you were at that Turf War."

"You studied everything in that short time period?"

"Well not everything."

"Of course not."

"I studied most of it though!"

"Yeah yeah, sure you did."

As we got to our door room I opened the door letting Isen walk through first. As Isen set all the books down on the table he turned to look at me.

"Now then,  if I heard you correctly you said that I owe you in the library, is that correct?"

"Yes I did. I could have just stayed in the library but no, you wanted to leave."

Isen grinned as he walked towards me. Isen activated his ability as he smiled like a manic. I backed up and activated my ability.

"What the h*ll is wrong with you?!"

Isen still smiling although now it was more of a smirk grabbed my wrist.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just paying you back since you said I owe you."

I looked at him confused.

"What the h*ll is that supposed to mean?!"

Isen leaned towards me until our foreheads were touching. I could feel a blush on my cheeks start up. He then kissed my nose and took a picture quickly.

"Your face it's priceless!" He said while laughing.

"F*ck off." I said while picking the books up and going to my room.

I set the books down then sat on my bed. 'Why did I think he was actually going to kiss me? And why did I want him to? I mean I know I kind of like him but, I didn't think it was to the point of where I was wanting him to kiss me!' I thought miserably.

The door opened and I saw Isen walk in.

"Get out now." I said glaring at him.


I got up and was about ready to blast his face in when he walked over and grabbed my face kissing me. My eyes widen and I tried to pull away. He looked at me and I could see his ability activated. That explains why I couldn't pull away. He looked at me and I began to blush.  His eyes dropped slightly and I could feel his smirk. I began to hesitantly kiss back then decided that I wanted to be the boss. I kissed him forcefully back and he grinned before pulling away.

"I knew you liked me!" he said in triumph.

"Oh just shut up already." I said with my arms crossed.

Isen hugged me and I sighed.

"I'm sorry I was mean and didn't kiss you at the door."

"I never said you were being mean! You were just being annoying!"

"Sure.  So, if you want...  I could make it up to you."

"NO,  I have to study...  But maybe later if you'll leave me alone to study."

"Yay!" Isen said cheering like a little kid.

He hugged me then pecked my lips and dashed out of the room saying that he wouldn't make a peep while I was studying.

I rolled my eyes but smiled, I loved Isen and all, but I was glad that he finally left me alone to study.

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