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Because I feel like writing

🚨⚠ There will be sexual content, and cursing you have been warned! ⚠🚨

And I also accidently published this so yeah I had to unpublish it real quick sorry about that.

💞💛Blyke's P.O.V.💛💞

I was with as Remi called it 'The Big Squad', Isen, Remi, Arlo, Seraphina, Elaine, myself, and John by Seraphina's request. The seven of us got off the train and walked to the mall. As we walked Seraphina spoke.

"Let's go to the boba place." She and John lead the way while Remi, Elaine, and Arlo followed after them Isen and I in the back.

"Have you ever been here?" Isen whispered to me.

"No, you?"

"Nope, what do you think it'll be like."

"Not sure but since Seraphina likes it it must be good."

As we all sat down I sat near the edge by Elaine. It went John, Seraphina, Elaine, then me. Across from us, Isen, Remi, Arlo.

Isen kept winking at me and making faces. I tried to keep looking away from him and drinking the boba which was surprisingly good. My phone vibrated and I looked down at the weird name Isen put himself as in my phone.


Why won't you look at meeeeeeeee

Because you're going to try to embarrass me if I do.

Aw, you're no fun! Besides everyone's looking at you.


I looked up to see everyone minding their own business talking and Isen silently laughing at me.

"Would you two stop texting then looking at each other? I swear if you're sexting one another!" Remi said glaring at Isen and I.

"I made sure you sat away from each other so you wouldn't be all lovey dovey!" She groaned obviously annoyed.

Everyone looked at the two of us and I could feel my face heat up.

"We're not sexting! I would never do something like that at a restaurant or in public! You can check my phone." I said hurriedly showing my phone screen.

"I'll believe you, for now." Remi said watching us.

We left the boba place and Isen walked behind me before grabbing my butt.

"Isen!" I said glaring at him.


"I swear if you keep this up you're not going to like the consequences."

"And what would those be, Blykeywikey?"

"What kind of nickname is that? Don't ever say that again."

"Make me Blykey-" I put my hand over his mouth shutting him up quickly.

🕔Afterwards in the Dorm🕔

"So, where did the 'consequences' you were talking about go?"

"Shut it."

Isen had been teasing me and bothering me all day. He almost got us both caught on multiple occasions since the group didn't want to see a bunch of PDA since they were all single as fuck and jealous.

"How about you try to find out what it is."

"Huh?" Realization dawned in his eyes and I could tell he realized what the consequence was.

Isen walked toward me and got on his knees his face dangerously close to my dick. He began to pull me pants down before I started to move away. He grabbed my hips and glanced up at me.

"Blyke, I accepted what I consider the 'consequence' since you said to find it out. And I think it was that I need to suck you off so, how does that sound to you?"

I went red in the face but nodded slowly. Isen was incredible at sucking me off, I moved back and pressed myself against the wall.

Isen pulled my pants down my boxers following seconds afterwards. He began to pump my shaft and I gripped his hair running my fingers through it.

"Isen... "

"Already saying my name? That was quick."

"Thank you."

"What?" He looked up at me confused and I could feel myself blushing under his gaze.

"I like it when you're gentle sometimes and this is one of them so, thank you."

"You are like the most precious bean ever." Isen said with a grin before putting my head in his mouth and sucking lightly tonguing the vein on the underside of my dick.

As I sucked on Blyke I saw how red his face got. He was sometimes the most adorable person I've ever met. He squeaked (although he'd never admit it) and moaned pulling on my hair. Blyke didn't like for me to deep throat him. Tonguing him was what drove him over the edge. I barely saw his toes start curling. Once they started to curl his started to get louder and beg no matter what I did he begged for no reason. It was always cute the faces he made as he wanted more.

"Isen, please, Isen!" He had his eyes scrunched up and he was bitting his lower lip like his life depended on it.

As I kept going he let out tiny gasps and moans trying to quite himself desperately.

"I'm close.. " He murmured

He sounded so embarrassed every time he let me know he was close.

He came with a few moans and a whine. I pulled both his boxers and pants up smirking at his hazy eyes.

I turned to look away from him for a single second and he hugged me burrowing his face into my chest. I hugged back quietly. Blyke had a lot on his plate, and I know that messing with him all day then reliving him helps to destress him big time.

"All the Turf Wars and making sure everything is as it should be is so hard Isen."

"I know but I'm here to help."

"It's funny when Arlo and Elaine get all upset when we're being 'lovey dovey' as Remi says and we all know it's because their both incredibly single." Blyke said with a light laugh.

"Shh, don't let them hear, they'll complain our ears off."

"Elaine maybe, Arlo will just be an ass."

"Nah, Seraphina probably won't let him since she seems to like messing with his perfect order."

"That's true."

"Wanna go take a nap?"

"When do I not?"

Done. I have no idea what this is but it's here.

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