Chapter 1: Him

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Richard Goranski wasn't gay. He knew that much. But he wasn't straight either. Considering he'd fallen head over heels for one of his male peers, and lucky for him, this boy was in the same social class.


Richard wouldn't call him a loser though. He'd never think it. This boy was too beautiful to call that.

Maybe it was the way light reflected off that soft caramel skin, or perhaps the way his hair barely fell in his face.

Or from what Richard had seen, maybe it was because this boy was so genuine. So caring. Richard wouldn't call himself a stalker, but he did observe the boy often, praying he'd never be caught for it.

He learned multiple things over the while he observed him.

#1: his name was Michael Mell. Richard only ever melted at the sound of that name now.

#2: Michael was a giant geek...nerd? Both. His hoodie had tons of patches, most of which being related to video games. Richard took notice of the Pac-Man patch, which had a matching Inky patch. There was also a triforce from Legend of Zelda and a starman from Super Mario Brothers. Not to mention, several other things.

#3: Michael was optimistic. Something Richard longed to be. He thought, maybe if he had Michael as a friend, at the least, he could be happy.

#4: Michael had one singular friend. Jeremy Heere, and Richard can admit, Jeremy was cute, what with his little tooth gap and heterochromia, as well as his large glasses.

#5: Michael was gay. He wore a pride patch on his shoulder constantly. Richard thought that was really brave of him, something he himself would never be able to do.

#6: Michael was single. That was great, because Richard believed he actually stood a chance with him...

#7: Yes, Michael was gay. Yes, Michael was single...however, Michael was in love. Michael was gay, single, and in love with his best friend.

Once Richard learned that, his heart broke a little. He longed for Michael almost regularly now, getting to see him at the least once a day, which was in their elective(that they didn't get to choose). Art.

And Richard couldn't restrain from at least attempting to recreate Michael's beauty on paper, hoping he'd never notice.

Well, his hopes were crushed that day as he was heading to his locker. Some, like 6 foot, senior thought it would be funny to trip Richard while his backpack was slightly open and watch as everything fell out.

"Thhit." He muttered as the halls became relatively empty. Richard found most of his school work easily, but what hadn't been easy was finding his sketchbook.

He began panicking, scared someone would find it and see the thousands of vents hidden in there...along with his drawings of Michael.

He felt a shadow over him after a few minutes of searching under lockers and looked up to see Michael looking down at him.

It was at that moment, Richard's heart exploded.

Michael looked absolutely beautiful in the sunlight reflecting from the large open windows of the school, and his hair was sort of a mess, but Richard thought it was cute.

"This yours?" He asked, handing the sketchbook to Richard, who held it tightly in his arms, as if it were a fragile, million dollar painting.

"Yeah...T-Thankth." He bit his tongue after speaking and Michael smiled a bit.

"It's really good." The compliment made Richard's heart beat much faster. He knew he was blushing, and he couldn't hide it.

"Thank y-you." He avoided using any word with an 'S' from that point on in the conversation.

"Also, I swear some of those drawings look like me" Michael turned around to leave but stopped before putting his headphones on. "...but they can't be, they're much too good to be drawings of me." He barely laughed, almost a sad laugh, and walked off towards the exit, where Richard noticed Jeremy waiting for him.

Richard sat there on the floor, opening his sketchbook and looking at one of his drawings of Michael. "They're much too good to be drawings of me." He closed it and held it close to his heart and smiled sadly.

He had never known Michael felt that way about himself. It didn't seem like such an important sentence at first, but Richard had learned to look at things to their fullest extent.

He stood up after placing the book inside the bag and wrapping it around himself. He blew his moppy brown hair out of his face and left the school, blush plastered on his face as he thought about Michael.


That night, Richard was deadset on proving what he was. He searched the internet for a good while, looking at sexualities and romantic orientations.

Gay? No, Richard definitely still liked girls.

Pan? Nah, Richard didn't know anybody who wasn't male or female.

Ace? Definitely not.

Poly? No.

Mono? Nope

Demi? Probably not.

Richard was getting annoyed until he spotted the term "bisexual".

He quickly did research on the term and felt it described him perfectly. He was attracted to females, but was finding he may be more attracted to males.

He was bisexual. That felt good to say to himself because heaven forbids he say it to his father... he'd be beaten senseless.

He looked at the time and realized he should've been in bed around two hours ago. He quickly shut his laptop off, and threw his school clothes off.

Once putting on his pajamas, he looked through his stuff until he found the stuffed Kermit his mother had made him when she was still alive, and crawled into bed.

It didn't take him long to pass out, and once he had, his dreams being very fulfilling of his romantic fantasies.

Those fantasies being amplified by his encounter with Michael...

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