(Tree Bros) We're Still Young

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Requested by AllyRen5
I love children AUs so I can't wait to write this.
(Oh yeah Connor is like...actually a bit older than Evan but still. I know in canon they're the same age but...but yeah)

"One-One day, I'm uh, I'm gonna cwimb this t-twee." Evan mumbled, leaning against the rather tall tree at the park.

"But you could get hurt. What if you fell? And I wasn't there? Or anybody wasn't there?" Connor questioned and Evan thought about it for a second.

"Wh-Why wouldn't you unm, be t-there Connie? You're always g-gonna be with me, w-wight?" Evan looked up from his fantasies about taking in the sunlight from the tallest tree he knew to see Connor pushing hair out of his face.

"Yeah of course I'm gonna be with you Tree Boy but what if something happens and I can't be there? You fall, get hurt, and I'm not there."

"I'm confused. Y-You're always gonna be wight with me, so I don't need to worry about that happening. And t-the twee isn't t-that, uh, big. Well wight now it is b-but when I'm taller, I'm-I'm gonna cwimb it, and you're go-gonna cwimb it with me." Evan smiled wide at the thought.

Ever since he could remember he'd wanted to climb that tree. Connor knew he wanted to climb it as well, but the thought of him falling and getting hurt wouldn't leave Connor alone.

Maybe because he'd seen so much hurt at home. At this point though, all he cared about was Evan. He didn't even realize what the younger male was doing until there was a dark purple flower crown atop his messy brown hair.

"Now-Now you have flowers!" Evan clapped gently and Connor readjusted the crown, smiling.

"Thanks Tree Boy. You should make one for yourself." Connor suggested and Evan stood up.

"W-We need to find...umm...blue flowers then! C'mon Connie, there's g-gotta be some awound here." Evan began walking around looking for flowers, Connor trailing behind him.

Connor found a whole bush of blue flowers, and he gently picked them off, and began weaving them best he could into a messy flower crown.

"I didn't find any blue flowers." Evan mumbled before he felt something on his head. He took it off and his eyes widened as he stared at the blue flowers crown. "Connie look! Some-Somehow, I got a flower crown!!" Evan bounced and Connor giggled.

"I made it for you." Connor told him and Evan's eyes widened and he smiled at Connor.

"T-Thank you Connie." Evan hugged Connor, and Connor hugged him back.

"One day when we're older, we're gonna climb that tree. And we're still gonna have these flower crowns, and we're gonna be together." Connor told him and Evan's smile only got bigger.

"I'd... I'd r-really umm...like that. A lot." Evan mumbled into Connor's chest and the older boy smiled.

"We've got plenty of time to grow tall enough to climb that tree. We're still kids after all."

"Yeah. We'll climb it one day."

The two headed back to the big tree and Connor had gotten an idea.

"Hey Ev, do you know anybody with like a pocket knife?"

"W-Why would you need a p-pocket knife Connie? That's dangerous."

"I know but, there's something I wanna do."

"I think my mom umm..has one. I can g-go ask her. Stay r-right here." Evan ran off, and Connor put his hand on the tree, looking up at it.

Evan came back, his mom with him.

"She didn't want u-us to umm..get hurt. So she brought the knife." Evan mumbled and Connor nodded.

"Why did Connor need a knife again?" Heidi asked and Evan shrugged.

"Ms. Hansen, I'll tell you why, but I need to whisper it to you." Connor said and Heidi let go of Evan's hand and walked over to Connor, who whispered something in her ear that must have been cute because she made a silent "daww" sound.

She took the knife and Evan watched in horror as she cut into the tree. He then realized she was drawing something.

When she was done, she told Evan to close his eyes. He did, and felt a hand grab his. When he opened them up, there was a heart shape in the tree in front of him. Inside it read "C+E" and Evan turned red.

"Cheesy I know but-" Connor began before Evan tightly engulfed him in a hug.

"I love it Connie." He whispered and Connor smiled.

"Not as much as I love you Tree Boy." He mumbled back to Evan.

Heidi watched, a smile on her face. They might have been elementary kids, but they sure were going to make a cute couple one day.


(Years later)

Evan rest his head on Connor's shoulder while playing with his boyfriend's long black hair.

"So...do you umm...r-remember when we were l-little, and we said we'd c-climb this tree?" He asked and Connor nodded.

"I still have our flower crowns. They wouldn't fit our heads though."

"Umm...Do you h-have them?"

"Yeah. You want the blue one just like when we were kids?"

"Mmhm." Connor pulled out a blue flower crown and handed it to Evan. "It's...umm..more of a bracelet now." Evan mumbled as he put it around his wrist. It was somewhat big, but there is no way it would fit his head.

"Clever thinking tree boy." Connor gently kissed Evan's temple, causing the blonde male to turn blood red in response.

The two realized the sun was setting and looked up.

"This has t-to be the p-prettiest sunset I've ever w-watched."

"Looks like this tree really is our tree huh?"

"It h-has been ever since we umm...we marked it." Evan answered and Connor chuckled at the memory.

"That was still cheesy."

"I-It was cute Connor." Evan told him, the brown hair still tangled in his slightly sweaty hands.

"I still love you Evan." Connor told him, bringing him closer.

"I-I love you too C-Connie."

"Tree Boy."

The two sat in the tree as the sun set. Unaware that photos were being taken of them and posted online.

The next day, Connor ended up smacking Jared when he found out.

I hope that was alright. I couldn't find any ideas other than thinking about trees and flower crowns but I think it turned out alright.

This is legit my very first Tree Bros story I'm writing OMG. I hope it wasn't too OOC for Connor anyways. I mean I probably write him more like the imaginary Connor than the actual Connor but like... yeah

I had to restrain from referencing other musicals this time around.

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