After That Stolen Walnut 5

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Michael felt tears fall from his face as he stood up and stared at his frozen boyfriend. He made his way to the front of Jeremy and put a hand on his cheek...he was cold...very cold.

"You...You ruined my wedding. I was so close to finally being able" Michael watched as Squip tried to say something but couldn't...what?

"Fix him. Now." Michael pulled out a Live Wire from his pocket and his hand was engulfed in a flame. "Or I will not hesitate to burn you, your castle, and everybody who helps you."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that fire boy." Michael whirled around to see Keira, and next to her was a stone statue of...

"Christine!?" Michael's heart utterly sank...his boyfriend AND his best friend were frozen... he'd lost the two things closest to him. "How do I unfreeze then!?" Michael's face was red with anger as he turned to Squip.

"Like I'd tell you." He held the remote out towards Michael, and the shorter male ducked to escape it. "Get back here you little runt!" Michael kept rolling away from Squip...he had to burn that remote...or freeze Squip...or something... "You can't run forever Michael!!"

"You're right...but you're too coward to fight me head on. You're using a stupid remote to do it." Michael retorted, smirking a bit as he hid under one of the many seats in the room.

"I am NO coward!!"

"Then face me like a man! Unfreeze them, and face me like you normally would. And if you win...I'll let you freeze me...and Jeremy...if he willingly chooses to...can stay here...only by his choice! If I win, I take Jeremy, and I leave, with him and Christine."

"...Fine." Squip pointed the remote at Christine first, but not unfreezing her yet ."Keira, get a cage for her and the Prince. I want them to see this."

"Of course sir." Keira left and cake back with a cage on wheels, locking it in place and hanging it to a hook connected to a chain on the ceiling. She placed Jeremy and Christine inside, locking the door.

Squip unfroze them and Jeremy fell to the floor of the cage as it moved upward.

"What...Happ...Micha!" Jeremy looked down to see Michael, who looked back up and smiled weakly.

"Why are we in Squip's castle?" Christine mumbled and Jeremy seemed shaken to see her standing next to him.

"Don't worry guys. I'll get you outta here." Michael turned back to Squip and smiled cockily. "Where were we?" Squip aimed electricity at the boy and he jumped out of the way. "Oh right, you tryna kill me. That's a shocker."

"You really just... Ugh I'll be glad to be rid of you." Squip shot again and Michael ran and jumped, flipping in midair and landing on his enemy's head, flipping as he landed on the ground satisfyingly. He wiped his hands together, and Squip stood up and went to shock him again.

"Oh I'm sorry, am I as quick as lightning or are you just bad at aiming?" Michael joked as he ran away from the electricity. "Isn't this just electrifying?"


"Nah I'd rather not. I'm on fire today!" Michael shot a flame at Squip, burning his tail(I upgraded his design)near the spikes, which caused him to scream in pain. "Bingo! Bet that was a real burn to your ego."

"Stop with your stupid puns you annoying little thief!"

"Thief? Rude. I prefer the term, savior to the Walnut Kingdom." Michael threw another fireball, hitting Squip straight in the back. "Ey I have a good aim don't I?"

"Oh whatever." Squip rolled his eyes, ignoring the sheer amount of pain shooting through his body and turning to shock Michael.

And he hit.

Michael froze before falling to the floor, body being shocked all over, the burning sensation causing him the shake in fear.

"M-Michael!! Get up!" Jeremy yelled from the cage and Michael crained his neck upward, and yes it hurt a lot, but seeing that look of fear in Jeremy's face filled him with what he needed to force his body upright and start making his way to Squip.

He was quiet as he did, grabbing the taller male's tail and pulling it, causing him to fall. Michael then began to spin Squip around by his tail, a smile wide on his face as he heard Jeremy and Christine cheering for him.

Michael ended up slinging Squip into Keira, knocking them both into a daze. He grabbed the cage's remote from Keira and lowered it, unlocking it and being jump hugged by both Christine and Jeremy.

"Let's get out of here." Michael went to leave but Christine stopped him.

"We need the remote to unfreeze everybody....back in the kingdom."

"Wait S-Squip said he wasn't going to...he broke his deal. He was gonna kill you guys despite my efforts..." Jeremy started softly crying and Michael held him close, watching as Christine grabbed the remotes from Keira and Squip.

"Let's go. Rich and Jake are probably horrified right now." Christine waved the remoted and both Michael and Jeremy nodded, leaving the room and the castle with her, unopposed.


(Same place, different time)

Squip was absolutely furious that he'd lost again...he was so close. He looked down at his hands, pulling the gloves off and looking at the pitch blackness covering them.

If only he could tell somebody...if only people knew why he wanted Jeremy...but nobody was going to ever find out...nobody could...whether he wanted them to or not...was the power worth this?

I'm done with this miniseries
Idk next will be fanart

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