Let's Switch it Up a Bit Pt 2/???

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Let's go back to Jerm now.

"So he didn't kidnap you for once?" Jenna asked, and Jeremy nodded, he was still panicking because basically everybody he loved, well he loved everybody in his kingdom but still, had been kidnapped. "Why?"

"I don't k-know!! But I need you to go with me to save them. I'm not gonna do this alone because I could die." Jeremy told her and She nodded, rolling her jacket sleeves up and smiling.

"I can help you kick some butt. I mean I've done it back home, well at least I defended myself until I was kidnapped, but other than that."

"Thanks...Now I have no clue what's lying for us out there but it's not gonna be easy...so I have backpacks with powers in them." Jeremy put the bags on the table and opened them. "I've got a lot of them...probably overdoing this but I am not gonna let Michael stay kidnapped...same for Christine, Rich, and Jake."

"You never mentioned he kidnapped Christine! Where's the jerk at so I can kill him!?"

"Jenna calm down. I know where they are...it's getting there that's gonna be difficult."

"Hey do you by any chance know where Christine's normal hat is?"

"In her room, she wasn't wearing it today." With that Jenna ran off and came back with the hat on her head.

"Now. Let's kick some Tic Tac Booty!"


(Now to our other half of things.)

Michael was passed out in his cell, dreams slowly but surely turning into nightmares. He was shaking, curled up into a ball and crying...and eventually he woke up.

His head was in excruciating pain from the night before and he looked up...nobody was there. He wiped his eyes and sat against the wall, taking the photo of Jeremy out from his pocket and crying harder as he stared at it.

Is this what Jeremy went through every time he was kidnapped? This isolating loneliness...? Michael cried more at the thought before he heard footsteps.

He looked up to see Winston, who he remembered being there the night before, but his memory seemsd very blurry after a while.

"I see you're awake." Winston spoke calmly and Michael didn't say a word. "You're not going to talk to me?"

"Why would I? You stripped me away from Jeremy..." Michael whispered, looking back down at the picture and blushing. He closed his eyes and thought of his adorable lover back home.

He thought of how they walked everywhere hand in hand, he thought of Jeremy's laugh, he thought of running his hands through those beautiful brown curls, and he thought of every little moment he and Jeremy spend together.

He opened his eyes and knew that it wasn't there. Those thoughts were all the way back at the castle and he wasn't getting them back.

"I swear you always go on and on about him don't you?" Winston had his arms crossed in annoyance and Michael was very confused.

"He's my boyfriend, of course I talk about him a lot, I love him." Winston heard that and couldn't help but feel his jealousy taking over.

He knew what was in Michael's hands, and he lifted his hand up and sent electricity towards it, causing it to burn and crumble into tiny ashes.

"There. Now maybe you'll think about somebody else in your life." Michael began sobbing again and Winston walked away, realizing how badly he'd screwed up.

He looked back in guilt, to see Michael holding the ashes in his hand and crying as he sat them in the pocket he'd got the picture out of.

Winston closed his eyes sadly and left the room, bumping into Shane on his way up.

"Hey bro, how's your plan coming?" He asked and Winston wiped his eyes and sighed.

"Bad. Very bad. He hates me..." Winston mumbled and Shane hugged him.

"I don't think he hates anybody. But why would he? I mean you're nice, caring, not to mention most people would find you very attractive-"

"I'm also a jealous idiot who thinks I can force him to love me back. I felt so guilt I refused to give him anymore of the love potion...it's only temporary anyways." Winston began walking away and Shane looked down the steps and decided he'd go down and see Michael himself.

He'd only every fought with the hero, never really interacted with him in any other way.

He got to the bottom and looked into the cell to see Michael hugging his knees and sobbing. And on his head was a custom made hat it seemed...Shane had never seen him with that hat before.

"Hi." Shane plopped in front of the cell and Michael looked up.

"Oh...it's you..." He mumbled and Shane nodded. "At least you aren't Winston or Squip..."

"No. I'm nicer than my brothers. But I'm also disposable according to Eri-I mean Squi-I mean boss." Shane turned purple to the face and looked down.

"You have to call your brother Boss?" Michael asked, wiping more tears away abd moving to the front of the cell.

"Yeah. If I don't...this happens." Shane pulled his gloved off and rolled his sleeve up to reveal whip markings all over his arm. "I...I get punished..."

"Gosh that's awful...if I had to call Jeremy 'Prince' or 'Your Highness' all the time I'd die." Michael stuck one hand out of cage and gently grabbed Shane's arm, causing the older male to flinch. "I'm not gonna hurt you I just wanna see...wait...did he shock you too?"

Shane nodded, tears starting to form in his eyes as he remembered all the times his brother had punished him.

"Hey don't cry, c'mere." Michael whispered, and Shane got closer to the cell, and Michael wrapped arms around him and hugged him. "I don't care that you're evil...honestly I don't...I just feel bad for you...but...you don't need to cry. What you do is stay headstrong okay."

"Why are your helping me?"

"I'm a hero. It's my job. And next time we go face to face. I want to see what you've really got. Without the bazooka."


"SHANE!? WHERE ARE YOU, I GOTTA SEND YOU TO YOUR CASTLE NOW YOU LITTLE RUNT!!" Squip yelled from upstairs and Shane stood up and looked back at Michael, mouthing a 'thank you' before running off.

Michael felt good for the first time in that cell. He made somebody happy...that was good...even if that somebody was working for his enemy.

As for Winston...Michael wanted to know what was going on in his head...and bad.

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