There's a First Time for Everything

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I never wrote the details of Jeremy's first capture from his here is what happened before Michael shows up in the kingdom.

Jeremy looked at the crown and sighed. He was ruler of an entire kingdom now...great. He could barely talk to somebody with stammering once, how was he expected to rule?

He shook it off and put the crown on his head and looked in the mirror.

"Today's the day...Today's the day you're becoming a prince...don't screw this up Jeremy... Y-You'll be okay..." He was trying to boost his confidence but it didn't work.

"Printhe Jeremy, are you ready?" Jeremy turned to see Rich standing at the doorway and nodded slowly, following him down the stairs and to the main foyer of the castle.

He bit his lip as he walked into the foyer for everybody to see him. There were loud trumpets sounded as Jeremy looked down at the crowd, nerves starting to get the better of him.

"Thitithenth of the Walnut Kingdom, I give you your new Printhe. Printhe Jeremiah Heere!!" Rich announced and Jeremy waved awkwardly, really wanting to leave. "Now, a few wordth from thaid printhe." Rich handed Jeremy the microphone and he turned red....very red.

"Thank you Rich, for that very extravagant introduction." He began, dismissing Rich, who nodded and went to his room. "Citizens, I am v-very honored that I will get to be your new prince." He took in a breath before continuing. "And I want you all to know that I'm not perfect, but I will try to be the best leader I can be for all if you. Starting with the first law my dad gave me permission to make before stepping down. You, as citizens, may be able to love who you want. Regardless of gender, or lack there of, or any factor that should prohibit love." He cleared his throat and looked at the frozen crowd.

They then applauded and he smiled. He was doing alright.

"Thank you for your time. If you would like to request anything of me, please ask my advisors, Rich and Jake, so they can tell you if I'm available. You are all dismissed now." The citizens uncrowded the room and Jeremy went back to his room, closing the door behind him and sighing.

"That was a marvelous speech prince. You say people can love whoever regardless of gender...?" Jeremy turned to see a man slightly taller than himself at the door.

"W-Who are you?" Jeremy asked shakily, fear evident in his sweating, blood rushed face and his shaky stance.

"You may call me Squip." He walked over to Jeremy and placed a hand on his cheek, and Jeremy ran to the door and opened it, running down the stairs. "Oh you won't get away that easily."

Jeremy looked behind him to see Squip right on his trail. He closed his eyes and kept running, bumping into Rich and Jake, to his relief.

"Printhe are you oka-Who ith that?" Rich looked up to see Squip, and Jeremy quickly hid behind Jake.

"I'm not going to keep giving you my name."

"What do you want?" Jake held out his spear, and Squip knocked it out of his hand.

"Him." He pointed to Jeremy, and Rich and Jake stood in front of him, making sure Squip couldn't get to him.

"Don't even think about touching the Printhe!" Rich yelled and Squip laughed.

"You two are adorable, really thinking YOU can stop ME!" Squip sent electricity at both of them, and Jake pushed Rich away and wiped the blood off his lip.

"Get the Prince and go..." Jake whispered and Rich grabbed Jeremy's hand and began running away.

"Not so fast." The two froze to see a girl with dark purple hair standing in front of them. "I'll be taking that." She pulled out a whip and grabbed Jeremy with it, pulling him into her arms.

She whistled, and a ship crashed through the wall.

"Squip c'mon I got him!!" She yelled and he turned around and smiled evilly, rushing over and jumping on board.

She handed Jeremy to him, and the prince looked at him with pained eyes.

"Don't worry prince Jeremy, I promise not to hurt you..." Squip whispered, and Jeremy struggled against his bindings, but the girl pulled them tighter, causing him to scream in pain.

"Printhe Jeremy!!" Rich yelled trying to reach the ship, but he couldn't make it.

"Ta Ta Walnut losers!!" The girl yelled, and the ship left.

Rich stared at the ship's past location and looked outside the hole in the wall.

"Everything ith gone...." He whispered, crying heavily before feeling a hand in his shoulder.

"We lose the prince....Rich...we lost prince Jeremy. What are we gonna do?"

"I don't know..." The two looked at each other before starting to panic.

(To le airship)

Squip had had Jeremy in his arms since he'd received him, and Jeremy just wanted him to let go.

"What do you w-want from me?" Jeremy asked and Squip put a finger on his lips and smiled.

"Hush now Miah, I don't want you to wear yourself out." He whispered, and Jeremy wanted to push him off but couldn't even move his arms. "Aww don't struggle like that. Think about it, I have a much bigger castle than yours a much stronger army, we could rule everything together." Squip smiled, wrapping an arm around Jeremy, and the prince began crying as he looked down.

He missed home already...he missed home more than anything...


"Michael where are we?" Christine asked and Michael shrugged before looking at the kingdom they'd entered. "What happened?"

"I...I don't know but it doesn't look good." Michael told her and they looked around for any civilians. They spotted a  young girl and boy hugging and went over to them. Then they realized they were looking at a burning house. "Excuse me, what happened here?" Michael asked and the boy turned around and wiped away his tears.

"The kingdom was invaded...our prince was kidnapped..."

"Wait wait, please give me more details because I don't here." Michael said softly and the girl looked up.

"You're in the Walnut Kingdom...our prince...Prince Jeremy Heere...was kidnapped by a villain named Squip. He stole him and headed west to his castle...that's all we know..." The girl began sobbing and the boy stroked her hair.

"It's okay sis... it'll be okay..." He whispered and Michael looked at Christine.

"We gotta help them."

"Michael we don't even know where this Squip lives."

"I don't care. Look how upset they are. Look at this kingdom. We have to help them." Michael was set in his decision and Christine nodded.

"Okay. But we're gonna need defense."

"If it's defensive items you're looking for, go to the item's still in tact..." The boy told them, pointing to a nearby shop.

"Thank you. I promise we'll bring your prince back." Michael put his hand on the boy's shoulder and smiled. The boy smiled back before refocusing on his sister.

Michael adjusted his hat and began running to the shop, Christine behind him.

This was the start of a long adventure.

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