Vacation Gone Horribly Wrong (1/???)

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"Is she ready?" Squip asked, looking over the child like figure in testing tube.

"She should be."

"Is she equipped with the same powers as myself?"


"Good. Let her out... she's got some mischief to cause..."


"Thank Grambi we're finally a-able to go on vacation!" Jeremy yelled as he made his way to the private plane he owned(yes he has a Private plane). He opened the doors and plopped down into the window seat.

Michael sat down next to him, scratching at his gloveless hands in annoyance.

"You don't need the gloves Mikey. We aren't g-gonna be in danger this time." Jeremy cooed sweetly, kissing Michael's cheek with his pale pink lips, causing the taller male to turn red really quickly.

"I k-know but the scars-"

"I like the scars." Jeremy whispered as he held Michael's hands softly.

"Get a room you two." Rich laughed out and the two boys turned blood red at the comment.

"Leave them alone Rich, they never get time to themselves." Christine punched the shorter male in the arm playfully, sitting down next to Michael and winking. He winked in return as thanks for saving him from more teasing.

After Jake got in, the plane was finally able to take off.


Jeremy passed out about halfway to Isle Delfino, which is where the quintet would be staying for their vacation. He was laying calmly on Michael's arm, when he was woken up by a strange child in his dreams.

"You okay Jere?" Michael asked and Jeremy nodded, faking a smile and wiping his eyes, staring down at the ocean in awe.

"Thayth here, the water ith so clean, they bathe in it. And get thith, animalth don't attack them!" Rich must've been reading from his traveler's guide, in which he took everywhere.

"Oh that must be awkward, especially when multiple people bathe at once." Christine giggled and all the boys looked away from the middle seat, trying to hold poker faces and failing. "Admit it you gays."

"C-Chris you said guys wrong." Jeremy mumbled and she laughed.

"Did I?" With that, the plane landed and the five exited, only to be met with a weird sticky paint substance.

Jeremy went towards it and stuck his palm in, bring it to his face and examining it.

"Printhe are you inthane!?!?" Rich pulled Jeremy away from the goop, and the prince sighed, watching as his hand was stained with the stuff. "Great, now we gotta get it off."

"What is that?" Christine got next to it after that, Michael staring down at it.

"It...looks like paint." He mumbled and the two looked at each other before Michael spotted something in the distance.

He ran around the giant paint puddle and found a tiny backpack with a hose on it.

"Look at this." He held it up and placed it on his back, pressing a button and feeling the hose activate. Christine was observing it and her eyes widened as she seen a familiar logo.

"I recognize this symbol." She touched it gently, trying to recall the strange design...then she remembered her mansion. The strange character who'd helped her rescue Michael. What was their name again??

She shook is off as Michael pressed another button on the hose and it sprayed water at the paint.

"Well that's convenient." He whispered as he began cleaning the mess up, not taking terribly long. After the pain vanished, the ground rose up and a tiny, medallion like golden sun rose up.

"Thhine Thprite." Rich read out loud as Michael held it in his hands. "It powerth the ithland. But why ith it out here?"

"Found you!" Michael turned around to see two female police officers with strange palm tree hats running over.

He was confused until they put cuffs on him...okay he was even more confused as they began dragging him off.

"H-Hey! What do you think y-you're doing!?" Jeremy yelled and the officers looked at him in annoyance.

"Taking this graffiti loving scum to the slammer for ruining this island." Michael looked at the officer in confusion. He just got here.

"No you're not." Jeremy protested, pulling his crown out of his side bag and placing it on his head. "By roual decree I demand you release him."


"Prince Walnut Jeremiah Madison Heere. And I o-order you to let him go." Jeremy stomped his foot and the officers did as instructed before bowing. Jeremy smiled as he looked down at Michael's wrists. That couldn't have felt good. "Now, explain why y-you tried to imprison my boyfriend."

"Well your highness, some rogue with a paintbrush has vandalized our entire island! He scattered the Shine Sprites and we don't know where they are. We don't know much about his appearance, except that your boyfriend resembles him...or the other way around."

"Somebody's vandalizing the island? Who the heck would do that!? It's beautiful!" Jake yelled and Rich patted his arm and he calmed down.

"You know. I wouldn't be surprised if Squip wasn't behind this." Christine said with an eye roll and Jeremy sighed violently. He'd never get away would he??

"Well we oughta clean this mess up if we wanna vacation here." Michael proclaimed, and Jeremy nodded sadly. "Jere? Why you look so sad?" He asked softly and the prince had his hands in fists.

"I wanted to spend time with you without getting k-kidnapped. Just o-" Jeremy stopped talking as he spotted a blue figure in the distance.

"Jeremy? Where are you going?" The prince seemed entranced by the thing, realizing it looked exactly like Michael the closer he got.

It seen him and aimed a paint brush at him, shooting a ray of orange paint and Jeremy was sucked into some kind of portal.

"Jeremy!!" Michael began looking around in panic, not seeing his boyfriend.

Jeremy reappeared behind the figure, who looked at him with a rather kind smile...surprisingly.

"Don't worry Papa, I got you. That mean man won't take you away again." The stranger painted a large circle and jumped into it, dragging Jeremy behind.

"JEREMY NO!" Michael ran as fast as possible before Jeremy was dragged into the paint like goop, his existence seemingly not existent.

The paint vanished and Michael stared in terror as Jeremy'd just been dragged away.

He fell to his knees and slammed his fists against the ground in anger, ignoring the blood beginning to stain his hands.

"Michael calm down, you're gonna hurt yourself." Christine pulled him up, waiting for him to say something...but he just stared silently.

Then he spoke.

"They called him Papa...."

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