At it Again With the Musical References

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First, I accidentally deleted the last chapter but it was headcanons, second, the day I'm writing this, January 11th, is quite...special, for a musical fan anyways.

And this this story has Christine in it. And boy if I don't love her.

Jeremy and Michael were already at their lunch table, Jeremy leaning on Michael's shoulder lazily, trying not to pass out.

"GUUUUUUUUYS!!! GUESS WHAT TODAY IS! C'MON GUESS!!" Christine ran over, bouncing excitedly. The boys looked at her then back at each other.

"Umm...some kind of anniversary?" Michael guessed and she shook her head.

"D-Did a musical come out on this day?" Jeremy asked.

"You're getting closer...You know what! I'ma just tell you. Today's the birthday of one of the greatest musical protagonists EVER!" She bounced and they glanced at each other again before she unbuttoned her denim jacket to reveal a Hamilton shirt. "ALEX'S BIRTHDAY IS TODAY!!" She squealed loud enough to break glass.

"That's... good?" Jeremy squeaked out.

"It's great! I need you two to meet me after school in the auditorium."

"Why?" Michael raised and eyebrow and she grabbed her jacket.

"That's a surprise Michael. I'll see you guys there!" She skipped off, waving to them.

"Michael is it normal to feel scared in a situation like this?"

"Jeremy I'ma be honest. Normally, no, but in this case...Yes."

(Time skip because I don't wanna WAIT FOR IT. Plus I'm writing this like I'm RUNNING OUT OF TIME because early bed time)

Jeremy and Michael walked into the auditorium to see Christine with the entire Squip Squad.

"Good you're here! Okay, so this is Michael's, this is Jeremy's!" She handed then plastic bags with clothes inside.

"Chris, this is a dress." Michael stated and she nodded excitedly.

"Yes, now go put it on! Jere your outfit isn't a dress but it's very...poofy." She pointed to some ruffled.

The two walked into the room that Jeremy changed in during the last school play and took their clothes off.

"So...I'm wearing a dress." Michael bluntly stated as he held the blue dress out, eyeing it slightly.

"It's your did she get your size?"

"Yeah that's a good question Jere." Michael began putting it on and realized how comfortable it was.

"Wait...Michael...that dress looks very familiar..." Jeremy told him Michael cocked his head to the side. "Michael...I know what it is."

"What is it?" Michael asked and Jeremy looked down at his outfit and a small grin found its way on his face.

"Micha... That's Eliza Schuyler's d-dress...And this is Alexander Hamilton's outfit....Michael...this is..."

"Beautiful?" Michael sang the word as he would if he were singing "Beautiful" from Heathers.

"Yeah." The two finished putting their clothes on and headed to the stage to see the others dressed up as well.

Brooke was wearing a pink dress, similar to Michael's. Jeremy giggled at the fact she was Angelica. Chloe had on a somewhat revealing red dress, hair in her face and bright red lipstick instead of her normal pastel pink.

"Maria Reynolds." Jeremy mumbled.

Jenna was wearing a yellow dress, her hair tied back into a messy bun.

"And Peggy,." Jeremy shouldn't know all this. Michael nudged him and pointed to Rich and Jake.

Jake sported a bright pink, rather fancy, suit, and was holding a shiny cane thing, a pink gemstone on top, and rather long boots. Rich was in a simple little suit, pale blue, darker vest than undershirt.

"Of course they're Jefferson and Madison." Jeremy said and Christine smiled as she seen them.

"There you two are, okay, Michael you know the lyrics to Helpless right?" She asked and he nodded slightly. "Good, Jeremy do you remember Alex's little rap in that song?" Christine asked and Jeremy nodded. "Perfect."

She set them up and had pulled a small table out on to the stage, wine glasses rested on it.

"Okay! We're gonna do Helpless first, then Satisfied. I'm also having you do Cabinet Battle 1 and 2, so Rich and Jake have a reason to be here. Luckily you guys know the lyrics. Oh also I'll be speaking Washington's lines in the Cabinet Battles. You ready?" Christine asked, setting up a tripod and a camera.

Jeremy gulped, hoping this would end well and Michael nodded excitedly.

"Ready....Go!" Christine pressed record and played the intro to Helpless. Michael danced around happily, singing his heart out as he held a fake letter in his hand as if he'd finished reading it.

When the first verse started, Brooke and Jenna were on stage, Brooke dancing and Jenna just pretending to talk to Michael, until he looked in Jeremy's direction, where he was pretending to drink some wine.

Michael grabbed Brooke's arm and whispered to her, and she walked over to Jeremy. Michael fanned himself as if sweating.

Brooke brought Jeremy over to Michael and the small interlude of "Helpless" happened.

By the end of Jeremy's singing(well rapping), he and Michael were dancing together, and at the ending, were holding hands and staring into each other's eyes happily.

The stage went dark(Chloe isn't doing anything so she's doing lights. She only asked Christine for a dress because why not). Christine yelled out Laurens' lines and one spotlight shined towards Brooke, who held a wine bottle up in a toasting motion.

The entirety of the first scene went like this until she began conversing with Jeremy, but as soon as she mentioned her "sister" Michael twirled on stage, eyes lovestruck as he stared at Jeremy and sung the "Helpless" reprise.

After that song was finished, they stopped filming. Christine moved a podium to the middle of the stage, two tables on each side, and wooden chairs right next to it. She had Jenna man camera as she stood on the podium.

Jeremy stood on one side, in a different outfit now, Michael was by him, also in a different outfit, that wasn't a dress. He'd also taken his glasses off, trading them for contacts.

Rich and Jake were on the other side, staring intently at Jeremy.

Christine gave Jenna the okay to start and she began speaking Washington's part. She could get her voice low if that says anything.

The rapping was hard for Jeremy but he managed until the end.

Nothing to interested happening, except for the occasional table slam or aggressive hand gestures being flailed around(Jeremy almost slapped Michael twice.)

When done with everything, Christine smiled rewatching it.

"Helpless was my favorite thing you guys did. Michael made a good Eliza." Brooke said, trying to look at the video.

"Did you hear my rap skills!? That was bomb." Jake crossed his arms and smiled, hair falling in his face.

"You bet your ballth it wath!" Rich grabbed Jake's collar and brought him down for a kiss.

Michael rolled his eyes and got closer to Jeremy, who was so trying to watch the video. He wrapped his arms around Jeremy's waist and brought him in, kissing him, and both smiled into the kiss.

When the released, Michael's smile was gently, and his eyes stared into Jeremy's.

"I've been helpless for you since I fell for you."

"And ever since you came into my life, it's been so much better."

"And now you're both satisfied!!" Christine giggled and the two glanced at her and giggled back.

They were a musical trash at this point, just like me, the omniscient author writing this story.

So yeah today is Alex's birthday. Also my math teacher(her last name is Dean I just realized that)who really like musicals gave me and my friend boxisawesome parts of her Hamilton calendar from 2017 and I looked at January and died of happiness because today was Ham's bday. The 22nd is Phillip's

I could legit see Christine doing this can't y'all!?

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