Awkward Servings

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My friend was talking about Servants and stuff and this idea happened.

"Okay Michael calm down you're just serving dinner for...for the prince...on his birthday...Okay you can't calm down this is a big freaking deal!" Michael made incoherent squeals as he tried breathing steadily. He couldn't screw this up.

If he did he'd get fired. He was personally serving the prince. The prince he had a thing for. The prince named none other than Jeremiah Heere.

Michael had only served food to guests. He had to compose himself as he thought about it again. And again. And again. Okay he was not composed in the slightest.

"Michael are you coming? The Prince is ready for his dinner." Christine, Jeremiah's personal maid, knocked on his door and he turned around quickly.

"G-Give me one second Christine." Michael called as he tried to recompose himself the best he could.

He opened the door and Christine was there with a rolling tray, snacks on both trays.

"Okay just take the cake and give it to Jeremy. Oh and there's a princess from another kingdom visiting...Brooke I believe. She's blonde. Serve her too." Christine told him and he nodded hesitantly before making his way to the dining room.

Jeremy was bored out of his mind. This party was boring as all life. Granted they always were. He always meet some new princess every single time and none he liked.

Brooke was...nice. She was rambling about yogurt and being a princess, nobody shut her up. Jeremy's boredom lasted until the dining room doors opened and a servant walked in.

Boy, Jeremy's thoughts began to swirl, he's cute for a servant. Has he always worked here? Because I feel bad for not seeing him if he has.

The servant sat a small cake in front of Jeremy while he was spaced out. He finally noticed the cake and looked up at the boy.

"Here's a c-cake for you umm...birthday Your Highness." The see bowed and Jeremy grabbed his hand before he could leave.

"Thank you. What's your name?" He asked and the boy's face seemed to glow red.


"Well, Michael, after the party can you come to my room?"

"Of c-course Your Highness." He bowed again before quickly dashing off. Jeremy had been enthralled by him.

Michael, he thought pleasently, how come I've never seen him before?

After the dinner, Michael was waiting outside of Jeremy's room in a crushing daze. Prince Jeremy spoke to him. He actually spoke to him! This had to be a dream.

"Michael, you actually came." He turned around to see Jeremy standing behind him, and his face turned blood red.

"O-Of course Your H-Highness." Michael bowed and heard Jeremy giggle. "W-Why are you laughing Sir?"

"Don't bother with the silly Your Highness nonsense. You can just call me Jeremy if you like."

"Of course You- Jeremy." Michael's lips curled at the sound of the name from his voice.

"Okay so c'mon in. My room is a safe place I promise." Jeremy let Michael in and the two were covered in an awkward silence

"Why did you call me in here?" Michael asked, fiddling with his tie and Jeremy grabbed his hands and pulled them towards himself.

"Well I've never seen you before. Why is that?"

"I-I only serve for guests. This is the first...umm...time I'm serving you..." Michael mumbled and Jeremy smiled.

" would you like to be my personal servant? I know Christine is probably tired of being my maid. Considering she's engaged to somebody and is planning on leaving the castle..."

"M-Me!? B-But...But why me?" Michael asked sheepishly an  Jeremy giggled a bit at it.

"Well I think you're kind of...cute...but my mother would never allow me to talk to a servant that isn't personally least not one reserved for guests...and well...yeah."

"C-Cute!?!?" Michael had to he dreaming. Jeremy just said he was cute. Cute!

"Mmhm." Jeremy nodded simply and Michael could've died. The smile on the Prince's face was beautiful.

"Me? Cute?"

"Yeah." Jeremy seemed lost in Michael's eyes and the servant turned blood red when he realized this.

"Umm...Your Highness...I mean umm...Jeremy? You're zoning o-out..." Michael said and Jeremy shook his head and blinked a few times before coming back to reality.

"Sorry...You just...your eyes are prettier than any Princesses' eyes. Every person my parents want me to marry combined could never match your beauty." Jeremy's blue eyes seemed to glow as he spoke and Michael smiled.

"O-Okay...and to answer your question. I'd love to be your personal servant..." Michael whispered and Jeremy hugged him tightly.

"Thank you. You're not going to be just a servant though. We're going to know each other well after this because personal." Jeremy muttered and Michael brought up the courage to lightly kiss his nose.

Jeremy almost died of cuteness as Michael pushed away and covered his face. Within seconds both boys were giggling together, faces red with joy.

Okay I got bored halfway through tbh bc I started this at school

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