I Woke Up Like This

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No intro let's just get into this!!

Jeremy opened his eyes gently and smiled. Today was gonna be great. He was going on a date with Michael and it was to a gaming convention! How awesome was that.

He sat up and stretched, feeling unusually heavy in his upper torso. He shrugged it off and got out of bed, grabbing the clothes he'd sat out for the day.

They were on a chair, and aside from his normal attire there was...a bra? Okay that's weird, maybe Christine left it over there when she got stuck at his house.

He walked over to the mirror and his eyes widened.

His scream was much more ear piercing than usual.

"Jamie what's wrong? I heard screaming!" A woman with short brown hair ran into the room and Jeremy felt his face flush.

This was not his mother he knew that. So who was it?

"Jamie, sweetie, are you okay?"


"Don't forget you have a double date with Mikayla and your friends tonight."

"Mikayla!? Who the heck was that!?"

"Also put your bra on please. You're not leaving with your saggy boobs."

Jeremy looked at the bra and sighed.

Okay...so...he was a girl now.


Jamie heard the alarm go off and smacked it. Her date with Mikayla was today and she NEEDED sleep or she would look like crap.

Not that she didn't always look like crap.

She still realized she needed to get up and decided to stop procrastinating.

She went to flip her hair out of her face but realized it was much shorter than usual.

"Weird...did I get drunk last night and cut it? Maybe...I dunno and I don't care." She thought, getting out of bed and searching for her bra.

"Where are you?" She mumbled and yelled downstairs. "MA MY BRA IS MISSING!!" She yelled and the door wasn't opened by her mother, but rather a man with no hair and a rather large beard.

"Jeremy your mom left, and you don't wear a bra." The man said and Jamie felt like her personal space was being intruded.

"Wait...who is Jeremy!?"

"No...Dad left. And I DO wear a bra. And my name is Jamie, not Jeremy."

"Son are you high? Did you hang out with Michael last night?"

"WHO THE HECK IS MICHAEL?" Jamie yelled and the man started laughing

"This is a real nice prank son but you can't fool me. I see you kiss Michael all the time."

"I kissed a boy!? But what about Mikayla!!?"

"Okay son go back to sleep you're high. As for me, I've got a date with Heidi." He said, closing the door and Jamie seemed bewildered.

Did her life just genderbend or was she high? Maybe this was a dream and she was still passed out in Mikayla's basement.

She heard a phone go off and picked it up.

Called ID: Riend<3

"Finally something normal." She said and answered the phone.

"Hi babe!" She said cheerfully and the voice was NOT who she expected.

"Hey Jere-Bear. You ready for our double date with Rich and Jake tonight?"

Jamie realized she wasn't high. She wasn't dreaming...She was a boy and it was honestly the scariest thing she'd ever experienced.

(Meanwhile, again)

Jeremy(or Jamie to the people around him. I'll still say Jeremy though)hated being female. The bra was extremely itchy, the boobs sweaty, and his hair was too long.

He had changed when the doorbell rang.

"Jamie Mikayla's here early!" Jeremy's...well Jamie's mom yelled and Jeremy put shoes on and walked downstairs.

At the door stood a girl taller than Jeremy no matter if he was male or female. She had a short black ponytail and a red hoodie. On her hoodie was a lesbian pride patch as well as the flags for the Philippines and Ecuador, a heart patch, a Nintendo patch, a Pacman patch, a matching Inky patch, and a small polar bear patch.

"Hi Jamie! You ready for our date! I decided to pick you up early to stop by Sev/Elev!" She said, cheerfully kissing Jeremy's cheek.

"Okay, she's just Michael...so just act like you're with Michael."

"You bet I'm ready! W-Where we goin' after?" So far so good.

"The ARCADE! Then we'll hit up the gaming convention where we meet up with Jackie and Ria." She said, grabbing Jeremy's hand and pulling him outside to the red PT Cruiser.

Yep. She was Michael indeed. Ria must be Rich then, and Jackie is Jake. Okay that makes sense.

Jeremy could do this...but how would he get back home? That's what he needed to know.

(Another meanwhile again)

Jamie sighed as this boy rambled on and on about some dudes named Rich and Jake. All she knew is that this boy was Michael.

"Okay, well I need to get ready so I'll see ya when you come over." Jamie said, hating every bit of this.

"Bye. Mahal Kita." He said and Jamie froze, what did Mikayla say the reply to that was again?

Oh right.

"Mahal din Kita." Jamie said and the call ended. Why was this so hard? Maybe because it wasn't Mikayla?

Jamie realized something strange while changing clothes.

If she was in this Jeremy's body...was he in her body...on her date...with Mikayla.

Oh he is so dead!

This should be...interesting. note, Michael and Mikayla have no clue what's going on and aren't swapped themselves.

Also Paul x Heidi/Paula x Henry is totally canon to this story, which means DEH cameos!!

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