Jeremy...I Love You

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I blame the new "The Play" animatic by Atlas of Galaxies for this because the pining Michael was strong...and it hurt.

So I decided to write this.



"B3C4U$3 TH3N Y0U'LL N3V3R B3 W1TH H3R!! The Squip forced Jeremy's head towards the spotlight, in which Christine was standing in.

She walk towards him and he felt his face flush red.

"You are the person I want to be with every day." His heart skipped a beat it seemed. "And this is something that I've been afraid to say."

"T-That is NOT Christine."

"1 4$$UR3 Y0U, 1T 1$, 3XC3PT H3R F34R$ 4ND 1NS3CUR1T13$ H4V3 B33N R3M0V3D." The Squip put its hand on Jeremy's shoulder, motioning towards Christine.

"You're the guy I am so kind of into. The guy I am totally into, this feeling is new-" Right when she was in front of him, he heard soft sobbing from behind her.

He looked back for a second to see Michael being held down by Jake, tears staining his soft, caramel colored skin.

"Jeremy, I love you." Christine held the note out and Jeremy realized how close their lips were...but he couldn't.

She wasn't Christine. She wasn't real. But what Jeremy did know was real was that his best friend had said those same four words.

Jeremy walked apast Christine, and she turned to look at him, some pain in her eyes, until she felt a jolt of electricity in her body.

Jeremy approached Michael and Jake, and got on his knees. Michael didn't noticed until he felt a hand life his chin up.

"Is it true?" Jeremy asked and Michael froze, face growing red.


"That...That you love me? Is that true?" Jeremy repeated softly and Michael nodded in shame, more tests falling from his beautiful eyes.

Jeremy knew this was real. There was no Squip involved in this. This feeling was new. Jeremy had never felt like this before, and he wanted to know why it happened.

He moved his body closer to Michael, their faces inches apart.

"J-Jeremy what are y-" Michael felt the most amazing sensation on his lips as Jeremy kissed him.

Their lips gently pressed together as if like puzzle pieces...and Michael quickly fell into it. Jeremy moved his hand from Michael's chin to his cheek and slightly turned his head, leaning closer into it.

The Squip shocked Jeremy as fast as possible, causing him to fall over and hold his stomach tightly. Michael realized the Mountain Dew Red was gonna spill if he didn't grab it, so he quickly turned it with his foot.

"Jeremy...You gotta drink this...Now." Michael pleaded and Jeremy nodded, slowly turning his body until he could grab the drink.

He sat up as best he could and let the liquid flow down his throat, the cold, burning sensation calming him for a second.

"J3R3MY TH1NK 4B0UT WH4T Y0U'R3 D01-" Screaming.

Everybody began screaming. Michael felt Jake release him, and as he did, he passed out.

Jeremy was still awake, eyes becoming never ending streams of tears as he clutched his head and yelled.

Michael moved towards him, picking him up gently and holding him close, the screaming becoming louder and louder until it was deadly silent.

Michael looked around, everybody was passed out.

"Jeremy?" Michael tapped Jeremy's cheek. No response. "J-Jeremy?" Still no response.

Michael slowly began crying again, eventually sobbing as he held Jeremy close and repeated his name.

The Squip did the same thing in Jeremy's head.

Neither of them could get his attention it seemed.

Michael was processing what just happened.

Jeremy Heere kissed him...He didn't kiss Jeremy. Jeremy kissed him. Willingly...Why?


Jeremy woke up in a bright room, quickly realizing it was the hospital.

"Jeremy!!" He heard a voice he immediately recognized and turned his neck to see Michael running over to him. "Oh my God Jeremy...I...I... You're okay!!" Michael hugged him tightly, nuzzling into his neck.

"Michael...I owe you an apology now...and I'm sorry for what I did and..and...well...I think I love you. I've...never felt like this before...this feeling is...amazing."

"Do you feel tingly you could burst. But you're nervous as well and wanna curl up into a hoodie in the corner and cry?"

"Kinda...more of that first one though."

"Then you're feeling love. You're feeling what I feel for you every day." Michael unwrapped his arms from around Jeremy and held his hands, staring into his beautiful blue eyes, getting lost in their seemingly endless aura.

"Well...I like it...It feels....nice..." Jeremy began staring back, losing himself in Michael's chocolate colored eyes, wanting to look into them forever.

They got closer before their foreheads touched, and Jeremy giggled a bit at it. Michael did too.

"I love you Jeremy..." Michael mumbled happily and Jeremy smiled.

"I love you too Michael...More than I loved Christine." Jeremy told him and Michael felt true joy at those words.

On the other side of the curtain, unseen to them, a little blonde boy with a lisp was shipping them furiously.

It was Rich.

Yeah fluff. Short unasked for but highly needed fluff.

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