Mistakes were Made

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An angst chapter, yay am I right, and two days before the holidays get heere. I guess you guys need something to read so me even updating this and ignoring my cold and crave to draw is your present. Just a present. It doesn't even need to be Christmas it's just a gift from me to you awesome people..I'm rambling let's get into this!

This was a mistake. Michael looked down at his shaking hands and could feel his breath quicken. Why did he do this? What made him do this? He didn't care anymore he just wanted the pain to go away. He didn't even acknowledge that he was being spoken to until he heard his name, and even then he didn't look up, the pain too much to ignore.

"Michael Mell. Welcome to your Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor," Michael looked up and knew what came next, so as soon as it said "Your Squip," Michael said "my Squip." weakly.

He didn't know who he expected the Squip to look like but now it honestly made sense. It looked like Jeremy, the new Jeremy, specifically in the same outfit he wore at Jake's Halloween party. The two stared at each other, Michael trying to stand up but barely even managing to sit.

"You seem much weaker than most humans. You also appear out of shape."  The Squip was blunt, too blunt and too straight forward.

"T-Thanks for pointing out the obvious." Michael rolled his eyes at the Squip. The fact it looked like Jeremy only made this all worse. 

"I advise you to start exercising, as well as eating less junk food and actually eating something that can help your body."

"You aren't my mom. You're a computer in my head I got so my friend would like me again. So you might wanna, I dunno, do your job." Michael deadpanned, receiving another rush of pain, but this time it went through his arm instead of his head. He examined his arm and seen markings that looked like unfinished circuits. "What was that for!?"

"You were essentially disobeying me. Now, do as I said and do some push ups. I say you should do at least 20 every morning, and jog your way to school. Maybe if you get into shape we can find a way to make you seem at least somewhat attractive to Jeremy."

"I don't wanna be attractive to him, I just want him to see that I exist." Michael said and he received another shock.

"Floor. Push ups. Now." The last phrase sounded sort of demonic, it honestly scared Michael to hear the voice of his long time crush being so mean to him. Especially since said crush had also been his only friend for 12 years which was majority of his life, only five years not spent together.

To avoid yet another shock, Michael re-positioned himself from a criss-cross position to a push up position. He began doing said push ups, being shocked every time he failed, which was a lot.

By the time he was finished, he was laying on the floor as if he'd just ran around the entire world, breathing heavily and looking up at his Squip.

"Now you have to do that every morning. Lucky for you it's basically your bed time, which means get your pajamas on and get in your bed. Sleep is essential to be attractive, which means you should probably take your sleeping medication."

"But what if Jeremy....Jeremy calls me...and I don't know?" Michael asked, trying to stand up and failing horribly.

"Do you really think he'll call you? He called you a loser at the biggest party of your school year. You will have to step up your game if you want him to even remotely talk to you."

"F-Fine...I can't get up."

"You are extremely weak, you know that?"

"Yeah I know that can you like, help me?" With that Michael lost control of his body and basically watched as the Squip preformed his going to bed routine for him. Well the only difference was that it made Michael take his medicine, which he never did.

"Now. Get your sleep, you're going to need it. Trust me." Michael looked at the Squip with distaste in his expression before turning his back towards it and closing his eyes. He could feel it staring at him but figured if he said anything he would be shocked. "You're correct, it is best to remain silent. Pretend like I'm not here."

"That's hard when I hear your static buzzing in my head."

"You are being unreasonable. Just close your eyes and go to bed, the medicine is kicking into your b0dy. 1 c4n 4lr34dy t3ll 1t'$ t4k1ing 3ff3ct." Michael cringed at the sounds it made when talking. 

It eventually shut off and Michael smiled pleasantly, throwing the covers over himself and closing his eyes. He wasn't happy at all though, he was just glad it had shut up. Maybe he could actually get Jeremy back, not that he cared about his physical appearance, but if he had to go through with this to get Jeremy he would.

He would do anything just to get Jeremy back.

(Now for a meanwhile. Btw this actually takes place about a week before the play and two days after the party so things timeline wise are different but in the same order)

Jeremy paced around his room, staring down at the spam texts he'd gotten about two days ago.

"Why didn't you tell me he texted me?" Jeremy shot a glare at the digitized Keanu Reeves standing in the corner.

"Because he has no significance to your goal. As I said before, Michael was and still is a link to Jeremy 1.0 and unless you want to revert back into that, which I will not allow after your progress, you can not have contact with him. Now put the phone down and go to bed."

"No. I'm sorry but I screwed up and I can't even...Uggh why is this so hard. Look I shouldn't need to explain to you my thoughts you're in my head."

"That is correct. And what you are feeling right now may not entirely be obvious to you from what it seems."

"What?" Jeremy raised an eyebrow. The Squip walked over to him and placed its hand on his heart.

"Jeremy, you do not just have one love interest anymore. There's somebody else. And I think you know who it is."

"Umm...the first is Christine...but if you're implying that what happened with Chloe was actually something I enjoyed then-"

"Not Chloe. Not Brooke. Not any female. It's a male Jeremy. You're bisexual."

"Wait I am?"

"Yes. You appear to have a crush on another male and right now said target male is semi accessible."

"Mind telling me who target male is."


Jeremy froze at the thought. Did he actually like Michael? Yeah sure he thought Michael was fun, sweet, smart, kind of cute, more like really hot...okay yeah he did.

"B-But he probably h-hates me." Jeremy muttered, leaning his head down. The Squip lifted his chin with its somewhat long fingers.

"I said he was semi accessible. Unlike Christine, there is a chance you could achieve this goal but you would have to give up your popularity. Would you be willing to downgrade?"

"Well at this p-point there's no fixing me. And if being cool means I'm gonna hurt others than...downgrade it is." Jeremy put his hand out to shake the Squip's but stopped for a second. "W-Wait does this hurt you?"

"I am a Super Computer. I can not feel pain. I am only doing this to help you."

"O-Okay then. Downgrade please." With that Jeremy seemed to feel more control over his body than he had for a while. He looked back at the Squip who was no longer in its shiny trench coat, but just its circuit pattern shirt and the black jacket from its initial appearance.

"Okay, if you actually want this to work I would suggest getting some sleep and we can start tomorrow. Sleep is still required whether you wish to be popular or not."

"Okay.  Thanks I guess." Jeremy mumbled, smiling at the Squip which is something he hadn't done, except when he had noticed it looked like Keanu Reeves but that was it.

He changed into his pajamas and crawled into the bed, not even caring that the Squip was the one who pulled the covers up on him.

"Good night Slugger. You've got quite a day tomorrow."

"G'night Squip." Jeremy yawned out before closing his eyes and eventually passing out, the Squip shut off as he did so.

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